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Search results for query: *

  • Users: zorro
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. zorro

    My last snakes-18 Buckskin Okeetee pair

    I have this pair of Buckskin Okeetees 2018 for sale. They were born in the spring at SMR and are well established. These are my last snakes and will no longer be in the reptile hobby/business (very sad). Asking $150.00 for them including shipping. The thick borders are really noticeable now and...
  2. zorro

    Best reasonable offer sale, last of my corns

    2018 Scaleless amel male pos het caramel and stripe male and pair of Buckskin okeetees. Please PM me with only reasonable offers. Thanks John
  3. zorro

    2018 Scaleless Amel Male

    I have this 2018 scaleless amel pos het caramel and stripe male for sale. I am asking $950 for him including shipping. PM me with any questions. Thanks for looking John
  4. zorro

    2018 Tan Buckskin Pair

    I have this pair of tan (going to be) Buckskins for sale. They are have nice wide saddle borders. I like the tan background as opposed to the gray background buckskins. I am asking $160 for the pair including shipping. Here is the female since they both look identical. John
  5. zorro

    Scaleless Amel addition

    My newest addition is a Scaleless Amel from Don @ South Mountain Reptiles. He just shed! John
  6. zorro

    Hypo Striped Blood female

    This is my Hypo Striped Blood hopefully het pewter to breed to the hypo pewter I posted earlier. She is good looking without or with though. John
  7. zorro

    Hypo Pewter Male

    Just a quick pic of one of my hypo pewter males who are part of a hypo pewter stripe project that always seems to produce everything but the target. I really like the hypo pewters and just wanted to share. John
  8. zorro

    Butter Stripes-Back to Basics

    I've forgoten how great butter stripes are, I got a pair from Sean at VMS. Might have to breed them into my scaleless butters. Thanks for looking John
  9. zorro

    Scaleless Butter

    Just arrived, my new project of scaleless butter stripes with her as the base. I got a scaleless het butter male but have a while to make decisions on which to breed her to. The scaleless het or a striped butter male. She is ready to shed however and I want to thank Don at South Mountain...
  10. zorro

    Tessera Pewter & Dilute? & Hypo? something else?

    I showed you pics of what I thought was a tessera pewter dilute but got to look at this other wierd guy/girl. It is pewter and tessera for sure and sure looks dilute but with something else going on. I'm putting both up for comparing. Any ideas would be great. John
  11. zorro

    Tessera Pewter

    I was so excited about the Dilute pewter tesseras but feeding them today the tessera pewter stands on his own good looks. Something about the darkness. John
  12. zorro

    Photobucket Sucks

    It looks like Photobucket has decided to take my photos off of the forums until I start paying $40/ month, well that's not going to happen. Anyone use any other web hosting sites that they like? Thanks John
  13. zorro

    Finally Dilute Pewter Tessera

    Been waiting for a while, here he/she is along with it's brother/sister dilute Bloodred het tessera (who looks like dad who is a tessera bloodred het dilute and pewter). Thanks for looking John
  14. zorro

    Cornsnakes for sale

    I have a few corns for sale, let me know if you would like pics of any in particular. I will update the list as needed. PM me for any questions. Thanks John Adults 1.0 Tessera charcoal SOLD 1.0 Kistanie Bloodred Adult trio 1.1 hypo bloods het charcoal, stripe and amel 0.1 bloodred het hypo...
  15. zorro

    Handful of Cayenne Fires

    These guys are hatching now. Although it is nice to see a clutch with a variaty of morphs I never grow tired of seeing cayenne fires. John
  16. zorro

    Hogs a week early

    Came home to find these guys all out of their shells. Nice Suprise!! John
  17. zorro

    SMR Cayenne Fire eggs

    This was a last minute breeding, but it turned out great. It took a long time for her to get all of these eggs out but she did great. These are going to be great looking babies. I love this SMR Cayenne fire line. John
  18. zorro

    First Eggs of the Season are Hogs

    Should have known that the hogs would be ahead of everyone else. This Albino hog was the first girl. Thirteen good eggs and 2 slugs, not bad for her. John
  19. zorro

    Hoping for Dilute Pewter Tesseras

    The last of my breedings is the one I wanted the most and didn't seem to want to happen. This is my Dilute Pewter girl and her son a Dilute blood het pewter. Fingers crossed John
  20. zorro

    2016 Striped Charcoal Females

    I have two striped charcoal females from 2016, both have complete stripes but the second started out as almost patternless. Your choice either one for $150 including shipping. John