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Search results for query: *

  1. bigbosky

    2 herpstats for sale

    I have 2 barely used Herpstat Into's for sale. looking for 75 each
  2. bigbosky

    Carpet Python feeding pics

    he rarely give me an opportunity for some good pictures so when I saw the chance I grabbed some shots.
  3. bigbosky

    new snake

    well I finally got my first snake after the fire, I havent named it yet. I forgot how hard it is to leave it alone for a week to get used to its new home! I want to play with it SOOO BAD!
  4. bigbosky

    im back!

    some of you may remember me from my post several months ago about my snakes that died when my apartment building burned down. im back! in the process of moving into the house i just bought and gonna be getting new snakes in the next couple weeks.
  5. bigbosky

    my snakes are dead!

    big fire in my apartment building last night. no fire in my apartment but i assume my snakes died from smoke or cold.
  6. bigbosky

    how old is my corn

    are there any reliable ways to tell how old my corn may be. I got him from a pet store and they didnt know how old he is. He is about 2.5-3 feed and 166 grams.
  7. bigbosky

    nippy at feeding time

    I recently moved my corn up to weanlings. But ever since then he has been strangely aggressive on feeding day. He will try to eat my finger when i take him out for feeding. its almost like he knows that its feeding day. Do you think this means that weanlings arent big enough for him? I am...
  8. bigbosky

    first weanling

    Morpheus ate his first weanling today just thought i'd share a few pics. I was so proud...kinda like watching my son ride his bike for the first time.
  9. bigbosky

    cleveland reptile show

    anyone here going today?
  10. bigbosky

    2 weeks without food

    i am going on vacation for 2 weeks and my mom is going to watch him, but shrs not cool with feeding him. will he be ok without food for two weeks. i know they can go months without eating but normally that is the snakes choice
  11. bigbosky

    cage advice

    im looking at a cage and the dimensions say 35-1/2 by 15-3/4 by 23-3/4 http://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-4-Inch-Vivarium-Beech/dp/B004ERQVFI/ref=pd_sim_sbs_petsupplies_4 do you guys think those are the dimensions of the actual enclosure or the enclosure and stand together?
  12. bigbosky

    fuzzies to rat pinkies

    Is it ok to go from fuzzies to rat pinkies instead of hoppers. My local store only has mouse pinkies, fuzzies and adults. But they have rat pinkies which are about the same size as the mouse fuzzies. Is it ok to switch to the rats or would i be better off getting some hoppers online.
  13. bigbosky

    new snake

    Just wanted to introduce every to Tarzan!
  14. bigbosky

    shaking the prey

    I've seen alot of feeding videos where people shake and pull at the mouse with their tongs once the snake has it wrapped up. Why do people do this?
  15. bigbosky

    moving the bedding around

    whenever i change the aspen my corn goes in his hide and moves all the aspen out and lays on the bare glass, anybody know why he does this? could the aspen not be warm enough for him, my probe is right on the glass and reads 85
  16. bigbosky

    first vet checkup

    just took morpheus for his first vet checkup, everything looks great and she even sexed him for me!
  17. bigbosky

    cute pic

  18. bigbosky

    stool sample

    how fresh does a stool sample have to be to get it tested for disease?
  19. bigbosky

    uth with wood enclosure

    how do you use a uth with a wood enclosure since heat will not go through wood as well as it does glass?
  20. bigbosky


    how do you guys weigh and measure your snakes? mine will not stay still enough to get a weight or length