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Search results for query: *

  1. Jrgh17

    This really annoyed me...

    And unfortunately it was published in my school's newspaper. http://media.www.dailyillini.com/media/storage/paper736/news/2008/10/06/Diversions/Pediatricians.Say.no.To.Exotic.Pets.For.Young.Kids-3471021.shtml
  2. Jrgh17

    Mouth hanging open?

    As I was checking on Spencer today, I realized that he doesn't seem to want to close his mouth. At first I thought he was having a grumpy day or was just ready to consider my hand as food, but when I went back to check on him later (keeping my distance), I noticed he still didn't seem to close...
  3. Jrgh17


    ...hypo SOLD 1.0 Lavender (has always been a very little boy) 1.0 Bloodred (sometimes picky, but afraid of live mice - not kidding) If you don't like a particular price, please make an offer. *TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR* I am on a pretty drastic and very rigid time constraint. You snooze, you...
  4. Jrgh17

    I've joined the cult of the beardies...

    Meet Jasmine. She is the sweetest little girl EVER and she's officially moved into an empty tank in my living room. I can't wait to take her outside with me and such.
  5. Jrgh17

    First EGGIES!!!

    From the looks of it, I actually got to them less than an hour after she was done laying. Even the 100% positively good eggs were still pretty moist. I'm positive that 3 are good. I'm unsure about 14 ( Gimme a break! :grin01: ). Two were slu-- I mean, kingsnake food. :licklips:
  6. Jrgh17

    I don't get it...

  7. Jrgh17

    Dear life, You suck. <3 Jenni

    So I'm pissed, and sad. One of my snakes, started losing weight awhile ago. I wasn't really worried at first, I just started feeding more, but she kept losing weight. That's when I decide that she needs to go to the vet. I called and made an appointment. Unfortunately, the only reptile guy...
  8. Jrgh17

    I absolutely hate it when...

    I absolutely hate it when you post a snake for sale, and someone emails or PMs you to ask "What's the lowest you'll sell to me for?" Note, they're not curious about the asking price of the snake. Essentially they're trying to haggle the price of the animal without doing any of the actual work...
  9. Jrgh17

    WIR 4/21/08-4/27/08

    New Acquisitions: Susielea got sweet-talked into a beautiful little blood. Lynnea purchased some beauties online. ArpeggioAngel broke her 'dry streak with a pretty RO. Smuscato256 joined with newly acquired Bo. NomadicLass is going through 'new parent syndrome' with Lisa. Jrgh17 (me) got...
  10. Jrgh17

    New aquisition!

    I got this girl last week, but haven't had time to show her off. I remember tonight while feeding her, and decided to snap a quick pic. Everyone, meet Zeke's girl, Chloe:
  11. Jrgh17

    Shipping supplies?

    Where do you purchase shipping supplies (boxes, heat packs, deli cups, cold packs)? I have a place... but I'm not sure I'm getting the best deal.
  12. Jrgh17

    Interesting thought...

    This was prompted by the obesity thread in Health Issues. I love how we get all worried whenever our snakes have 'hips' and are very meticulous about their feeding schedules... yet how many of us neglect OURSELVES and our own care to some extent? For instance: Snake hips vs. owner being...
  13. Jrgh17

    King, Milk, and BP for sale

    So everything has basically hit the fan for me, and I need to severely cut down on the stuff I have to worry about. I can't bear to part with my corns, but these guys have to go. :( 0.0.1 Late '06/Early '07 Ball Python (Eats live) 1.0 '05 (or earlier) Tangerine Hondo 1.0 50/50 '06 Cali...
  14. Jrgh17

    Nomination for "Feeding Response of 2008"

    After having this girl refuse last week, THIS surprised the heck outta me. After laughing and snapping a picture, I just kinda put the tweezers down and let her do her stuff. :shrugs:
  15. Jrgh17

    New snakies!

    First up is Kayla, an '06 Lav Mot: And her boyfriend (and brother :sidestep: ), Matt: And last but not least, Nikki, an '06 Pewter: All three came from Joe Cala. Thanks Joe! :wavey:
  16. Jrgh17

    Male looses interest = female gravid?

    So tonight I put Nate and Meara together for the third (and final?) time. Nate has ALWAYS been rather quick to put the moves on any girlie in the vicinity, so I was really surprised when he looked at Meara, sniffed a bit, and then curled up to sleep. Meara has been getting quite large...
  17. Jrgh17


    Any one have info/pictures of what a snake homo hypo, amel, and lav would be like? I know a hypo amel is an amel with a lot more orange, and an opal is kinda a whitish purple snake. Would a "hopal" be a whitish purple with more orange than a typical opal, or is the difference even...
  18. Jrgh17

    Tax Rebate

    Please elaborate. :)
  19. Jrgh17

    Website shopping cart?

    So I'm doing a friend's website, and said friend wants a shopping cart. Could anyone recommend a free one that isn't a PITA to setup, works with google checkout, and isn't a POC? :)
  20. Jrgh17

    Naughty Photos...

    WHOO HOO!!! Meara (Anery het amel lav ph hypo) X Nate (Hypo het amel anery lav) I didn't want to bug them, so I just snapped a quick photo. It's not the best. Also, please excuse the messiness in the corner. Nate putting the moves on Meara... This is most excited I've ever been about...