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Search results for query: *

  1. whippet


    S0 the one pictured is smaller...but this is the 9 bin model. It has heat and was only used about a year. Very nice rack with bins included. Maryland only...I am not shipping this monster! Sorry. We paid over 400 bucks for this...and then assembled it and ran around to find the right bins! You...
  2. whippet

    Never Give Up...snakes end up in the weirdest places

    So our Cape Gopher yearling has been missing for close to two months. We tried it all...the tape only caught spiders. The rest only caught dust. I actually gave up and marked him as dead on iherp. ... Today Lauren does a load of white towels with bleach. She asked me to move them to the dryer...
  3. whippet

    Private Messages!

    Is there any possible way to take away the 180 second rule for contributing members? It's so hard to respond to inquires on sales when I have to wait so long to answer each question. Since I am paying to be a member...chances are I am not going to spend a bunch of spam messages anyway right...
  4. whippet


    Has anyone here been burnt with the reptile community? Lauren and I are so baddly burnt at this point...we are going to sell almost ALL of our collection (see ads soon) and try to get down to the very first and most beloved of our collection. It's so sad....but we feel so burnt it makes it hard...
  5. whippet

    Cutest Couple Photo EVER! And the biggest pet on four feet allowed round here anyway!

    First myself on Sugar... the mare we adopted this past spring. She is a beauty isn't she? They think she is a spotted draft/haflinger cross. She is about as slow as one! I do love a good draft cross pony! Next is Lauren on Rita. Rita is a pinto with a hint of arab thrown in to make things...
  6. whippet

    HSUS has a five star rating? Go help change those numbers!

    YIKES!!! Please check out this latest website that the HSUS has turned into a love fest! Post your review of the organization to show the public how they really should rate! Please pass the word! http://greatnonprofits.org/reviews/the-humane-society-of-the-united-states/ This website is rating...
  7. whippet

    Anery Striped baby!

    Wanted : Baby or yearling female. Multi hets a bonus! We lost our little cutie and would like to replace her. Thanks! :)
  8. whippet


    No idea why...but this jumped in my head the other day and I had to make a comic of it. LOL!
  9. whippet

    Rescued Pigeon! Biggest dang Pigeon I have ever seen!

    Seriously...my mother has smaller chickens. This is a huge pigeon...and very tame. He stepped right up on my hand. We talked to Nanci of course to get hints and we are hoping for the best. All the bleeding has stopped and it was not much blood thankfully...the only part that worries me was some...
  10. whippet

    Grooming my big pony! Pictures!

    Went to the Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue today to see my pony and give her a brush and sneak her a treat! She was supposed to get a bath to wash away the mud...but Maryland decided to change seasons again today and it was cold and raining. Ah well. I will try again next weekend. She comes...
  11. whippet

    OMG really? SQUEEE! Adding hooves to the family!

    So I have been working hard back and forth trying to adopt this cute fat large pony for ages now. I thought I had a chance in December when a spot opened up at my mothers barn...but saddly she filled it before I could. Then recently we decided to open an old pasture that had not been used in...
  12. whippet

    Lets see YOUR worst photos!

    Due to someone on facebook just posting a photo of their wedding...and the super bad early 80s hair they were sporting, I had to dig down in my parents collection of childhood photos and find THIS! I dare YOU to post the absolute worst photo of yourself in times past. Bring on those early...
  13. whippet

    Pictures of the new Popup Camper and the dogs!

    So we got ourselves a popup camper this week and wanted to introduce the dogs! Man did we have a great time with them bouncing around! It's a Coleman Yuma *sample photo ] Me and the mutts! (Riley the Golden, Apache the Chihuahua, and Katie Bug the Basset Hound) My fiance Lauren and...
  14. whippet

    The MOST amazing photograph you will ever see! OMG shocking!!!!

    That is right!!! LAUREN (hypancistrus for those very few who don't know) POPPED the question! And of course I said yes!!! She used my grandmother's diamond after asking my parents for permission. *squee* I personally want to thank cornsnakes.com where we met...where we flirted...where we dated...
  15. whippet

    OMG OMG Oh Em Geeeee~ Meet Ladybird!!!

    Thank you a million times over to my beloved Lauren who put this deal together as a suprise! And thank you again for the amazing Chip Bridges who sold us this amazing little cutie girl!!!! She had a very bad day today.... So She got me back for making her take that long trip.... LOL...
  16. whippet

    My Tarantula Pheonix died...but why?

    That is how big she/it was when I got her in spring of 09. She/it had doubled in size and was doing great...Just ate 3 crickets a couple of day ago. But She had been acting wiggy lately, kicking her hairs everywhere and moving about more than usual. Yesterday I found her upside down and...
  17. whippet

    Burm Updates! And some blood...

    So Malakai the Burmese...who came from Robbie this past summer has really been packing on weight since switching over to medium rats. He is looking great...but was not a in a great mood tonight! When we stroked him with the hook he hissed a bit. Should have been a sign to pull out the big wussy...
  18. whippet

    Another Morph Puzzle for you. Fun Pics

    Meet Aurora. She was sold to me from a local herp shop in Summer 09. So she will be two this year. She was sold as a Golddust. There is her baby picture. She had a funny light head, but I have not seen any golddust babies...so I figured it was probably normal. Now here she is a year and a...
  19. whippet

    advice from the wise folks of CS is needed. LONG

    So there are so wise, well spoken, amazing individuals here...and I need your advice. I am stuck in a hard position and don't know exactly how to proceed. This involves my parents and seems harder than when I came out of the closet. LOL! So my parents offered Lauren and I a deal about 8...
  20. whippet


    For years now the big bad animal rights groups like the HSUS and PETA have been trying to eliminate reptiles as pets. They use horrible propaganda and negative news stories to push the public into a state of fear. In order to prevent stories like this from breaking out, most herp keepers...