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Search results for query: *

  1. SilverTongue

    Interesting story

  2. SilverTongue

    South Mountain Reptiles

    I finally got to meet Don Soderberg yesterday! He is funny :) and he held it together quite well considering how streesed I could tell he was. I bought a Motley with pratically a perfect pattern from him. I will have pics of all my new babys in a few days. I will definatly shop from him again...
  3. SilverTongue


    Heya I came across your collection in webshots! :) You have a great collection there!:cool:
  4. SilverTongue


    Ok here is my question. I am not sure I am feeding my adult corn enough. I give him an adult mouse and he swallows it and searches for more. His diamater is about the size of a roll of US Quarters. You can not even see or feel a bulg in his belly. SHould I be feeding him rats and if so what...
  5. SilverTongue


    Hey Kilojara, I was just curious if you had any cartoons I can put in my mailing group site in my humor section. This is the section I am talking about http://Herps@groups.msn.com/Herps/funnystuff.msnw
  6. SilverTongue

    Good source of information

  7. SilverTongue

    Heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok here is my heart attack story for today I am sitting here at the computer typing and holding my adult red albino. He starts crawling around on the desk. I figure no problem I will grab him underthe desk. I look up cuz see he was still in my hand. But he wasnt on the desk! He was...
  8. SilverTongue

    Need To Know

    Hey please let me know if this banner is slowing you dialup/slow computer people up. I know sometimes grafics are really bad so just let me know okie :)
  9. SilverTongue

    Gotta love it!!

    Try it again! :) Look what I got today for $50!!! http://www.geocities.com/wolf_dancer2/ProfessorPlum.html :cool:
  10. SilverTongue

    The Sky Is Falling!

    http://www.msnbc.com/news/791665.asp?pne=msn&cp1=1#BODY :eek:
  11. SilverTongue


    Hey what do some of you breeders use to ship animals across country? Where do you get them? Basicaly i want to beable to ship reptiles but dont know what I need.
  12. SilverTongue


    Heya Rich how do you contact people to let them know you are sending their snakes and will you be contacting me soon? :)
  13. SilverTongue

    Had to share

    I know this is not a corn, but still....... Some depressing news to share. My husband works for SWBell and he was installing a line in some apartments when he saw are citys contracted animal control pull up with some poliece. They went into an apartment and came out with a 10' Burmese Python...
  14. SilverTongue

    shaking and spit up

    well I admit I gave my corn a pinky that was a lil to big, i guess it could be considered a peach pinky. 3 days later she spit it up. I know that it is normal and that is not the problem. I just need to feed her newborns. The problem is she is shaking badly. Not twitching and floping , but...
  15. SilverTongue


    hehe wow her colors are SOOOO NICE! I love it!!! I will get pics asap I am soo happy i didnt think she was ever gonna shed!!!
  16. SilverTongue


    Heya Rich, Are you letting people know ahead of time when you are delivering their snakes?? If know then i will be paranoid and never leave the apartment!!! LoL
  17. SilverTongue

    My Slinka!

    Well she still hasnt shed yet :( But I have learned that she burrows!!! She actually burrows!! I have an ivy in a clear plastic dish in her aquarium. And I caught her doing it this time. I thought maybe she just fell through a hole in the soil, because I keep messing with the plant when I...
  18. SilverTongue


    wow I just looked up that website for domaine regristration..they rock on the annual fees, but if you are a merchant and want their merchant account then watchout!!! OMG It is costly....I think when I am selling corns and such I shall take PAYPAL only hehe:D
  19. SilverTongue


    Well today I pulled my slinka out of her cage after feeding her two days ago and she had milky blue eyes!!! So I placed her in her water dish!! I can wait to see her after she is done!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Excited. This will be her first shed since I have bought her!!!
  20. SilverTongue

    Online photo storage
