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Search results for query: *

  1. B

    ? First time ever produced?

    This is a picture of a 2016 "black" silverleaf kisatchie ratsnake (Slowinski's cornsnake). This snake is expressing both the "black" gene, which is an anery type gene unique to Kisatchies, and the silverleaf gene, also unique to this ratsnake. Since I saw that first silverleaf picture from KJ...
  2. B

    Slowinski's cornsnake morphs

    There has been a lot of interest in these snakes over the last 10 years since KJ Lodrigue posted the first pic of his wild caught "Silverleaf" female. A few have been available over the last 10 years, but few and far between. The only other current morph from these snakes is a "black...
  3. B

    Kisatchie Silverleaf Ratsnakes----Finally available

    Finally available for sale, after many years of hoping for these guys ------ Kisatchie Silverleaf ratsnakes. ( see http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128737&highlight=silverleaf ) The silverleaf mutation was discovered in a wild caught snake about 10 years ago. This is a...
  4. B

    Best of 2015 corns

    I was very pleased with some of my baby corns this year. I was tempted to make all of these keepers, but I am so pleased with my current group of adults, I really do not need any of these for future breeders. I can make a deal on purchase of multiple snakes. SOLD SOLD 0.1 high white ultramel...
  5. B

    Ultramel Okeetees from Walter, 2013

    Here is a female 2013 ultramel okeetee from Walter Smith. I previously posted the male, which has more red/dark orange in his back ground color, but this female is pretty sharp, too, in my opinion. The second snake is a 'high white ultramel okeetee', male, also from Walter. He is so bright...
  6. B

    Adult female honey het motley. Added male honey motley pics

    I purchased a pair of snakes from Troy and Jarrett early last summer. This is the female, and the male is a honey motley. Both are hatched 2011. Usually, I love motleys, but in this case, the female has so much more color and contrast, I just had to post some pics of her. After she sheds again...
  7. B

    Anery Kisatchie

    I think it is ok to post her here. I realize some of us think she is probably a cornsnake, and some current thought is suggesting she is more of a non-corn rat snake, but she sure acts like a corn! So I will post her here for now. She is 100% anery Kisatchie corn, a big female who belongs to...
  8. B

    A few 2013 corns

    The first couple of pictures is an ultramel okeetee male from Walter Smith. I have a female that is a lighter orange, but I did not take any decent pictures of her. And I have a male extreme white ultramel okeetee that is also a knockout. I bought these 3 babies from Walter last year, and I am...
  9. B

    Last of my 2013 corns

    Below is my most updated list; thank you to all of you who have purchased snakes from me in the last few months. This list was updated as of 12/22/2013, thanks for looking, Brad Lichtenhan. 1. Ultra/ultramel tessera --- Last male available, price reduced to ($125)/ea, now $115. He is het...
  10. B

    Trio of proven albino coastal rosies

    This trio is 6 years old, so they have lots of productive years ahead. I am getting some new cornsnake projects, and need to make some room, so they are available. I am willing to part with them for bare minimum, $300 for the trio, plus shipping. They are all healthy, eating f/t, and tame. The...
  11. B

    Ultra/Utramel tesseras

    I have 5 tesseras that are either ultra or ultramel, het stripe, poss het anery and caramel. The sire was an ultramel stripe het caramel and anery, and the female was an ultramel tessera without other known hets. I am asking $175 for these snakes. I also have several other corns for sale...
  12. B

    Really nice Ultramels, tessera siblings -- $40

    I have several really nice, clean and sharp ultramel corns. These snakes seem to glow in the dark in person. The sire for these snakes was an ultramel stripe het caramel and anery, and the dam was a snow for some of the babies and an ultramel tessera for the others. I am asking $40/ea for these...
  13. B

    Striped baby corns

    I have some golddust stripes(1.1), butter stripes(0.1), albino stripe het caramel, (2.0) and ultramel stripes het caramel(3.1). They are all 50% possible het anery. Sire was ultramel stripe het caramel anery. Dam was butter stripe. I am asking $65 for the goldusts, $55 for the ultramels and...
  14. B

    ALL sold out ---2013 Hognose, red phase and greens

    All these babies are now sold, Hope to have more next year. I have some really nice corns for sale in the cornsnakes ads. I hatched a clutch of red x red/yellow hognose this year, and I have about 6 babies left. They are pictured in this ad. I also hatched some normal phase greens, I have 6...
  15. B

    Last few 09 cornsnakes

    1. 1.0 butter stripe 2. 1.0 ultramel motley 3. 0.0.1 golddust 4. 1.0 nice lavender motley 5. 0.1 caramel motley 6. 1.1 anerythristic Kisatchie pair Pictured is the caramel motley, butter stripe, ultramel motley, and then 2 of the really nice lavender motley.... there are a couple really nice...
  16. B

    Lavender stripe and lavender motley males

    I have a couple of '09 males that I cannot keep, but they are doing great and are more than ready to go. I am asking $70 for the lav stripe and $75 for the lavender motley. Both snakes are 67% poss het hypo. The lav mot is going to turn into a screamer, but I will have to ad some pics of him on...
  17. B

    Butter stripe males -- 09

    I have 2 butter stripe males that would definitely be keepers if I were keeping any snakes, but we moved and I lost my snake room and for the time being, I have to let them all go. They are both doing great. $85 each or take both for $145, shipping will run about $45, thanks for looking. Brad...
  18. B

    Several 09 corns still available

    I have the following snakes left over from this summer. 1. 2.0 butter stripes 2. 1.0 hypo stripe 3. 0.0.3 ultramel motleys 4. 0.0.1 golddust 5. 1.0 nice lavender motley 6. 0.1 caramel motley 7. 0.0.1 ultra motley 8. 0.1 Ultramel Anery Motley 9. 1.0 lavender stripe ph opal 10. 1.1 anerythristic...
  19. B

    Whitewall Speckled Kings

    I have 4 baby whitewall speckleds left this year, all 4 are now eating unscented f/t pinks. Actually, 3 took off and ate the very first time I offered them food, the other one I had to initially tease feed, but he took unscented also, so they are doing great and ready to go. These turn into...
  20. B

    Ghost/anery pair with really cool hets!!

    I have a ghost male and an anery female. I also have an extra anery male. These were produced from a plasma het hypo male bred to a blue mot het hypo female (I did not know the parents were het hypo). So the ghost is of course hypo and anery, plus definite het for dilute(blue)motley, lavender...