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Search results for query: *

  1. pretends2bnormal

    Loki - my husbands new Anery Motley Stripe

    My husband decided to get him a corn snake, so we picked up a new baby corn. We've name him Loki, and he's an Anery Motely Stripe PH Hypo Diffused. He's tiny, we didn't get a weigh on him, so I'll so that later in the week when he's more settled. I'm betting on 4 or 5 grams. From his size...
  2. pretends2bnormal

    Feeding an underweight snake

    So, to make a fairly long story short, about 4.5 months ago, I had a hatchling Texas gray banded kingsnake escape. (How is still a myster.. a corn snake half the size didn't even manage to escape from the same setup, so I'm just scratching my head). By March (~2 months) I figured he was a...
  3. pretends2bnormal

    Found my "Missing" cornsnake

    Yesterday, I decided to move my 8 month old corn snake (Abbott's Okeetee, approx. 40-45g) out of the tub he has been in since he was 6g (37qt sterilite gasket tub with 6 latches) and into a similar floor-space PVC cage with sliding glass doors. He's very calm while handled compared to what...
  4. pretends2bnormal

    Interesting tub style, lid seems very secure

    This is my first post here, and I've only had my first snake a few weeks, at this point. Just wanted to share something that I found when I was looking for a tub for my snake. I haven't seen it posted anywhere before. It's a Sterilite brand tub that has a sort of foam-type gasket and 6...