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Search results for query: *

  1. AliCat37

    Babies and Adults

    Hey all! I know I haven't been on here in a while, I am super busy! Unfortunately some things have come up so I need to downsize a little bit! I have a bunch of really great adults and babies that need to go as soon as possible! I really prefer local sales for the adults, as I will need to...
  2. AliCat37

    Sweet 2015 Coral Snows and Coral Ghosts

    I've got quite a few kids from last year that are still needing to find homes as I start thin the herd over here! I can ship throughout the lower 48 (to legal states)! Shipping is weather dependent. They are all chowing down on small frozen thawed fuzzies and never miss a meal! :D please...
  3. AliCat37

    Neon Salmon Snow Hatchling Male

    Neon Salmon Snow Hatchling Male Only hatchling I have from my pair. Asking $250 (shipped - to lower 48 states). Please email me for faster response [email protected]
  4. AliCat37

    Bloodreds & Plasmas

    Prices do not include shipping. These guys hatched the last week of September and are all eating great on small f/t pinkies. They are all het motley and the bloodreds are het lavender as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. AliCat37

    Coral Ghosts and Snows $100-$125

    I am posting from Tapatalk, so hopefully this is going into the right subforum and not some random area. Admin please move if this isn't in the classified section! All photos were on my phone, so the links are hard to capture. All these babies have lovely pinks. These guys hatched first week of...
  6. AliCat37

    8 Non-Feeders including Tesseras

    Hello friends. I have several babies that are not eating for me. I have offered f/t meals multiple times, as well as boiled and lizard scented. Force feeding 11 mouths gets tiring after a bit, so I have decided to put some of these guys up for grabs. There are actually 11 non-feeders, but I am...
  7. AliCat37

    Spring Cleaning - Tesseras

    Alright all! I seriously need last years babies out of here now that I have had my first successful lock this year (woo!). They are all healthy and ravenous eaters like their mommy. Please email me at [email protected] for fastest response. Thanks! 1.1 Amel Tesseras 100% het Anery. P/H...
  8. AliCat37

    Non Feeder Pair

    I have two corns that have refused to eat from my clutch. I have not tried any tricks other than braining. They will probably start to eat for you. I am asking $75 shipped. I think this is beyond fair, considering that one of them is a female anery tessera. All I ask is that they go to a...
  9. AliCat37

    2014 Tesseras and Siblings

    This is a result of my Anery het motley & amel to my Tessera het diffused, lava, amel, and anery. So.. these guys have a LOT of possible hets. All the ones listed below have had at least three consecutive meals. I will add more to the thread as they start to eat reliably. Most have had two...
  10. AliCat37

    Sani-Chips Question

    Hello everyone A few months ago I bought Sani-Chips at the local reptile expo and LOVED it!! Well, I ran out, and I decided to buy some myself. I found a website that sold the 2.2 cubic foot bags of Aspen Sani Chips for a very reasonable price, so I bought 3 bags. Well, they arrived today...
  11. AliCat37

    Day 52...

    Urgh!! Hatch babies! HATCH!! Only clutch I had this year... Well, I guess out of two. I had two lay eggs, but one was all slugs (lame). The other girls decided they wanted nothing to do with the boys this year. Guess I have to wait till next year :( Any way! Here they are.. Only one is...
  12. AliCat37

    Contrictor Rule - Official Comment Docket

    US fish and wildlife is collecting comments on the proposed constrictor rule to add Boas, Retics, and a few remaining Anaconda species to the Lacy act. This will be absolutely devastating if this passes. Don't think that just because you don't own a larger snake means you shouldn't comment. We...
  13. AliCat37

    Inquiring Mind Wants To Know

    I have a general curiosity question... Both of my girls just laid their eggs (yay!!) I noticed this about a week ago. They has their Pre Lay sheds only one day apart. As soon as I realized this, I got to thinking.. I bred Envy on March 30, and Velvet on April 27. My first thought was that this...
  14. AliCat37

    When to Worry?

    I am probably about 90% sure that I am just a worry wart, but I really don't want anything to go wrong with this one! One of my girls had her prelay shed on Tuesday (6 days ago). On Sunday afternoon she laid a single, squishy, tiny slug. Nothing has happened since. She's been in her lay box...
  15. AliCat37


    So, my mom went to take care of the horse tonight, and I didn't manage to get out the door fast enough to go, and she didn't realize I wanted to. She has been seeing lots of snakes, so I was excited to go.. But I didn't make it. She sends me a picture of a snake a little later, sitting on the...
  16. AliCat37

    Help with my head scratcher

    Okay, so I had paired Arizona several times with my boys, and never witnessed a copulation. I gave up after a while because I had other successful locks with a few other pairs. Arizona, however, for the last month (or more) has looked very very gravid. She has had a lay box for what seems like...
  17. AliCat37

    New Rescue

    As many of you may know, my beautiful rescue corn snake Shivers was adopted by a GREAT member here last week. So. That opened the door for a new rescue >.> It wasn't the plan, but I was at PetCo today and my friend was taking care of all the critters. While I was checking out, he opened a...
  18. AliCat37

    Salem - 2013 Specter

    I am so totally obsessed with this snake. The first time I saw a specter I fell in love, and when I was able to get my first one (Flatline) the love was sealed! So last year I jumped on my chance to get a pair of specters. I was later offered a lot of non-feeders / problem feeders for the same...
  19. AliCat37

    First hook up for 2014!

    Tonight was finally the night!! I have a few planned pairings and this was one of them. Dash- tessera het ice, blood, poss Amel Envy- anery het motley Amel Hoping to prove Dash as het Amel. At the very least, I will finally have some anery tesseras of my own!! I am already looking forward to...
  20. AliCat37

    2013 Male Specter

    Hey everyone!! Just downsizing a little (to make room for others of course. Downsizing never really means what we think it means). I got a six beautiful baby specters in September that were non feeders. One didn't make it, one had a kink so I gave him away, and now I am left with 2.2. I only...