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Search results for query: *

  1. Tom Tuttle

    My Favorite Peppermint

    I hatched this fella out in 2014..
  2. Tom Tuttle

    Adult Male Lavender Combine

    ISO Adult Male Lavender combines: Opal or Lavender homo or het Stripe, het Amel would be a great! Plasma stripe het amel. Female striped Opal are not available.
  3. Tom Tuttle

    ISO Lavender Combines

    ISO Adult Male Lavender combines: Opal or Lavender homo or het Stripe, het Amel would be a great! Plasma stripe het amel. Female Striped Opal are not available.
  4. Tom Tuttle

    Cool Peppermint with a twist

    Getting ready to breed this fellow.:dancer:
  5. Tom Tuttle

    Caramel Tessera/ het Stripe

    Caramel Tessera fresh out of the egg. First one out from Ashley's clutch. 100% het stripe, 50% poss het Amel & Lava.;)
  6. Tom Tuttle

    Peppermint Chimera

    Not a palmetto!! Fresh shed Peppermint Chimera.
  7. Tom Tuttle

    Steel City Reptile Expo March 8th.

    One of the RARE occasions when Linda & I will be vending this year. We will be at the Steel City Reptile Expo next Saturday March 8th. Since the weather isn't that great for riding yet, so we'll be there. One our friends has taken over the show & asked if we'd come down & show our support. He's...
  8. Tom Tuttle

    Banded Amel

    Enjoy! :cool:
  9. Tom Tuttle


    Sunspot Ultramel Anery
  10. Tom Tuttle


    Sunkissed Okeettee. :)
  11. Tom Tuttle

    Coming soon!

    Coming soon!
  12. Tom Tuttle

    Nice Adult Okeettee Pair

    Nice pair of adult Okeettee's up for grabs. Both are proven breeders. The male is from SMR and may possibly be het banded. I produced the female in 2008. Shipping not included in the price. $ 200 pair Please email any questions. Can be delivered to any of the following shows to save on...
  13. Tom Tuttle

    A few adult females for sale

    I have an adult female up for grabs. Prices do not include shipping. Hmm: not sure what this one is other than cool. $125 Please email any questions. Can be delivered to any of the following shows to save on shipping with prepay. Steel City Expo, Columbus, Hamburg, Pittsburgh (Cheswick)...
  14. Tom Tuttle

    Cool amel

    Held back a pair of these from 2012. I really like the scale on the head that has an absence of color!
  15. Tom Tuttle

    Banded Amel

    We produced this girl in 2009. I just love her pattern! She is one of Linda's favorites.
  16. Tom Tuttle

    Mandarin Bloodred (Amel Kastanie)

    Thought I'd take a new pic of this girl. She's a 2010 Mandarin Bloodred/ poss het anery & caramel. I can't wait to see her offspring next season. ;)
  17. Tom Tuttle

    Promising 1st sheds

    A couple 1st shed pics. Produced from Striped Pastel Ghost x Sunspot Salmon Snow. These are already starting to gain some pinkish hues. I'll be taking more photo's of the rest of the clutch later this week and posting a few for sale.
  18. Tom Tuttle

    Talkin heads

    A couple fresh shed hatchlings.
  19. Tom Tuttle


    Had my 1st bubble heads ever this year, both in the same miami het cinder clutch. One died within minutes of emerging and this one is going strong. I love the different colored eyes this one has. One eye is normal color the other has ruby look. First photo is at hatching the rest are post 1st shed.
  20. Tom Tuttle

    Stripes & more

    This clutch was sired by my Striped Tess/ het caramel & amel X Striped/motley Amel/ het caramel (first time female). Unfortunately there were only 10 eggs in the clutch of which 9 went full term. Since I can't distinguish the Tessera from the striped/motley in this clutch, they will all be...