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  1. Michael823

    Happy 1.0 Day!!!

    I don't frequent CS.com as often as I used to - or should. But I know there's a lot of great men on here, many of whom are great fathers. It takes a real gift to be a strong male-figure, whether you're a biological father or not, and I salute you all. Happy Father's Day!!!
  2. Michael823

    Allow me to reintroduce myself...

    My name is Michael (823), and I have not been on the forum in a while (or online in general). This, I suppose, is for those who may still remember me.. I've really missed the lively discussions, sharing of education and information, etc.. but I decided to cut loose with online social...
  3. Michael823

    Updates on my Walter pickups from the fall.

    Well, it's been a little while since I updated photos of these guys, my 1.1 pair (male Sunkissed Bloodred p/h Caramel, and female Caramel Bloodred het Sunkissed) that I got from Walter several months ago. And, in fact, I don't even believe that I had taken photos of my Caramel Bloodred when I...
  4. Michael823

    Granite Baby updates!

    Hey everyone, It's been a little while since I've been on the site, and I figured I was overdue for some updates. I'll try and be better about posting under one thread, so I'll make this my official update thread from now on. And I'll try to get some better photos of these guys up soon as...
  5. Michael823

    Had to!

    Hey everyone, I just shot some photos of one of my new additions last night, and thought I'd share. He's a Sunkissed Bloodred 66% het Caramel, 50% het Amel, that I purchased as part of a pair from Walter Smith (the other a Caramel Blood female, het SK). Usually I look at the classifieds ads...
  6. Michael823

    Granite baby!

    Here's a quick update on one of my Granite babies. I can't seem to get them to stay still for the life of me on their own, so next time I'll have to try the 'setting a hide over them' method to settle them down. Anyways, here's one.. for now. I'll try to get some updated photos of the...
  7. Michael823

    Baby Granite post-shed!

    The largest baby out of my Granite clutch has just shed for his/her second time. He/she's got quite a bit of patterning on it's sides, which I think looks pretty cool. I'm really excited for the others to shed, so I can get some photos of the ones with clean sides for contrast. Anyways...
  8. Michael823

    Granite hatchlings.

    Hey everyone, I had posted a thread under genetics about my interesting granite clutch, and have finally gotten around to getting 'some' pictures. The pairing was between a Granite (unknown hets) x Ghost Blood. I love them both as is, so I was looking forward to any range of appearances...
  9. Michael823

    White sided Granite vs Pied Side Granite?

    Hey everyone, Just curious if anyone with direct knowledge of the two can clarify what is exactly referenced when describing the two (separately). I understand what pied is, and I think I have a clue what differentiates it from 'white sided' (one is separated by diffusion that appears white...
  10. Michael823

    Woma thread 2012!

    Took these photos earlier this afternoon. The weather was finally feeling warm enough to let my Woma Python enjoy the sunshine. Loved the shadow of the tongue in this photo. The last two photos really reflect his personality. He's very sweet, and he seems much more curious and engaging...
  11. Michael823

    Blood Red: Just shed.

    Well, the title says it all. Been meaning to get some updated photos of him taken, and what better time than with a fresh shed. *photos aren't great, didn't have much time to take photos of him* *Better photos to come later*
  12. Michael823

    Some of my recent artwork!

    Hey guys, Here's' some of my artwork that I've been working on the past month or so. I finally have a CPU again, as well as a hand-me-down scanner from a family friend. So I figured it would be a good idea to copy some of what I've been doing just to have the images saved, and thought I'd share...
  13. Michael823

    Butter Motley: Outdoors

    Hey everyone, I took my Butter Motley out today for some photos. I was handling him for a little bit outside, and my brother really wanted to take some pictures... so these are actually his photos. He's getting to be a pretty big boy, and he seems to be growing faster than most of my other...
  14. Michael823

    Blood Red outside!

    Hey everybody, Just posting some updated pics of my Blood Red. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for looking!
  15. Michael823

    Ultramel finally laid!

    Well, I know I'm later than most people who have already had pips, but my Ultramel laid her clutch today. It's from a Ultramel (het Caramel, 66% het Motley) x Butter Motley, so I'm hoping that the het Motley proves out. She laid 12 eggs sometime early this morning, of which 3 are definitely...
  16. Michael823

    GBK & JCP: Outdoors!

    Took both of these guys out today for some fun in the sun (separately of course). Hope you enjoy!!! As I was photographing my JCP, I happened across a four-leafed clover... lucky as it was, I noticed another one right behind it.
  17. Michael823

    Reverse Okeetee: Outdoor Photoshoot!

    Hey again, Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day, unlike today, so I took advantage of it by taking out my Reverse Okeetee. The sun was a little too bright, which washed out a lot of my photos, so I had to make a little perch for her where there was some shade. As you might be able to tell, I...
  18. Michael823

    Plasma: Indoor photoshoot!

    Hey guys, Been a while since I've posted any Corn Snake photos, so I figured that I'd put some up of my Plasma (Lavender/Bloodred). It's wet and rainy out today, so I had to settle with photographing him inside. Hope you enjoy!
  19. Michael823

    Wild caught animals...

    ... I try not to post threads that don't directly involve me, or that are too rant-ish, but this is something that's been eating at me lately. I come across ads everyday of people in the reptile community (mostly on Kingsnake.com) who post for sale ads, by the dozens, of animals that have been...
  20. Michael823

    Woma Python: Spring time photo shoot!

    Enjoy :)!