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Search results for query: *

  1. Elaphe_Mo

    pewters on feeding day

    for jzal8: The first is my female, Gilina. The other two pics are of my male, Smaug.
  2. Elaphe_Mo

    Sad day

    I just had to get this off my chest to people who I know can feel my pain. Earlier this year while I was trying to figure out my breeding plans for the season, I saw Rich's pictures of his amazing lav bloods and knew I had to try for those. I got one clutch of eggs that would have all been lav...
  3. Elaphe_Mo

    Normal motley (-stripe??)

    This is Flood, a normal motley (possible motley stripe). Can you tell he's het for butter?
  4. Elaphe_Mo

    Rich's hatchling water dishes

    I started using some of Rich Z's deli cup water dishes this year and I had to say they work great. Looks like the babies are enjoying them too!
  5. Elaphe_Mo

    motley x stripe

    I posted a while back about my amel stripe who became egg-bound. She is now fully recovered, and her 5 good eggs are hatching. The father is a caramel motley. It is amazing the variation between them. With just the first 2 fully out of the egg, one (the normal) is more than 2/3 perfectly...
  6. Elaphe_Mo

    Benign neglect, when to say when?

    Well I posted a bit ago how my boyfriend started vacuuming around my gravid females right before they were about to lay. I don't know whether it was the reason or not, but the 2 who have started laying have had problems. One has just been really slow, laying 1-3 eggs per day, and I'm going to...
  7. Elaphe_Mo


    I have several gravid girls at the moment, two of which have had their pre-lay shed and should drop at any moment. So what does my boyfriend do? He spent all afternoon yesterday vacuuming right around my racks and in the next room. Those girls were all nice and settled, and now they haven't...
  8. Elaphe_Mo

    I guess size really doesn't matter...

    This is my '97 female snow, Holly, being "romanced" by Smaug, an '02 pewter. She's usually picky about smaller males, but I guess Smaug impressed her. Does anyone have any info about fertility (or lack thereof) in smaller males? This is a side project so I won't be too disappointed if not...
  9. Elaphe_Mo

    Decisions, Decisions

    Well it is that time of year again. Full of excitement and promise, but also full of tough decisions about which snake breeds with who. I've got most of my lineup straight, but have one decision I've been pondering for the past 6 months, and it is still driving me nuts. So now you get to help...
  10. Elaphe_Mo


    I just wanted to say that last week I had the chance to go into a classroom full of middle school students and share my corn snakes with them. I had a blast talking to them about corn snake genetics and care. They were all excited and interested and that made me feel good about this hobby. I...
  11. Elaphe_Mo

    Anery with NO yellow

    Just wondering how common it is to have an adult anery with no yellow. I know they're out there, but mine is one of the only ones I've seen. This is Tristan:
  12. Elaphe_Mo

    Hypo Lavs & Charcoals

    These are my new arrivals from Rich Z's awesome sale. They arrived on Wednesday and all ate their first meal for me on Thursday. This is the female charcoal (het hypo pewter), "Smudge", the only picky one who wanted a lizard-scented pinkie:
  13. Elaphe_Mo

    Handling in Shed

    I have been seeing some different posts about this lately and was just wondering how people deal with handling and feeding their snakes when they are in shed. Personally I don't treat them any differently, will handle and feed them normally unless I know they are prone to refusing food when...
  14. Elaphe_Mo

    "normal" motley

    I just had to share this little guy. Motleys were not expected from this clutch, but here he is. Went straight to the growing "keeper" pile. I named him/her Flood, since out of 40+ hatchlings, this is the only one that consistantly finds a way to knock over the water dish.
  15. Elaphe_Mo

    brand new amber

    I am so happy to see this little guy. The female laid 8 eggs and 6 slugs, and during the course of incubation I had to watch one after another of the good eggs start to die. This was the last one and I've been holding my breath to see if it would hatch. Hooray!
  16. Elaphe_Mo

    A nose!

    Now this is what I like to wake up to in the morning! Anyone care to guess what it is? I know (I hope) but I'm not telling :D
  17. Elaphe_Mo


    I posted a bit ago about my normal who had a mouth full of aspen (never fed in her cage, just ended up with her mouth crammed with it). I've got her quarrantined, and on antibiotics for the RI she developed, and she had been recovering nicely. Her mouth is closed now and although she hasn't...
  18. Elaphe_Mo

    Another substrate story

    I've kept my animals on a variety of different substrates over the years I've had them, and only now have had a major health problem. All my corns are on aspen now. Yesterday (feeding/cleaning day) I saw that one of my favorite animals, a beautiful normal het snow female, had her mouth open...
  19. Elaphe_Mo

    Butter motleys!!

    These are some beautiful 02 butter motleys I won from Rich on Fauna Auction. They just arrived today. I was absolutely stunned that I won them for the price I did, and stunned again at how great they look! Thank you Rich!!!! This is the female:
  20. Elaphe_Mo

    rack system

    OK I just have to post this because I'm so excited. My boyfriend finished building and presented to me last night a new rack for my corns! Just in time for valentine's day, and more importantly, just in time to start making sure everybody is nice and warm and "in the mood." I will post a pic...