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Search results for query: *

  1. tyflier

    Midlife Crisis Averted

    Last summer, I took a couple motorcycle riding lessons from some very skilled friends and spent some time riding a Sportster around a parking lot. So... Next week is my 40th birthday. I got this from a friend of mine about 2 months ago. I've put about 2,500 twisty mountain miles on her so...
  2. tyflier

    Beautiful Morning

    It's a GORGEOUS morning, so we went for a quick walk in the desert. Here's a couple pictures of some local Autumn wildlife... Great Basin Fence Lizard Common Sideblotch Thanks for taking the time to look!
  3. tyflier

    I'm Such a SUCKER!!!

    For the past 6 years or so, my daughter has been begging me for a dog...specifically a Chihuahua. Me...I don't particularly care for 'em. Yippy, nippy, snappy, bitey, growling, toe-biting rat dogs...in my opinion...;) I am SUCH a sucker... Yup...that's my kid, walking her 4-month old female...
  4. tyflier

    Saturday Morning at the Tying Bench

    10 years ago, I was an avid fly fisherman, and pretty darn good fly tier(hence the nickname). 8 years ago, my baby girl was born. When her mother and I split up and I got full custody, I went from fishing about 320 days a year or more, to zero. Tying stopped, fishing stopped...but the passion...
  5. tyflier

    My son thinks he is a dragon...

    Had my son out putting on a show for the neighbors last night, and thought I would share some pics... Thanks for looking!
  6. tyflier

    Oldest Living Rodent Species

    Aplodontia rufa is a living fossile that occurs in the northern Pacific Coast of Oregon and Washington, and in a small belt through the northeastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. We got one in at the center the other day that was hit by a car. As far as we can tell, this is the first time any...
  7. tyflier

    Question for the computer techs...

    OK...My daughter needs a computer this year for school. Rather than trying to save enough to buy her a computer, I decided to re-build my old computer for her. I removed the old 20gig hard drive and CD-ROM, and put in a brand new 250gig drive and a DVD-RW. I have a legal, licensed copy of...
  8. tyflier

    Pictures of my Kids

    It's been one heckuva summer. I've been so busy with work, I haven't had the time or energy to just go out and take photos. But I did manage a couple of shots of my daughter the other day... I think this second one is my new favorite photo of her... Oh, and my son has come back. This...
  9. tyflier


    I love these birds, I've never gotten this close to one before. This guy is 100% wild, never been admitted to the wildlife center, or anything, but for some reason, he has decided that he likes us at Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care, and he hangs around the yard. Usually, I can get to about 3'...
  10. tyflier

    Couple of Wild Ones...

    I went out last night for a short snake cruise, hoping to scare up some Sidewinders and Panamints, but alas, the rattlers didn’t want to come out and play with me. I did find a couple of other snakes, though… California King This king was absolutely gorgeous! He was about 4-4 1/2 feet in...
  11. tyflier

    Photo Manipulations

    Whenever I don't have time to get out and shoot photos, I enjoy playing around with Photoshop, and creating new looks for older shots. The past few days, I have been playing around with some raptor shots from work, giving them a unique presentation. What do you think? I don't really...
  12. tyflier

    This is a new one for me...

    Alright, here's the situation... In case you don't know, I work at a wildlife rehab center. Long story short, a member of the local herpetology club brings me a gophersnake that he found on the side of the road. The snake had been hit, presumably, but was alive. Severely dehydrated, belly...
  13. tyflier

    Wildlife Rehab

    My 6 year old daughter has been helping out around the rescue center, and she took some photos of me at work, so I thought I would share. All photos were taken by my 6year old daughter... Releasing fledgling Barn Owls A very young Raven that was hand-raised at the center...
  14. tyflier

    Vietnam Memorial

    You may or may not know, bu7t there are several mobile versions of the Vietnam War Memorial currently touring the U.S. Basically, they made replicas of the original memorial that is found in Washington D.C., and they made it available to reserve for a visit to your city. My town got lucky, and...
  15. tyflier


    But not what you think. I have never actually seen a Barn Owl in the wild. 2 fledglings came to the rehab center yesterday. Both are healthy, with no evidence of injury or illness, they are just too young, can't fly, and can't hunt. For whatever reason, they were orphaned. Let me tell you...
  16. tyflier

    Wildlife Rehab

    ...euthanized as he is absolutely "unreleasable", but our education bird, Karma(another Red Tail Hawk), opted for self release this past fall, so we *might* be able to get an educational permit for this bird. We hope to, anyhow... Great Horned Owl nestling. This is one of three orphaned...
  17. tyflier

    Lizards and Snakes

    Some recent "finds" in the field... Common Sideblotch--Uta stansburiana Western Sagebrush--Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Mojave Desert Sidewinder--Crotalus cerastes cerastes Great Basin Whiptail--Aspidocelis tigris tigris And a landscape... Wild Iris Windstorm (I know the flowers...
  18. tyflier

    Walk in the Desert

    Went for a quick walk in the desert this afternoon with a good friend of mine to see if anything was crawling about... Western Sagebrush Lizard Barred Spiny Lizard Couple of Great Basin Collared Lizards Thanks for stopping by!
  19. tyflier

    Best Week Ever **DUW**

    So...many of you know that I met my 21-year-old son for the first time since we was 2, just about a week ago. Long story short, it's been far too long in the making, but we had an absolutely outstanding week. We've already made plans for him to come back through for a couple days in August...
  20. tyflier

    Herpin' with my son...

    I just met my 21-year-old son, a couple days ago. He came out to California to visit for a little while, so we went for a walk around the desert, looking for snakes and lizards and such... My son, herping, with a camera 'round his neck. Take that, Nature vs. Nurture... :nyah: Great Basin...