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Search results for query: *

  1. Christen

    Hate to do it but I have to let some snakes go

    I really do hate to let these guys go. They are snakes that I don't have immediate plans for but I do love them. Unfortunately we have had a string of really bad luck here. The great flood we had last week literally destroyed my in laws house. Structural engineer stated that the house is not...
  2. Christen

    My anxiety level is through the roof!

    So I am going to make you suffer with me (insert evil laugh here). So background story I had acquired this guy from another breeder. He came from a tessera breeding but because of the motley there was no way to tell without breeding that he is in fact a motley tessera. So anyway I love testing...
  3. Christen

    TS Ghost and Ultramel

    Ok These boys are from, you guessed it, Chris. They have recently shed and boy is that pink coming in. Ghost Boy I wish I could describe how cute this little guy is in person. Ultramel Boy He is PINK! I love those blue eyes.
  4. Christen

    Tessera Club!! Post Yours Too!!

    Oh my when this thread started I was longing for a Tessera. Now I have, well, quite a few here with mine and some here on breeding loans. Anyway I thought I would share a couple that I snapped pictures of today while feeding babies. This is Dash. He is a Redfactor Tessera that I hatched this...
  5. Christen

    I am going to miss my caramel frap.

    If Starbucks feels the need to run full page ads in magazines to say my guns aren't welcome, then I am not welcomed. I am sure going to miss my caramel fraps though. http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/23460271/starbucks-says-guns-unwelcome-though-not-banned?clienttype=generic&smartdevicecgbypass
  6. Christen

    Don't have a snake? Here is your chance.

    I am down to just a few normal corn snakes. They are some of the prettiest normals I have hatched and may be red factor. So here is the deal instead of taking these last few babies down to the local pet store I would much rather know that these babies are becoming cherished pets. I also find my...
  7. Christen

    Blind snake in AZ

    My husband found this little snakey slithering across the road in front of our house. This is the third one that we have found and the biggest one we have found.
  8. Christen

    Gelshark!! LOOK HERE!!

    Here are the fresh shed pictures I promised you last night. There is black even around the markings on his tail ;)
  9. Christen

    Amels, Anerys, Tesseras, Normals

    Cody, he was the best tess in the bunch IMO. I am just sayin. :nyah: Love his line all the way down his side pattern. Look at the snake not the half taken off nail polish.
  10. Christen

    Amels, Anerys, Tesseras, Normals

    This is the male amel ph anery, diffused, stripe. You can ignore the info in red. The only way that means anything to you is if you have plans to breed them. If you do then those are the genes the parents carry so these kids have a chance of getting those genes. These are the little normal...
  11. Christen

    Amels, Anerys, Tesseras, Normals

    I have a number of babies from my redfactor breedings that are available and ready to go. They have eaten a minimal of three meals of f/t mice and are ready to go. Many of them are already showing a great amount of red. All prices exclude shipping. Now offering low flat rate shipping fee of $45...
  12. Christen

    Umm You are doing it wrong.

    Feeding kids today and I found this kid (Antares) with his pot hide tipped right side up and was curdled up inside it. It is not the first time he has done this. Last week I saw his paper towel tube standing on end and he was inside. He is such a goof ball. I can always count on him to make me...
  13. Christen

    Redfactor X Butter

    I thought I would share a few pictures of my redfactor X butter hatchlings. I was expecting just to get amels and normals but it appears that mom is het anery. I had no idea. I knew she was het charcoal. Made hatching even more exciting. PS I have a little contest going on down in my forum for...
  14. Christen

    Kittens in AZ

    I have a few kittens that are looking for forever homes. They did come from a feral mom over at my in-laws so they needed a little work getting them comfortable with people but they are very sweet now. There is not a rehoming fee for cs.com friends. If you see my ad on craigslist there will be a...
  15. Christen

    Adult snow?

    Here is a couple. This is mother and daughter. Mother Daughter
  16. Christen

    *Warning Total Cuteness Overload*

    Sorry for the delay in updates. Things have been nuts around here lately. But here they are growing like weeds. Potty training has been going wonderfully unless someone comes to visit then we just get to excited and forget to ask to go out. They are almost done with their vaccines so then we can...
  17. Christen

    *Warning Total Cuteness Overload*

    More to go!! I love how she gets this look out of the corner of her eye before she attacks something. Hey you are biting my butt! What movie is that from? Kids movie and I am drawing a blank.
  18. Christen

    *Warning Total Cuteness Overload*

    Wow look how much they have changed. They are little dogs now! It is so funny to watch them do big dog things like play tug a war. They got their first big dog collars yesterday and are adjusting well. Of course I just got cheapo collars since they will be out growing these and I am sure chewing...
  19. Christen

    *Warning Total Cuteness Overload*

    I have taken in these two puppies to help a friend's sister. They are pit puppies and unfortunately the mamma dog got sick after giving birth to the 13 puppies. The owner realized that 13 puppies is way to much for one person to handle and asked for help. I don't know if these puppies are...
  20. Christen

    Interesting feeding shot....

    I haven't taken any recent feeding pictures but here are a few. This one cracked me up because he was completely upside down. Awe this is just to cute. This girl had wrapped going up instead of going down. She had released a little but you can still see that one coil around herself as well...