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Search results for query: *

  1. P

    ATTN:: Breeding Survey Regarding Temps. and Sex Ratios!

    I posted a survey like this over on the ball python forums, and kind of wanted to know the same information for corns as well, since I own and plan to breed both. I know there is no known correlation between temperature of incubation and the ratio of genders in the resulting offspring ((in Ball...
  2. P

    BP Rescue Rant

    Oh, where to begin... So, my friend got a ball python at a pet store two years ago, and since then not only has she acquired about twenty or so more animals (slight exaggeration, but just barely), but has also not much taken care of them. She's cleaned the tank maybe...3 times? I myself have...
  3. P

    Petco Repti Sale!

    Not sure if it's the same everywhere, but in case it is and others haven't seen yet-- Petco is having a 50% off sale for all reptiles on Oct. 12! :D Aaaand...I'm sure it's going to start quite a stir in my house. xD Saw the most beautiful little boa there. Gorgeous! And I'll be back for her if...
  4. P

    Favorite BP Morph?

    Been browsing these lately, and while the complexities of co-dominant morphs is probably too overwhelming for me to ever take up breeding them, I do find myself admiring the results. But i dislike how ball pythons "brown out" as they age--a shame when they start out so beautiful! :[ Still, I am...
  5. P

    Lizard Identification

    So, took everyone out for pictures today (mildly unsuccessful xD), and found this little fellow on my back porch. Any ideas? I live in San Antonio, and my first thought was one of those house geckos, but once I actually looked at it...maybe a really young anole? ((Pardon my horrible photography...
  6. P

    Ratty-Rats! :D

    After what feels like an eternity, my rats are finally out of their initial welcome-home quarantines, have been introduced and settled, and got to play today! :D The two girls came together. The albino, named Luna, had aggression issues due to lack of handling in their old home; she was also...
  7. P

    Butters's Progression Thread Reboot

    So, apparently I'm an idiot and moved my images at some point....so having to redo progression threads, because without pictures...not a great progression thread. xD Butters is my butter stripe gal. I got her at the local reptile expo from a table whose owner I can't seem to find anymore. xP I...
  8. P

    Dante's Progression Thread Reboot

    Apparently at some point, I had moved all of the images of my snakes and therefore his old progression thread no longer has his images...making for a bad progression thread. xD So, let's try this again... Dante is a very handsome hypo fire het anery and stripe purchased from Nanci at Snicker...
  9. P

    Introducing Dante the Hypo Fire Corn!

    Waayyy overdue, but... Introducing our most recent addition to the family: Dante, a hypo fire corn het anery and stripe from Nanci at Snickersnakes. :] (Thank you, Nanci! <3) He is absolutely GORGEOUS and oh, so bright! 8D Pictures don't do him justice...but needless to say, I took some...
  10. P

    Mousey Babies! :]

    Well, I'm one of those weird "conundrum" people who like rodents and snakes. xD (Wanted to post them somewhere, but the "feeders" forum wasn't quite right. xD) So, when my fiance let me breed them, but for food, I was like....."well, at least I have a couple of them that I can love on." We went...
  11. P

    Butters the Butter Stripe~ Eventual Progression Thread

    These looked fun, so wanted to do one of my baby Butters. :3 A little background~ Got her in February 2012 at the local reptile expo. (Still need to get that breeder's name. xD Will hopefully find out in November.) Anywho, was debating between a few cuties. Was new to the genetics of corn...
  12. P

    Generic Overused New User Hello and Intro~

    Hi~ :D I am Mur (nickname, but what I commonly go by), and I am one of those overly-curious collectors of living things (dead things aren't as fun, but still interesting--I have a small, quirky collection of bones, too, but that's not why we're here). I have been around critters all my life: my...