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Search results for query: *

  1. nagini


    I think morfin has mites, but I'm not sure. I was getting ready to clean out his cage today when I saw a bunch of little black bugs floating in his water dish. I checked him out but there were no bugs on him anywhere =/ could it be possible that it's just some other type of bug in his water...
  2. nagini

    Oh, horses. D: [yay horse stories!]

    So I was at a riding lesson yesterday, on my usual lesson horse, who happens to be a barrel/pole/general speed QH. Well, he was pretty much half asleep, plodding around with his nose nearly dragging the ground, which is how I like him best ;P Well, my instructor tells me to ask for trot, so I...
  3. nagini

    Introducing Morfin

    My little okeetee baby. <3 He just had his first meal with me and I'm so proud of the little guy XD I sat him in there with the mouse, he just looked at it once and WHOOSH! It took him barely a minute to eat it up. Yes, I took a picture, with flash turned of so as to not stress the little boy...
  4. nagini

    Setting up a tank.

    Sooo, I have a corn hatchling I'm picking up on friday (can't wait, counting down the hours), and I set up my viv earlier today. I have the thermostat, uth, 20gal, hides, water bowl, substrate (reptibark for now, I got the whole snake kit deal and it came with it, once I use it up I'm going to...
  5. nagini

    Crickets? O.o

    I was in Petco yesterday, looking at the snakes (it's something of a hobby for me) and I noticed that in the cage with the hatchling corns, they had crickets. Surely that can't be all they're feeding them, right? Does anyone here know if Petco actually has their snakes living off crickets? Is...
  6. nagini

    You there, help me with my parent-problems!

    Oh wise corn snake forum users, please help me with another My Parental Unit Won't Listen case. D: Here's a little backstory, so you don't think I'm just some irresponsible teen trying to get a snake to be 'cool'. =P I've loved snakes for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, my...
  7. nagini

    Why hello there.

    :D Hi. I'm Nagini. I'm fifteen and from Maryland. I adore snakes and all other animals. I grew up with the normal pets. Fish, hamsters, mice, the occasional rat, cats, dogs.. Then the less-common house pets. Iguanas, anoles, chipmunks.. And then the plain-out weird, tarantulas and scorpions...