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  1. cornnewb2005

    Finally photo album

    Here are some decent pics of me and xkglvrx's collection with the exception of 2.0 ghosts and 0.1 candycane. New babies
  2. cornnewb2005

    Albino or Reverse?

    I bought this girl at petco as an albino, but she looks more like the reverse Okeetee's I have seen lately. Can anyone help me out?
  3. cornnewb2005

    Whats this one worth to ya?

    Does anyone have any idea about how much a 5ft red tailed green ratsnake would be worth? I found one at a local pet shop and seriously considreing buying it but i dont wanna get screwed on it.
  4. cornnewb2005

    2 New babies

    Well i went to petco today for pinkies and fuzzies for my babies from the Austin show and i started talking to the retile chick that works there. She shows me and my g/f (xgclvrx) some of the new corns they had gotten in. they had some albinos one of which was extremely light, a snow and to my...
  5. cornnewb2005

    corn with green pigment maybe?

    is it posible and probable to incorporate green pigment into a corn by possibly breeding it with a different snake? Like maybe breeding a snow with a grass snake or similar snake that has green pigment? And if that somes out successful maybe breed the hatchlings with another snow or a blizzard...
  6. cornnewb2005

    Back from Austin

    Well xxgclvrxx and i are back from austin. Very interesting and insightful (thanks CAV) for our first expo to attend. We went into this thing thinking about getting just a few corns and well needless to say we walked out with more than we originally thought about. 0.1 snow breeder, 1.0 snow...
  7. cornnewb2005

    Good or bad names?

    Yet another meaningless post by cornnewb. my girlfriend and i are thinking up names for our new corn hatchlings and had a few ideas but also need some input maybe some ideas to make the names more meaningful. so here goes. 1.0 snow "Stryker", 2.0 okeetee Beowulf (an old poem to which there is no...
  8. cornnewb2005

    Eating Backwards?

    Dont baby corns generally go for the head of a pinkie when eating? I'm kinda new at this but i was amazed when my baby sunglow decided to eat dinner tail end first. is this normal? Also ive had my jungle corn for well over 2 weeks and she was supposed to eat the day i got her. well i waited a...
  9. cornnewb2005

    Snake shows

    If anyone knows of any shows other than the austin and possibly amarillo shows in the oklahoma/texas/kansas area please let me know i am a beginner in the world of cornsnakes and have a serious hunger for knowledge about them and wish to go to as many shows as possible. So if anyone has...
  10. cornnewb2005

    Amarillo show

    Does anyone have any information on a show goin on in amarillo the last weekend of october? The guy i bought my jungle corn from was telling me bout it and i cant remember where exactly he said it was any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. cornnewb2005

    newbie feeding question

    i have a newly aquired jungle corn that ive had a little over 4 or 5 days the guy i purchased her from said that it was about that time of the week to feed her. shes is a yearling this month and ive tried feeding her fuzzies and pinkies to no avail. any advice would be appreciated
  12. cornnewb2005

    What the het?

    I'm new at this corn snake "stuff" and just had a few questions. When someone refers to a snake as het motley or a het ghost what does the het mean? And i also heard that you can feed the younger ones crickets is this true?