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Search results for query: *

  1. Tara80

    My kids on SMR!! (well, not mine anymore)

    One of my most favorite snakes went to live with Don and ended up on the Snake of the Day! The Sunkissed Anery is probably one of my top most favorite cornsnake morph combinations. Photo by Don Soderberg at South Mountain Reptile. Snake of the day 10/19/2013 https://www.cornsnake.net/
  2. Tara80

    Moving a few out #2

    I will redirect my last for sale thread to this one. The other thread has become a bit of a mess just due to the fact that I like to individually provide a post with pictures for each snake that I can remove upon selling of the snake. (brought over from the first thread) It's that time for me...
  3. Tara80

    For John F. Buckskin Okeetees hatching with a HUGE surprise!

    I bought a pair of Buckskin Okeetees from John back at Daytona a few years ago, and this was their first year breeding. They are some of the most gorgeous buckskins ever (I may be partial to them) but they only laid 8 good eggs, which have just been hatching recently. Well, to my surprise, I...
  4. Tara80

    Babies finally arriving!!

    Started seeing pippies two days ago and now they're coming out! I've got two clutches that are finally deciding to take a peek at the big wide world. First clutch out are 100% Anery Sunkissed and Ghost Sunkissed babies. I love the head pattern on a few of these! Boy are they cranky, already...
  5. Tara80

    Who actually owns you, would you like to know?

    If you are curious how the world is run and why; who is pulling the strings.. this is a good documentary to watch. http://topinfopost.com/2013/07/18/rothschild-conspiracy-international-banking-cartel-and-the-federal-reserve?fb_source=pubv1 NzyOtl4MDC4
  6. Tara80

    New executive order - all information systems now belong to the government

    This is worth posting. Very scary that they now "lay claim" to our information systems, including the internet. http://worldtruth.tv/obama-gives-himself-control-of-all-communication-systems-in-america/ The actual executive order...
  7. Tara80

    Classified, attack on classified at classified?

    I guess this is from the Onion, but still!! Found it randomly on Youtube and no information on it to begin with. I almost had a heart attack! 5IhlNK3hEeE
  8. Tara80

    Moving a few out

    It's that time for me to evaluate my current quantity of snakes vs. the amount of projects and babies on the way. A few of my snakes just do not fit into my plans anymore thus I am putting them up for sale. NOTE that all of my snakes are considered pets first at my home and I am not short...
  9. Tara80

    Layne Labs sale

    Just an FYI post for people looking to purchase food for their up and coming babies. Layne Labs is having a sale on all pinkies only. I just placed my order, not sure how long the sale will last. I can say that their rodents are great quality. Link: http://www.laynelabs.com/frozen-mice
  10. Tara80

    Coolest fact you've heard today.

    I personally have a goal, which is to spend a little time each day reading and learning about something new. Whether it is science based, history, current events.. you name it. I'd like to initiate a thread where we can share information or facts that we have learned and think might be...
  11. Tara80

    Rhinos now extinct in Mozambique

    Reading an article like this makes me so disappointed in the human race. What can we do to ensure these animals continue to survive? http://www.komonews.com/news/national/Expert-Rhinos-now-extinct-in-Mozambique-205785841.html
  12. Tara80

    Your favorite animal; or the coolest you've seen.

    I'd like to start a thread about animals that YOU think are really unusual, awesome or unique. There are SO MANY cool animals out there! I'm still learning about new animals that I didn't even realize existed. We're even discovering new animals all of the time. Starting off, I'd like to post...
  13. Tara80

    Late start for me 2013

    I didn't think I was going to do any pairings this year due to long work hours; but then our wonderful upper government management.... DIDN'T take action. We've had quite a bit of work cut, no overtime allowed AND we are probably going to be furloughed. With all of the extra time, I decided to...
  14. Tara80

    War with North Korea

    Think it's going to happen; or do you think they're just bluffing again? It certainly wouldn't last long, if it happened. Personally, I think the Country needs to fall, for the good of the people. 'The situation is critical, war is probably just hours away': Kim Jong Un's chilling email to...
  15. Tara80

    Micro Scale pictures

    Because my camera has disappeared and I'm saving up for a new one, my sister came over with her Nikon and took some pictures of a few of my snakes, including the micro scaled guys. Here are a few of the pictures she snapped. Thanks for looking!
  16. Tara80

    Corn snake photo section

    There are quite a few sites out there now that have a 'photo section' where, if you are curious about exactly what a specific morph looks like, you can go to for comparison (such as Ian's Vivarium). I know I appreciate seeing photos of specific morphs and morph combinations. I am curious if...
  17. Tara80

    HAMM Pick-ups!

    Well, the process was long. It took about a week and a half for these guys to make the distance from Hamm to here. I gave them a bit to settle in, drink, eat and relax and finally felt comfortable taking a few pics of each. The pictures aren't the best, I didn't want to stress them out too much...
  18. Tara80

    For Zorro! Buckskin Okeetees

    Beautiful pair of buckskins that I purchased from John last Daytona. These guys are growing like weeds and are the definition of Okeetee perfection (I might be biased). John, I'm ever thankful that I was able to buy these from you. I've got lots of future plans for them. First two are pics of...
  19. Tara80

    Stargazer looking for food

    This is my tester gazer, from Chuck and Connie. I dare say that her personality makes her one of my favorite snakes. Not much seems to bother her, she is never cranky or scared. Food is, of course, her number 1 priority though!!
  20. Tara80

    A Few from my collection

    I've been trying out new photo techniques using some white rocks. They didn't turn out like I had hoped but I plan to keep working on it until I'm satisfied. Here are a few snakes from my collection that I took, as I prepare to finish registering with the ACR. They are in this order: Honey...