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Search results for query: *

  1. T

    Forida herping

    Second week of February, met Daniel Parker of sunshineserpents.com who took my sister and I on a trip thru the sugar cane fields south of Lake Okechobee. Considering the temps barely reached the 60's, we felt we still saw a good amount of herps. One other lizard we saw but I didn't get a...
  2. T

    South Carolina herping

    Hi, Second to last week in April while on family vacation in South Carolina, we took one day for herping. Had prearranged to meet Steve who takes people on private land where he has car hoods laid at many locations. These hoods attract mice, wood rats and of course snakes who use them as...
  3. T

    2 yr old male not eating much

    Hope you all can help on this. My 2 yr old male Miami phase is constantly roaming his cage continually butting his nose. This has been occuring for the past month - refused his mouse last week. He has not been put in brumation since I bought him and a female as hatchlings. The female is in a...
  4. T

    highlights of a hike ( a little late )

    I have been reading all your posts for the past year and I thought I would show you some pictures of a hike along the Susquehanna river in Maryland. It took place in late May when it was still a little cool without all this humidity. Except for the egrets/herons?? all these pictures are from a...