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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Daven
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  1. D

    Any tips for getting a snake to want to come out to be handled?

    I know every snake is different and there's no rules for how to handle. But I figured I'd see if anyone had some tips for a new owner about handling them. I know not to come at them from behind, and have handled him a few times already without issue. But how do you handle your snake? Lengths...
  2. D

    Putting aquarium on side for front access?

    Sorry if this isn't the correct place for this. But I have a 24x12x17" 20 gallon tank for my new corn snake that I was wondering if I could just rotate it to sit on its side instead. My thoughts are that I could then have a front opening setup so I'm not coming from above every time (the tank is...
  3. D

    First time owner triple checking some things...

    I somehow got my girlfriend ok with the idea of having a snake! The babies get her every time, but this feat is one for the books! Lol so I've had my tank set up for a few days now and have the temps set. Today I was able to bring home the baby amel motley I got attached to and finally got it to...