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Search results for query: *

  1. H

    Inactive- should I worry?

    Hi, Nitro is a male hatchling from last summer. He's been doing great, eating and growing well. For over a week he's been extremely inactive, spending all of his time in one hide. Didn't think much about it at first, but it's persisted a lot longer than ever before. At first I just...
  2. H

    Viv Size

    Our family have been the happy caretakers of a friendly little fluorescent orange amel named Nitro since he hatched last summer. We were watching him glide around his cage the other day and wondered when we should be anticipating putting him in a larger viv. I haven't measured him lately...
  3. H

    Nitro After Recent Shed

    Here's an updated photo of Nitro.
  4. H

    What are corn snake teeth like?

    My kids were asking me about our new corn...does he have fangs, does he have teeth, how many, how big are they?, etc. I know he has teeth, b ut not much about them. Luckily, Nitro has been sweet enough to not to do anything remotely like biting us in the last few weeks, so we haven't really...
  5. H

    Fluorescent Orange Amel (Nitro)

    Here's our new little friend Nitro after his first shed at our house:
  6. H

    How often do they shed their skin?

    Hi- We got our first snake, a fluorescent orange amel, just Tuesday. Yesterday was an exciting day for him. First of all, he had his first meal here (good boy!) Then, late yesterday evening he shed his skin. We were a little surprised because his eyes didn't look milky, etc. Just...
  7. H

    Confused about heating

    Hi- brand new 1st snake arrived today! He's a cute little fluorescent amel and seems to have settled in ok. We confess to being confused about the heat issue. There are many different recommendations listed on many different places! Right now he's in a small reptile habitat (plastic, secure...
  8. H

    1st snake- Flourescent Orange Corn!

    Hi all- Our newest family member and 1st snake arrived bright and early by fed-ex this morning. My daughter has been working for months to earn him so she's pretty excited! I'm nervous about snakes but he is pretty cute and my theory is that having him so small he'll grow on me! He seemed...