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Search results for query: *

  1. Sarah1228

    Pre-brumation Shed Cycles?

    I've had my King snake since she was just under a year old. She's now 5 years old. The last two years she's shed about 5-6 times the entire year. This year she's shed February, May, June, & July. It looks like she may be going in to shed again. I was told it can be a growth spurt, or...
  2. Sarah1228

    Active Kingsnake?

    Hello Everyone! Was just wondering if there were any kingsnake owners out there who'd like to chime in. I've had Pandora for 2 years now, she's a striped albino Kingsnake. And let me say she's just the most active snake I own. I own a Creamsicle Corn Snake, a Nicaraguan boa, & a Colombian Snow...
  3. Sarah1228

    Tank switch-a-roo Question?

    I have an '09 Creamsicle corn around 3.5 ft - 4 ft long weighing in at 454 grams. He currently resides in a 40 gallon breeder. I have an '11 Albino California King Snake around 2 ft - 2.5 ft long weighing in at 160 grams. She currently resides in a 20 gal Long tank. My Creamsicle never comes...
  4. Sarah1228

    Funny Horror Story...ewwww! Lol

    Earlier today, I was attempting to enjoy my lunch and watch some football when I heard someone rip the loudest a** ever! I looked around because I was alone to see if it was one of the cats. Low and behold I look over at my Dallas, and there he is with his tail in the air releasing his load. He...
  5. Sarah1228

    Digestion question?

    I know most snakes digest within 48 hrs. Have some snakes taken longer then that? What's the longest period you should wait to where its still considered safe to see a lump? And past what time would it be considered a feeding issue if the lump is still there? What would you expect to happen...
  6. Sarah1228


    Does anyone own ferrets or have owned ferrets? I was looking in to owning one or a pair. My only concern is the smell they have at the pet store. Their cage smells like poop. I honestly think they don't take care of their furry little creatures just like they don't take care of the reptiles...
  7. Sarah1228

    Common snake diseases or illnesses, please share!

    Can anyone share their experience on common snake diseases or illnesses that can be prevented, or keep an eye out for when obtaining or keeping a snake? For example how the snake caught it, and how you nursed them back to health. Anything from very small diseases to almost life threatening? I've...
  8. Sarah1228

    Why you shouldn't feed live!!!!

    I came across this article due to the picture I found on google. It was a horrible site and it broke my heart when I saw the snake! This goes for any snake. Just scroll down to the section where it says feeding live, pre-killed, or F/T.... http://bellsouthpwp.net/j/b/jbuncc/feeding.htm
  9. Sarah1228

    Show off Your unique Corns!!!!

    I would love to see your most prized & unique corns! Whether due to colors, pattern, size, or what ever made you fall in love with it. I love seeing photos!!
  10. Sarah1228

    What does your biggest/adult corn eat?

    I know mice are the main prey for a staple diet. But do some keepers feed other rodents or prey as a treat or use them as a staple diet?
  11. Sarah1228

    Prey size!

    A friend asked me a question I really couldn't answer so I figured I would ask experienced keepers. Do snakes attempt to eat prey that might be too large for them? Or would they not even try. What about wild snakes?
  12. Sarah1228

    Well, well, well....My new interest!

    I'm going to be honest... The more morphs I started to see with corn snakes, the more I became over whelmed with them all. I never thought there would be so many different colors and patterns for one snake!!! And I will admit, I didn't care too much for the normal corn or Okeetee corn. I know...
  13. Sarah1228

    How many Snakes do you have??

    And I mean ALL your snakes!! I have 2 snakes, a king and a creamsicle. I know it's not much, but I hopefully will add more soon! :)
  14. Sarah1228

    Phoenix Worms

    Does anyone know Of a good online seller for these live feeder worms? The last 2 companies I've used haven't been great quality! Thanks again for your help!
  15. Sarah1228

    Shedding question?

    This was just a random thought I've had regarding one of my snakes (Albino king). And I've heard the same issue with certain corn keepers as well. Sometimes I don't know when or if my snake is going in to shed because of her colors. Most of the time I have to tell by her behavior (not eating...
  16. Sarah1228

    Post yours...THEN & NOW!!!

    I would love to see then and now pics of your snakes from baby to adult!!!
  17. Sarah1228

    Then & Now...how they grow! :)

    This is my boy Dallas (Creamsicle), when I first got him he was a month old now he's 3 years and I love him with all my heart! The pic shown is 3 months vs. 3 years...
  18. Sarah1228

    Updated Pics of my babies <3

    Here are just a few pics of my 3 yr old Creamsicle, yearling albino striped King Snake, and my albino Leopard Gecko. Hope everyone enjoys!
  19. Sarah1228


    Hey everyone!!! Anyone who has had the same or similar experience, please help. I purchased my male albino Leopard Gecko (Willow) from the pet store in August-September of last year. He was very thin, pale, had a sore on the side of his face by his nose, and black toes. About 2-3 months in my...
  20. Sarah1228

    Pandora - Albino Striped King snake :)

    Here are few pics of my new yearling Pandora. I've had her for a little over 2 months now, and she's just wonderful! She was a little fussy at first, musking every time I would take her out and rattling her tail. But over time, and more handling, she barely does that anymore. Pandora has had...