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Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Hello All

    Been away for a bit, but when I came accross this trivia site, I had to post here. Lets hear some opinions. Later Rick P.S. Oops guess I forgot to post the link: http://www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/animals/reptiles_and_amphibians.html sorry
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  3. D

    luecistic corn?

    anyone ever hear of that? Rich?..anyone? http://www.faunaauction.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.pl?category=snakes4&item=1061657193
  4. D

    my hypo? motley

    The older this boy gets, the more I think it's a hypo. I have a sibling, so I'll know for sure next year. one in the sun one in the shade
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    micks progeny predictor

    I accidentally deleted this program - could somebody email it to me or provide a good link. I cant find it anymore. Thanks, Rick
  6. D

    1st clutch in over 5yrs

    Im so happy - I stopped breeding some time back, and just started breeding again. My snow female laid 15 eggs last night and I can't wait to hatch them. I have them incubating in an old Lyon TR7 I bought 7-8 years ago, but it still works great!!! They didnt have the accessories they have now...
  7. D

    check out this link

    not corn snake related but stupidly addicting (sorry rich, but you may like it too or you may ban me forever forgetting you addicted) :rolleyes: I'll delete it shortly
  8. D

    Wild Caught corns

    I feel sad that people would still take an animal out of the wild to make a profit. With all the captive bred animals available, I wish the wild animals could be left alone. I feel sorry for animals that have to be in cages, and can only imagine how they feel while being shipped, and just...
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    anyone want to chat?

    im in the chat room http://www.herpchat.com/chat/
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    choosing a camera for my snake pics

    I need to take better pics of my snakes - pics that have good close up details I like sony's cameras - I took these with a fd91 but dont like the floppy disk for storage these are good pics compared to the camera I have now Im looking at getting the sony cd400 - has anyone used this or...
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    and a anery...last one

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    striped motley

    love this camera...wish it were mine :(
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    Another miami pic

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    Serpenco amber

    took these with a friends camera I love the close ups
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    test multiple pics

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    I found my female amber dead this morning - no real explanation - she was eating great - she did refuse her last meal 3 days ago -
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    WOW!!!! I came home with a bag full of dinner for my little ones and as I was passing out goodies, I noticed a (serpenco) amber scooting across the front of my cage rack........I was sooooo lucky I happened to see it. looks like the cage didn't get shut all the way and latched like usual...(my...
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    How many of you breed your own mice?
  19. D

    striped or motley oketees

    has anyone seen or heard of one?
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    my photo gallery

    http://home.earthlink.net/~dartguy/index.html let me know what you think - just a quick site that i get free with my ISP