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Search results for query: *

  1. kenalotia

    My funny snake

    I haven't posted here in years, but I wanted to share my funny snake story with people who get it. :-) This evening I noticed one of my snakes was starting to shed, so I left him alone for awhile to finish. I came back later and found that the job was done, but his skin had broken into three...
  2. kenalotia

    '02 hypo bloodred

    Here's my most recent photo of Bonnie, my yearling hypo bloodred from Serpenco. :) My photography skills leave something to be desired, but it's a decent picture.
  3. kenalotia

    me & Bonnie

    I know you can't see Bonnie all that closely in this pic, but I thought maybe people would enjoy it anyway... Bonnie decided to be a belt for this one, although she's still a little small. :D She's actually a bit bigger than she looks here, though; she's really about 2 feet.
  4. kenalotia

    hypo bloodred

    I just wanted to give everyone some new pictures of Bonnie, since I haven't posted any in ages. She shed today, and I snapped a few pictures of her. :)
  5. kenalotia

    Single male corn seeking...

    Single male anery corn, over 4 ft. long, desperately seeking adult female. Color/race unimportant. Preferably over 3 ft. long. Let's make babies!
  6. kenalotia

    Feeding after brumation

    Okay, I know that most people offer their snakes a smaller meal than usual for their first feeding after brumation. My question is, how much smaller? Frank normally eats weaned rats. Do you think I should try to offer him maybe a small adult mouse instead this time? Thanks. :)
  7. kenalotia

    breeding season behavior already?

    My adult male is acting like it's time to start breeding. He's been very active the last week, and he's skipped his last couple feedings. I know this is pretty typical for males, but does it seem really early for this behavior to anyone else?
  8. kenalotia

    Bonnie, hypo bloodred

    I don't believe that I've posted a picture of Bonnie here yet. She's a hypo blood from Rich. This pic is a little over two months old now, and she's grown since then... but I'm not a very good photographer, so this'll have to do! :rolleyes: <img...
  9. kenalotia

    What is this??

    Frank has this strange black bump on his tail. It's just on the other side of his vent. You can see the one individual scale sticking up, and maybe two others are black too, but not sticking up. It's been there some time now, and it doesn't seem to bother him. The people I got him from last...
  10. kenalotia


    I feed my baby hypo blood red in the deli cup Rich shipped her in. I was feeding her one large and one small pinky tonight, and she latched onto the first one while most of her was still in my hand, rather than the cup. (Hungry girl!) So I held her until she was done with that one, then edged...
  11. kenalotia

    Food size ?

    I've been feeding my 4 ft. snake weaned rats. They just don't seem to be making much of a bulge anymore, but small rats, the next step up, just seem so huge! So I thought I would ask here what are other people with similar sized snakes feeding? Actually, Frank was 4 ft. when I measured him...
  12. kenalotia

    How do you tell a blood red motley?

    How can you tell if a blood red is also a motley? All corns have the first few blotches joined, but some have more than others. Some motleys don't look all that "motley-ish" (with lots of joined blotches), but you can tell by the patternless belly. My new little hypo bloodred has 10-11...
  13. kenalotia

    A happy snake

    I finally scanned some pictures of Frank. Here he is eating, and looking quite satisfied with his meal. Don't worry, Rich - even though there are 4 photos, they're hosted on another site. Now isn't that a satisfied looking snake if you ever saw one?
  14. kenalotia

    poop factory

    Does anyone else's snake seem to double as a poop factory? I can't believe how many times Frank pooped after his last feeding. Two weeks ago I fed him one weanling rat (I fed him again today). On the morning of the third day, he pooped. Perfectly normal. The next day, he pooped again. I...
  15. kenalotia


    Last night I fed Frank. I introduced a f/t mouse using a pair of tongs. He saw it and then turned the other way at first. This surprised me, since he usually goes right for the mouse. So anyway, I touched the mouse's nose gently to the side of Frank's neck to get his attention. It worked ...
  16. kenalotia

    snake transportation

    I was wondering what methods people here use to transport their snakes. I'm not talking about shipping, just packing the snake up for a trip to the vet or something like that. I've used deli cups for babies, but I don't think my 4' long snake would like being smooshed into a deli cup too much...
  17. kenalotia


    I gave Frank, my snake, a bath today. The water in the bathtub was lukewarm, deep enough for him to swim around in it (he's 4' long). He was coiled on my hands and I put him in gradually. He started drinking when he was just barely touching the water, and then sneezed. He kept sneezing a...
  18. kenalotia

    tank cooling

    Yesterday it got pretty warm around here. Outdoors the temperature was around 82F. Normally I turn on a light on top of my snake's tank which heats up one side by about 10 degrees. Well, we just moved into a new house in January, so I didn't know about how hot the room would get. The...
  19. kenalotia


    I went into a local pet store the other day to buy some supplies, and saw that they were selling a normal corn for $60! It appeared to be a small '01 hatchling. I know pet stores have to sell them for more than breeders do, but does this seem like an absurdly high price for one small normal to...
  20. kenalotia

    Syracuse show?

    Hi, Does anyone know anything about the NY Herp Expo this year in Syracuse? I can't seem to find any info about it this year. . . But I guess it's a little bit early, as the show is in August every year. Thx, kenalotia