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Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Fauna-Auction Deadbeat Bidders

    It seems like quite a few of the auctions now read, relisted due to the previous high-bidder not paying and etc...how are these deadbeat bidders being handled? I am just curious as I am into Ebay and know that dead-beats could bring the auctions down.
  2. C

    Fair Prices

    What would be considered fair or good prices for the following? Normals het Anery & Hypo (aka Ghost) Anerys het Hypo Ghosts and Anerys het Hypo poss het amel
  3. C

    About the surcharge on females...

    Is there anyway that a deal can be struck to get extra money off the male if you buy him at a later date? (same morph of course) Or must the be bought at the same time to not have to deal with a surcharge?
  4. C

    Why won't mine breed?!

    I didn't brumate my corns. I have housed the male/female pair together since before the holidays. Why haven't I seen them breed? How can I tell if she's pregnant? Am I running out of time here? They've been together and last year I ended up with a pair breeding in mid-may, a very young pair...
  5. C

    Respiratory Infection

    My beautiful new female ghost corn appeared healthy yesterday when I got her, but today I picked her up from her enclosure and I hear a slight wheezing (sort of like she is blowing air out of her nose really quickly). It doesn't sound good and I've never heard it with my other snakes. Now, how...
  6. C

    *Paging... Mr. Clint Boyer

    Hehe... Clint, we need some updated photos of that little Opal!!! My new favorite morph...:D
  7. C


    If you could PM me or reply here with the answer, I wanted to know how long until you expect your second clutch of the orange candy canes to hatch... I asked in the other message and I was interested in getting your extra female. She's beautiful! How much would you ask for her? You could PM me...
  8. C

    Preparing Sterlites

    How do those of yout hat use rubbermaid or sterlite boxes prepare them for their new guests? Should I put air holes in the side or the top and how do I determine if I have enough? I'm gonna try them for this years purchases instead of the many aquariums I have. Thanks for any input...
  9. C

    Can someone tell me...

    what is the result of breeding an amel het lavender to a lavender het amel? and... what about butter het motley to butter het motley? Thanks!
  10. C

    2000 Okeetee- Horrible Personality

    This little okeetee lives up to her name, for sure. I named her Sassy before I even got to know her...I've raised her up from a 2000 hatchling. She is 2 this summer. She is pretty small compared to my other year 2000 babies, though. While taking these pictures...she repeatedly struck at my...
  11. C

    Okeetee Male 2000 PIC

    <img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4560Svi_0266-med.jpg"> Here's my 2000 Okeetee Male... Let me know what you guys think... The picture isn't anything special, but he wouldn't stay set...and I'm no Rich at photography! LOL
  12. C


    What would the offspring of an opal het anery x a snow het lavender be? Anyone that could answer that, I would be greatful!
  13. C

    Amber corns- Pic request and Question

    Does anyone have any before/after pictures of amber corns such as hatchling and then the later adult? They seem real brown as hatchlings from the 2 pictures I viewed, but I thought they were a yellowish color? Also, what are the results of a caramel het butter and amber x an amber? how about x...
  14. C

    Stupid Petstores & Houdini

    Well, today....my parents had to run to the P.O. and it is near a local pet store so I go in real quick to check out the snakes. The had a "corn snake" for $90.00 labeled as an albino, but if it was pure corn, it was obviously a snow corn snake. The man told me that it was pure corn, but I...
  15. C

    What do you think?

    I'm planning on getting some SerpenCo cornsnakes to add to my current collection... and maybe something from the Loves depending on what they have at MARS. Great quality animals from both- so I've read everywhere. In every cornsnake book, forum, or carsheet, that I have read, it reccomends...
  16. C

    Rich, are you expecting...

    any lavenders het hypo and amel? Or just any lavenders het hypo this year? Thanks for answering. Also, what is the availability on your hypolavs? How fast do they usually sell out? If I intend on getting one, do you recommend I reserve one or will you usually have them for some time? Thanks!
  17. C

    A question about MARS ??? 8-)

    At the MARS, is it really that many people in attaendance? I mean, they sell tickets ahead of time by mail. Is it that bad trying to get in? Also, if you don't get there first thing in the morning, can you count on have things left? Especially from a booth like Rich's? I mean, if I want to maybe...
  18. C

    Male or Female? Tail Pic

    Male or Female? Check out the pic and share your opinion. Please don't just take a guess if you have no experience. I don't want to base a conclusion on uneducated guesses. So, thanks! Hope the pics are good enough...If not, let me know. BTW, I wasn't sure where to post this. (Which forum)?
  19. C

    Questions for someone genetically wise...

    What are the results of these breedings? I appreciate any answers! Lavender het for amel x Amel het Lav Hypo Lav x Hypo het Lav Snow het Lav x Amel het Lav Snow het Lav x Lav het amel Snow het lav x snow het lav Opal x Snow het Lav Opal x Amel het lav Opal x Lav het amel Anyone who...
  20. C

    MARS Reptile Show

    Which major cornsnake breeders attend this show? I might try to make it to it this year... Since there is so much competition, do the breeders (Rich??) have any cheaper prices? Or another question, do the big breeders give discounts on pairs? Is this like one of the largest in the country? Do...