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Search results for query: *

  1. J

    PA or NJ

    I originally had plans this year to breed my two snakes, BUT i have had some issues with the "male"? Him actually being a male, but that's another thread I have. I noticed when I originally placed those two together my female wanted it, but he didn't. What I am asking is if there is anyone in...
  2. J

    Breeding attempt

    Today i tryed breeding my amel and bloodred cornsnakes today. It was both of their first times, but they were deffinantly ready. My girl is about 3/4 years old, and a big girl, and the male was 3 years old too... Now when i put them in the same tank today, the girl (amel) was all about this...
  3. J


    http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=33407851 I thought it was very interesting.... Now us snake owners can have our own spa:rofl:
  4. J

    Anyone living in or around P.A??

    My dad and I haven't totally agreed to this yet, but does anyone that live around or near P.A, have a male that can be breed? Again my dad and I haven't totally came to a conclusion yet, but does anyone have a male that can be breed? I have a nice female amel, ready to be breed. A male that...
  5. J

    This may be redundant?

    I had a great idea for a movie me and my friends can make, and it's your idea. You can get creative about this, we're just a bunch of kids that want to make a movie. Our genre is comedy but if you can think of a good "other" kind of genre idea cool! It can also link to a PREqual or SEqual to one...
  6. J

    Also My blood.

    Now for Mike, blood, and wieghing in at only 90G. He is 2ft long too, yes we are bulking him up. Before... After.. Sorry there are so many, I just rarely take pictures of them
  7. J


    Well here are some of my pictures i finally got up. a little before and after. Duffy 4 months about... ago. Her next to the same water bowl later. Can't really see all of her. Now just some duffy, wieghed in last night at 305G and 3 ft 1 inch long. Yup, this is me
  8. J


    Hey all, I just found out when I tryed going into the chatroom that... well there is no chatroom. What happened? Is this just my computer? Is it down temporarily? Is it down for good? If anyone knows can someone post please. Or this is just my computer.... Anyway thanks in advance.
  9. J

    Want to Help not so needy kids

    My friends and I make some pretty funny videos, I'm trying to help get us some publicity. I am aware not to advertise for my website, well this isn't MY website. A Moditor can delete this if they think other wise. Check out our videos at www.youtube.com/ohdearfilms Comment them, view them, show...
  10. J


    We just measured our snakes today and my 2 and a half year old duffy is measured in at 3ft. 2(female). While my year and a half old Mikey(the male) measured in at 2ft. 1. Duffy is pretty bulky but mike is still kind of skinny. Do you think they'll be ready for the next breading season? I'll try...
  11. J


    I've been thinking about getting a scale to start measuring my snakes. Since they are about to come to that time. I was looking at this one http://cgi.ebay.com/7000-X-1-GRAMS-15-15-LB-DIGITAL-KITCHEN-FOOD-SCALE_W0QQitemZ320171665338QQihZ011QQcategoryZ50419QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem...
  12. J

    My videos

    Sorry if this is a bit random but I've been on a posting roll, and guess I'm coming back to these forums for a while. Since I'm back I want to share my friends and I's Videos. You can find them at www.youtube.com/ohdearfilms . I think they're pretty funny but then again I'm in them. Hope you...
  13. J


    I am in the prosess of building a new cage for my snakes. This will require mulch substance. I have a simple question, how do I clean the mulch substance. (I know the good brands and what not to use just so you all know) Thanks.
  14. J

    our youtube

    Hey all, I know I've poped in and out of here. Please check out some of my friends (including I) videos. They're pretty funny too, please comment rate, view, share. Thanks http://www.youtube.com/ohdearfilms That's the link. please comment here if you have any questions.
  15. J

    Poped a Question

    Ha Ha, got you to look and it's not what you think. We were at Pets Plus getting the usual, and my dad brought up something(that we were discussing before) to the guy who owns it. "This one(pointing to me) has future breeding plans for his cornsnakes. Would you guys be able to buy them?"...
  16. J

    Not gone yet

    Well you haven't gotten rid of me yet. I just got back from vacation and done all makeup work (got stacked). SO no you guys haven't seen the last of me. Looking to catch up with the review. On a side note, there was a post long time ago (well b4 I left) of what animal is in this pic. There...
  17. J

    Happy Birthday Dave.

    Sorry I don't have any cool pics of a snake cake to show you, but Happy Birthday anyways.
  18. J


    Anyone here live by Eastern PA that could use help, or something along those lines. I know there are a lot of breeders that can use an extra hand. I too want some more experience with the breeding stuff too. I'm not really expecting lots of responses, I'm kind of just throwing this stuff out there.
  19. J

    This one

    Ok look at this one, I got the pool down. Same question Hatchlings, Juviniles, or Adults?
  20. J


    Alright, I looked up the genetics stuff and it's all confusing. I have a personal question for you, snake fan who is reading this. I have a blood (unknown hets) what do you think (in your opinion) would be the coolest morph to breed him with. What would have the coolest/exotic result? Thanks...