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Search results for query: *

  1. Paintdrops

    new family member!

    So I adopted a corn snake to add to my collection only 5 minutes ago and wanted to share :D I know he is a classic but what would you call him? Such as a "white" corn is called a snow but still a classic... don't know my morphs too well... anyways, he is feisty but I can tell he is going to be...
  2. Paintdrops


    An update on simon who is now around 3 months old, almost 9inches long. He is a feisty bugger. Every time i try to take him out of his cage, he literally has a hissy fit. Striking, tail rattling, and hissing. Things have been improving though since he has been spending about 2 hours a day out of...
  3. Paintdrops

    Might be helpful?

    Hey guys, been awhile since I posted but I found this chart and thought it was great! The sheet is only for one snake but it is easily customizable. Anyways, if anyone is interested, I found it helpful and convenient :)
  4. Paintdrops


    Hey guys, I recently posted and got the okay to start threads each month, choosing a theme in which to post pictures of your corns. Its not a contest, just for fun, I think it will be a cute idea so lets see how many people would like to participate and see how it goes!! Since it is October...
  5. Paintdrops


    I think it wouldbe awesome for a thread to start each month that has a special theme dedicated to the month for pics, such as; october, post your corns on halloween festivities! Just say, i think it would be cute :)
  6. Paintdrops

    fresh shed

    hey all, most wont remember me, been awhile since i posted and i ended up loosing my two guys because they just refused to eat, so after a long frustrating time, i had a specialist force feed them and they both passed away the next morning :( here are some photos simon and so far, 3 successful...
  7. Paintdrops

    Been awhile but i am back!

    Hello everyone, It has been awhile since I have been online (no internet) but I wanted to let everyone know that both my corns refused to eat and after having a specialist force feed they ended up dying the next day :( It was very frustrating and heart breaking... I now own a 7 month old 3 ft...
  8. Paintdrops


    Everything is finally set up, UTH, thermostat, its all there!! I feel sooooo much better! Very bad camera so sorry if everything isn't clear! Cheers :crazy02:
  9. Paintdrops


    I feel so horrible that i didnt research before hand though... my snakes are not set up properly, i dont have UTH or a temp probe, i currently have one of my snakes in an 18gal tub from walmart because i thought they could be put together... they have been separated for a week now and i have had...
  10. Paintdrops

    male or female?

    Someone told me that a male snake will have 2 little hooks at the end of their tails, but you have to wait until a certain age to see this... is this true or is the only way to sex a snake through internal exam?
  11. Paintdrops

    Getting worried

    So, I know that new snakes take awhile to eat, and I got my 2 corns on July 20th.. I've been trying to feed them once a week since I got them... Well as of right now, they are in the same tank (which I know is bad) I am getting the supplies this weekend to build a custom tank with 2 parts.. but...
  12. Paintdrops

    I need an example..

    So I was wondering if someone could post some pictures of there heat setup, such as the heat pad on the outside and the temp probe sitting in the middle. I've been reading and have been told how to do it but I think some photos would be better at showing me exactly what it should look like or...
  13. Paintdrops

    Custom cage on the way

    So this weekend I will be building my viv, it will be 4ft long by 1 1/2 feet wide and 1 1/2 deep. The back and bottom of the viv will be wood, the 2 sides and the front will be glass (all of which will be fitted into a wooden frame as well) the top the of viv will be 2 side opening doors...
  14. Paintdrops

    2 Corns 1 Cage

    So I have previously owned a corn but it was only 1 at the time and now that I have just set myself back up with 2 corns I didn't realize that it is bad to house them together (as i read the article posted in another section) I now need to turn my 50 gallon tank into 2 sections, i was...
  15. Paintdrops

    I am comfused....

    What does it mean when people say "1.2 corns" ect.. what does the 1.2 mean? or any other decimal numbers they use?
  16. Paintdrops

    Hello there!

    I just wanted to drop in and introduce my herp family and myself (: My name is Jessica, I am currently studying forestry/range/wildlife management and a stay at home momma. My first corn snake was about 3 years ago, she was a beautiful snow corn with yellowish-green. (I'm not up to speed with...