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Search results for query: *


    What does het % mean?

    I have a 07' male Anery who is 66% het Stripe, Amel, Hypo & Caramel. How do they come up w/ a strange number as 66. He's not 100 or 50. He's 66. So if I bred him to my female Normal Pinstripe het Hypo Caramel Stripe what would I get?

    Hatchling weight?

    What is a nice Hatchling weight? My babies took 81-83 days to pip. I still have 2 babies in their egg on day 84. I weighed the first one & he was 7g, the others were only 6g. I read some post where the babies weighed 9g. Should I be really concerned? The truth is..I am! They look so micromini...

    WHAT IS HE???

    OK need some opinions on my Corn. What do you think he is? :shrugs:

    Day 81= my first PIPPIE EVER!!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!!!! =D

    OMGosh I am FREAKIN' OUT w/ tons of wonderful emotions! :dancer::dancer: Ok its been 81 loooooong days & I have been incubating at room temps! 6 eggs. Mom is a Snow Motley & Dad is an Utlramel. Let me know what you think my baby is. :crazy02: Oh is the blood normal & the clear thick stuff...

    Hatchling tubs air holes?

    I have my tubs for my hatchlings & I was soldering (LoveIt) holes in the sides. I question myself how many will I need? How many do you guys put into a 8"L x 6"W x 3.5"H. or 7.6 cup storage container. I am used to having tanks & this will be the first time I ever have tubs. I love the tub idea...

    I have a quick question re pipping....

    I have my eggs all 6 in a small sandwich type container w/ lid. When they start to pip do I take the lid off? Or do I keep it on? If I take it off should I have them in a larger container that is sealed so they don't escape? UGH why does this seem hard?? HELP I'm at day 67 & feel like I am...

    Our ANERY Motley 'TUESDAY'

    She's such a sweetie!! Here are some indoor pics w/ my 7yr old SnakeHandler! I will have to take some pics outside. She's really pretty in person! I LOVE Anery's!! :dancer:

    Is there a certain time of day Hatchlings PIP?

    I was just wondering since this is my first clutch if there is a certain time they pip. I would think it would be at night. Since snakes are more active then. Just curious, I would love to catch mine in action. Yet don't wanna wake the kids at 2am. We are at day 53 using room temps. TIA!

    My 08' SNOW MOTLEY "Sandy"!!

    Well I got my girl outside today & could'nt resist taken a couple of photos. Sorry re the lighting it was getting dark out. She is my son's 8th b'day present & she is the best little girl ever! BTW Mango still doesn't know about her & its been 2yrs now!!! SHHHHHHHHHHHHH He thinks she's Banana...

    My=ULTRAMEL= What variety is he?

    Well I got Jewel a few yrs ago. I just loved his colors & eyes! He is almost in blue, I took him out tonight to eat & just wanted to see if you guys see anything else. I know Ultramels come in varieties of colors. TIA!

    What is this spider hawlin' around??

    For some reason these are one of my favorite house spiders (I think its a house spider:shrugs:) I really like them. We were headed for a walk & spotted this little guy hawling something across the driveway, not sure where to. What is it? Eggs, food?? It sure was weighin' him down..lol Anyone...

    Little Dani gets NAKED...LOL

    This is the 3rd time he has shed his skin for us. The only one out of 7 who feels comfortable slipping out of his 'fishnet stockin' in front of a crowd of HUMANS....LOL :dancer: We just love him sooooooooooooooo much!!

    Is Little Dani 'really' a CandyCane?

    Little Dani is now a yrling & by far the largest of all 4 of my corns. He is so long & has really gotten so pretty. He is oranging out a lot. Is this what yrling CandyCane's do? Can anyone post a pic of theirs? I have looked online & Dani looks more orange than white. Why is that? I don't plan...

    USERNAME..how did you come up w/ yours?

    I see some of you use your names but some of you I wonder what it means. For me I live in Cali & my nickname is Vik...CALIVIK OK NEXT please...:dancer:

    Grason our 07' ANERY :-)

    Here is a few photos of Grason after he shed. He's 9mths old & getting big!

    Show off your FAVORITE CornSnake Pose...

    I have to admit my all time favorite pose is where they stare straight into the camera. I have seen many of you post pics like this & FINALLY I have one to share of my own!! :D Out of 6 snakes, Little Dani our CandyCaneCorn struck the infamous pose!! I am thrilled to death to share it w/ you...

    "How long do you microwave a RAT for?" UGH......

    Is HE SERIOUS?? :angry01: Hubby aka Mango asked me tonight "How long do you microwave a RAT for?" :smash: Like he was actually going to help me out w/ feeding the gang....LOL UGH I swear, this is NOT the first time he has asked me this, I just rolled my eyes tonight cause I have told him...

    Our Sunglow Motley 'Cindy'

    I took a few pics of her in our orange tree yesterday. She is just so Beautiful to me. I love her bright colors. She's an 07' baby from MOReptiles. Thanks Mark!! :D I really can't take photos. I'm tryin'!! :)

    Chk this EMAIL out I got today....

    My friend said "Vikki here's you another snake to add to your collection...LOL" I am sad & a little disturbed at the email. I'm not sure really why. Or maybe just b/c it came from a friend that I know thinks I put my kids in danger by having snakes...So what do you think & has anybody seen...

    Has your Corn ever shed in your hands?

    Well a few mths back we were able to see Little Dani our 9mth old Candi Cane Corn shed in his viv. Pretty exciting to watch, especially for the kids. So tonight Daniella had him out & he just came out of blue a few days ago & we were in the kitchen she was on the floor w/ him & she started...