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Search results for query: *

  1. snakemanone

    black light

    hi all,its been a while since i been on,can anyone help me out,i need info on black lights,what is its benefit ect ect
  2. snakemanone

    blah blah blah

  3. snakemanone


    from my 15 eggs that hatched 7 days ago i have 5 of these.......................
  4. snakemanone

    when to feed hacthlings

    i have been looking through the cornsnake manual but cant seem to find the info i need,i had 15 eggs hatch this time last week and they have all shed ,last one was this-afternoon,my question is this,when should i offer the first meal?
  5. snakemanone

    perfect head

    from my 15 hatchlings i have 10 normals het amel and 5 of these.....................
  6. snakemanone


    i know i ask this b4 in a round about way,could anyone explane to me what i might get if i put a mormal het amel male to a snow female hets unknown as thi pairing has given me 13 eggs and they are all doing great and due to pip in about 3 weeks...
  7. snakemanone


    Hi all. My normal female laid 15 eggs and saturday they started pipping,well by sunday evening they ALL hatched, now i have a question, i know my female is normal (no hets) the male is visually normal,as i have 5 amels in this clutch does it mean that the male is het amel?. I...
  8. snakemanone


    It seems like a lifetime ago when my normal female laid 18 eggs,well tonight they started pipping (about 9 so far) with at least one an amel yippeeeeeeeeee. steve
  9. snakemanone


    Here's a funny story. I thought that i would place an advert in my local free ad newspaper stateing that if anyone had any pet mice that they wanted rid off to call me, and i left my number. The advert came out 2 weeks ago and i only received 1 call, it was...
  10. snakemanone

    grapefruit extract

    i just picked this up at my local health shop and i was wondering if its the right stuff and if so what dosages are safe.
  11. snakemanone


    My snow layed today (13) all good, that makes 28 from 2 females, i wont be double cluching them as i have come to the conclusion that by being greedy i invite heartache. GOOD LUCK to you all.................STEVE
  12. snakemanone


    I have a young amel, Well the thing is,about 3/4 months ago a moved up from pinkies to fuzzies, well i had some rat pups delivered today (or so i thought), they turned out to be rat fuzzies i think as they are the same size as medium adult mice...
  13. snakemanone


    Listen i dont want to tread on anyones toes,but iwas wondering,i have a site in the uk and have a chat room i was wondering if you woulnd'nt mind ,maybe i could advertise it on here, i will totally understand if you say no...
  14. snakemanone

    second clutch

    hi all. I was wondering, my female laid on the 24/4/03 she is now in the blue eyed stage of ecdysis,would it be ok to re-introduce her to my male after she has shed and maybe get another clutch of eggs, she is well over 4 feet long and still looks heavy,she is healthy and active...
  15. snakemanone


    I KNOW I AM WORRYING About nothing but i am looking for reasurance i bought a prob thermometer so that i can keep a good check on egg temp, the thing is i just counted the eggs (15+1 slug)the moss felt quite cold to me but the thermometer reading...
  16. snakemanone


    MY FEMALE layed sometime today,i checked her last night she had not layed, tonight i checked and i found eggs,i did not count them properly as she is still coiled around them and i am unsure as to weather she has finished but it looks like about 10/15 eggs all look good dry and...
  17. snakemanone


    HI ALL. Last year i made an incubator out of poltstyrene box using the water and fishtank heater theory,this year i have revamped the idea as follows...........
  18. snakemanone


    HI ALL. I was wondering,do snakes hear each other, the reason i ask this is because i have a three teir cage system with a normal female in the bottom cage,a normal male in the middle cage and a snow female in the top cage, well the thing is i placed the snow in with the normal male to...
  19. snakemanone


    I have noticed that my adult female snow smells, i clean the cage regular and feed her the same as my other adults but they dont smell. Its not regurge or loose stools, she feeds well,has fresh water every other day,the cage gets a thorough clean every...
  20. snakemanone


    I HAVE AN AMEL unsexed about 10 month old,in a couple of years i intend to breed it,as i have an adult female snow, what am i to expect from them should the amel turn out to be male,JUST CURIOUS as it sounds quite a nice pairing,snow and amel. thanks in...