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Search results for query: *

  1. Jenstar

    [B]Baby Ball Pythons[/B]

    My fiance decided to give breeding his Ball Pythons a chance this year. We bred his Mohave male to a normal female. He never saw the two snakes hook up so he exchanged the Mohave with an older bigger normal male. After waiting months for eggs he had given up. One day while doing water checks he...
  2. Jenstar

    Crocodile on plane kills 19

    I think the title is a little inaccurate. http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/crocodile-on-a-plane-kills-19/story-e6frfq80-1225942045322
  3. Jenstar

    Can Ulcers that seemed to have healed come back...

    I bought Noah the summer of 09' and new he had ulcers that had healed. His ulcers were caused by him soaking in his water bowl while he was in brumation. Well when I got him there were scars and the scars were elevated a little, but I just figured it was because there was scar tissue. Well over...
  4. Jenstar

    Pre Anaheim Addition... Albino Boa

    Ok I had this guy paid off before I went to Anaheim and I just picked him up today. He is an Albino het Anery BCI. He is super sweet and has really nice coloring. :) I was very lucky to have a local breeder to get him from. Here he is. I don't have a name yet so if anything comes to mind let me...
  5. Jenstar

    *Midas* My Aneheim Pickup

    This is Midas. He was Joni Garcia's Caramel Stripe het Amel male, but he is now my new baby. He is a real sweetie and is perfect for my Butter Stripe female. :) I'm hoping to have Caramel and Butter Stripe babies this year. Midas
  6. Jenstar

    *Boas* Local Sale in San Diego preferred...

    I am going to start a different project with boas, so these guys are for sale to help fund it. I would love to see these guys find awesome homes where they will be loved. Feel free to make offers. 08' Female p/h Albino $75 This girl is beautiful with a great personality. Would make a great pet...
  7. Jenstar

    Corns for sale in So Cal...

    I am looking for local sales. I live in San Diego and I am willing to meet people within a reasonable driving distance. I am still coming up with my list of snakes for sale so if you are looking for anything let me know. Here are some I am looking to rehome... 0.1 2007 Butter het Motley proven...
  8. Jenstar

    Dog in need of home...

    I found the cutest little dog running through the parking lot by a main street at 11pm at night tonight... I might need to find this little guy a home if I can not find the original owners, not that they deserve him. I am guessing he is about a year old poodle/maltese cross. About 25 pounds...
  9. Jenstar

    My Butter Clutch...

    I bred my first snake Samson (butter unknown hets)to Belle (butter het motley) Here are there first 4 babies to emerge from there eggs. :)
  10. Jenstar

    Cutting Eggs...

    How long would you wait before slitting the eggs? I have a clutch that was due 7/15. One baby hatched on 7/19 but no more have pipped. Is that weird? Should I just wait?
  11. Jenstar

    My first ever Pippie....

    Ok so I checked my eggs like 3 times already today and finally I have one little head poking out of it's egg on day 62. I'll post some pics tomorrow, because it's late and I work early. I'm hoping for some stripes in this clutch so I've got my fingers crossed. Here are a couple pics. This ones...
  12. Jenstar

    Shedding and Separation...

    I need some advice from all of you snake breeders out there. I have everything ready for my hatchlings. :) But I have one more quick question. Please explain if needed. Do you separate the babies before or after shedding? Why?
  13. Jenstar

    Condiment cup size

    What size condiment cups do you use in your deli cups? I'd like to glue them in so that I can slip a second cup inside it to make water changes easier. Any ideas are more than welcome, this is the first year I will hopefully have some eggs hatch so I have lots to learn. :)
  14. Jenstar

    Sunglow boas vs Coral Albinos boas

    What is the difference between a Sunglow boa and a Coral Albino Boa? Are they just different names for the same thing? Information and pics would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Jenstar

    My Eggs

    These are Gingersnaps 12 Eggs. They look good other than having some sheer spots. Stripe het caramel, amel X Hypo het caramel, stripe These are my adopted eggs. I got them from a lady on craigslist that had a female in with three males. :( The female is supposed to be an Okeetee (looks like...
  16. Jenstar

    Feeding Day... :)

    This is what you get for making Sierra wait a few extra days to eat. It wasn't a bad bite but she held on for a few minutes and chewed. I love this girl's personality. :)
  17. Jenstar

    ? for Snow Collectors

    Does anyone have a snow cornsnake with really red eyes? I got a cornsnake from a a local petstore that has the brightest pink color and red/pink eyes. You usually can see two colors in pink eyes, but his are pretty solid. I have 4 other snows, but none with eyes like his. Does anyone have a...
  18. Jenstar

    Does it sound like a Mexican Black King Snake?

    There is a girl on craigslist selling a king snake. She just happens to work at the pet store I go to for crickets and live mice when I need them, so she is going to bring her in for me to look at. I just want to know what type of a king snake it is? She is apparently charcoal black with a...
  19. Jenstar

    Can a snake cause itself to be kinked?

    I have a beautiful Candy Cane female that has horrible kinks in her back. She never had them before. When I fed her last week they were not there, but now there are 3 very obvious ones. I planned on using her as a breeder, but now that isn't going to happen. I have to decide if I am going to...
  20. Jenstar

    How big are your 2008 Boas?

    I was just wondering how big your 2008 BCI boas are? My girl Sadie is just over 1300 grams. It just seems huge, when I look at me 2009 babies that are still sooo small. Then I'm questioning whether I feed the 2009's enough food(once a week)? Should they be as big as Sadie by late 2010 early...