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Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Feeder Beeding?

    Is it safe for my snakes to have my feeder mice of cedar shavings?
  2. D

    THG Heat Tape

    Has anyone ever used THG heat tape? I’ve always used Fexwatt, but the THG brand is cheaper. Obviously safety is more important than price, but if it’s just as good I’ll use it.
  3. D

    Hides in a Rack

    I have a question for those who have their snakes in a rack system with tubs. Do you have hides in your drawers? Years ago, when I was breeding, I never had hides in my drawers. My snakes all did well and I was successful with my breeding. Now that I’m getting back into it and doing research...
  4. D

    Holes in Tubs?

    In the past, regardless of what species of snakes I’ve owned, if they were in tubs the tubs had holes on all sides for ventilation. As I’m starting over and doing my research, I’ve seen some videos on YouTube where people are showing their rack systems and snakes. In some of the videos I’ve...
  5. D

    Starting all over again

    Hello! My name is Dennis. I registered with this site again after a 14 year absence. I’ve always had a few snakes as pets my whole life growing up in Florida. Im the late 90’s my collection was exclusively boas. After a few years of frustration and inconsistency with breeding success my friend...
  6. D

    How often do you check your eggs?

    After you set your eggs up in a box with vermiculite and moss or whatever incubation substrate you use, how often do you check your eggs? I check mine about once every five days. I was just curious how often everyone else checks their eggs or makes necessary adjustments such as making the...
  7. D

    The Slugs Keep Coming!

    I have three females that have all laid their eggs over six weeks ago, however, all three are continuing to drop slugs (infertile eggs) to this day. None of them dropped any slugs the first couple of weeks after laying their clutch and they all were feeding normally. A few weeks ago they started...
  8. D

    Blood During/After Copulation

    I placed a pair of my corns together again for breeding. Copulation was witnessed rather quickly, so I left them together and went to bed. When I got up and checked on them, I noticed that there was some blood smeared on the newspaper. I checked both animals for lacerations or wounds and then...
  9. D

    Breeding Morphs and Locality Specific Corns

    I am not a novice when it comes to genetics, however, I do get confused when it comes to breeding certain morphs and locality specific corns in an effort produce something new. How did Don from South Mountain produce his line of Hypo Miami Corns? We know that Hypomelanism is a recessive genetic...