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Search results for query: *

  1. Sweetseraph

    Tips on how to get a local bylaw changed?

    I've been thinking about trying to get a local bylaw banning all Boas and Pythons changed in my town, but don't have much idea how to go about doing this. I am planning on starting a petition, but not sure how to proceed after that. Has anyone successfully managed to get a local bylaw changed? I...
  2. Sweetseraph

    A King and a Ball--and a little advice?

    I've had these guys for a little bit now, but my camera was hiding on me, so I wasn't able to post pictures until now. These are my first non-corns. :) As such, I'm not so familiar with how a King and a Ball should look, in terms of body condition. The King seems like she may be a little heavy...
  3. Sweetseraph

    A different kind of hognose...

    So, I get home from work tonight and there's one of my snake bins on the kitchen counter with shavings and a water bowl in it, that I know I hadn't put there. I look in and try to figure out who's in there and who's been playing with my snakes. I see a little head poke up through the shavings...
  4. Sweetseraph

    We've all been doing it wrong!

    I was completely unaware that we were supposed to COOK the mice before feeding to the snakes!!! Obviously the people doing the field work failed to notice the stoves in the wild corns' kitchens. Luckily, my local Kijiji has an ad up right now regarding this, or I would still be completely...
  5. Sweetseraph

    Is there a Katy Manula for bps?

    Hubby really seems to want a ball python, but I know that I will be the one who will need to do all the research. There's lots of info out there, but is there any books in particular that anyone could recommend as a particularly trusted source, a la Katy Manula? :)
  6. Sweetseraph

    Hatchling feeding tricks?

    So, I had my first clutch this year and after 5 rounds of meals, all but 3 that are still with me are eating. I had 17 hatchlings and here were the results of feedings: 1st feed (after first shed, offered food right in bin): 9 ate, 8 refused. 2nd (offered in separate bin, left overnight if...
  7. Sweetseraph

    Is this a ghost?

    I've got an emergency snake-sitting gig and this is my charge. I didn't speak to the owner, just to his mother, so I don't know what morph it's supposed to be, but I'm thinking ghost. What do you think? (The mother thought there was something about silver in the name, silver back or something...
  8. Sweetseraph

    Can corns have day old chicks?

    There is someone advertising frozen day old chicks on my local Kijiji. Are these suitable for corns and, if so, how often is ok? It says they are about the size of an adult mouse, so I guess any of my corns who are on adults could have one? Is there any concern about them not wanting to go back...
  9. Sweetseraph

    Sorry, I'm a little tied up right now!

    My snow motley has a strange way of eating. He'll strike hard and constrict the mouse for quite a while, then he lets go, finds the rear end, works his way up to the head and then eats it. This time in the process, he practically tied himself in a knot! LOL :rofl:
  10. Sweetseraph

    New addition! Lavender Motley

    My first morph that's a little different from the basic Classic/Amel/Anery/Snow! Not the greatest pics, but of course they never want to sit still and I just grabbed a few quick ones before tucking him away for his week of settling in. 1.0 Lavender Motley, about 5 mths old.
  11. Sweetseraph

    These babies are not normal!

    Or should I say classic? I was expecting all normals from my amel mother and anery father, but apparently they are in fact amel het anery x anery het amel, because I am seeing a rainbow of colours! First mom and dad...then pippies!!! Friday night there were 2 pippies: Now there's...
  12. Sweetseraph

    Turquoise Banded Kingsnake??

    Has anyone heard of such a snake? Just curious, because someone called the store I work at and said they had one of only 7 in Canada. I just tried googling it and came up empty, so maybe they have one of only 7 in the world! :rofl:
  13. Sweetseraph


    I can't take this anymore!!! Day 62!!!! :crazy02: :crazy02: Sorry, please resume regularly scheduled programming!
  14. Sweetseraph

    New snake, taken from horrible conditions :(

    First a little back story. I work in a pet store and there was a customer who would buy a live mouse on a regular basis and one day he says to me, kind of joking, "Want a snake?". This was several months ago, back when I only had one snake and hadn't really considered getting another, so I said...
  15. Sweetseraph

    Need some information on King Snakes

    So hubby finds my corns a little boring and wants something "different". I would be amenable to the idea of a King, as I hear they make great garbage disposal units. :eatpointe I showed him a few pictures and he likes the MBK and I like them too. I like the Scarlet King, but he didn't seem to...
  16. Sweetseraph

    What would a snow hurricane motley look like?

    I recently acquired a snow motley and I was wondering just what a snow hurricane motley would look like and if that's what I have? I'm having a heck of a time trying to get good pictures of his markings and this is the best I've come up with so far: Does anyone have any pics of a snow...
  17. Sweetseraph

    Snow in June?

    This little motley snow followed me home today, but she didn't want to sit very still for pictures. :nope:
  18. Sweetseraph

    Sounds like PETA for snakes?

    I came across a group on Facebook dedicated to snake conservation, but was a little put off by the owners stance on snake ownership: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/topic.php?uid=90810146985&topic=13036 What do you think of this? Are we contributing to the decline of snakes?
  19. Sweetseraph

    He shed...almost in my hands!

    Well, the subject pretty much says it all. I was holding my big guy (over 4') and he was sticking his head in the crook of my elbow and pushing really hard on my arm. At first I thought he was doing the mating wiggle on me again, but then a piece of the skin on his face was hanging off. I...
  20. Sweetseraph

    Do these look like crimson hatchlings?

    I'm answering an ad on my local Kijiji for corns for sale. There was no pics, so I asked for some and was directed to an album on Facebook. Here is the ad: 7 baby corn snakes. (1) Anery $60 (4) Crimson $50 (2) Normal $40 $280 for all ($60 off) All have multiple hets. All have had their...