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Search results for query: *

  1. Unicornman154

    Northern Wisconsin: Critters and Kids

    If it wasn't for summers at my dads house as a kid I would never have been able to see beauty in our slither friends and that's something I'm trying to pass on to my my nieces and nephews! I love to take my nephew up north when ever we can. He loves to find animals (mostly toads) and help me...
  2. Unicornman154

    Sealing wood in a home made cage

    So after looking at a few cages online I think I want to build one to save some money and be able to make it the way I want it. After looking at a few posts on other people's DIY adventures I think I know most of what I need to know except for sealing the wood. I saw on one post someone used 3...
  3. Unicornman154

    Separate feeding cage?

    So I'm looking to get my first snake next month and my only previous experience with captive snakes was a class pet corn snake in high school. I remember that the own said she put the snake in a different cage for feeding so that the snake was less likely to bite her thinking her fingers were...
  4. Unicornman154

    Aquarist looking to branch out.

    Hello, my name is David, more commonly known on the interwebs as unicornman154. I guess all I can say is that I've kept fish for the last few years and finally think I have the hang of it so I'm looking to fulfill another desire of mine which is to keep a snake. Ever since I was a little kid...