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  • Users: Shiari
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    We'll see how many of these cooperate... Breeding season usually doesn't begin for me until March, so I've a couple months yet of waiting Gabby x Bansidhe (0.1 charcoal masque het hypo, amel, diffused x 1.0 ghost lavender het charcoal) Hoping for a pile of phantoms het anery lavender to choose...
  2. Shiari

    What Science has Wrought!

    Here's some data compilations from the submissions we've gotten 156 individuals submitted so far 108 are 2 years old or older 83 (77%) of those snakes 2+ years old have fallen between 200 and 500 grams. 21 snakes that are 2+ years old have been above 500 grams (19%), of these 12 have have...
  3. Shiari

    Come Commit Science With Me!

    Having become phenomenally irritated at a 'advanced care, scientific' feeding guide that also includes age/length/weight that is horribly inaccurate and uselessly broad but is still being touted as the best one to use in many snake groups.... I have decided to put my knowledge and skills as a...
  4. Shiari

    Onyx - Charcoal

    Decided I want her to have her own progression thread! Onyx at hatching, August 2022: First shed: December 2022: June 2023: August 2023: November 2023: August 2023 marked her lightest coloration point. The others of the same line that I've kept usually didn't start...
  5. Shiari

    2022 charcoals

    2022 babies from my charcoal het hypo, amel, diffused to a pewter het lavender. These are the lighter colored babies from my clutch, though only one should be truly light colored as an adult. All snakes are currently on large pinks and will be on double pinks in 2 more weeks. Actual shipping...
  6. Shiari

    SpiritSerpends 2023 breeding plans

    Finally a year where I'll have multiple females going again! Including 3 entirely new gals so we'll see how they do. First and most important: Gabby (0.1 charcoal masque het hypo, amel, diffused) to Gallium (1.0 pewter het lavender), parents to my onyx charcoal lines. Expectations: Charcoal...
  7. Shiari

    My 2020 gals

    These ladies are nowhere near as cooperative for photos as Sova was. Larune, the darkest of last year's charcoals het motley 66% hypo a, 50% amel diffused Shenim, one of the aberrant ghosts het lavender 50% charcoal, amel from last year. Not genetic. This gal was my first choice keeper...
  8. Shiari

    Sova - Lavender het charcoal diffused

    She's such a pretty, pretty lady. At hatching, very obvious why these were once called mochas- March 2021, rocking the orange tones- May 2021- And now a big gap to today, October 2021. Camera does not pick up the pink in the peach very well - It's also always interesting how...
  9. Shiari

    Dark Charcoals

    Honestly, considering all the males I've had to breed with Gabby have been extremely light colored, I'm extremely pleased with how these two gals are turning out, especially when compared to their mother at similar ages. Gabrielle (2013 charcoal het hypo amel diffused) age: 4m age: 1yr...
  10. Shiari

    SpiritSerpent's 2021 pairings

    I've finalized my pairs for the year, barring unforeseen circumstances. Gabrielle (charcoal het hypo, amel, diffused) x Bansidhe (phantom moonstone?) - Testing Bansidhe for homozygous charcoal or not. Best case scenario- Charcoals het ghost lavender ph amel diffused, Phantoms het moonstone ph...
  11. Shiari

    Myst and Mystery- ??? aneries

    Finally named and got some pictures with the male I've held back from the group of mystery-hypo aneries I hatched out. Current suspect is Dilute. So I got a photo of them together, Myst with an anery sister and a ghost aunt, and then a couple of just Mystery.
  12. Shiari

    available 2020s and 2019s

    The following babies/yearlings and adult male are available. I ship overnight priority through shipyourreptiles. I will hold babies until temps are good for shipping. Shipping costs not included. GC20 clutch- Gabrielle (dark charcoal het hypo, amel, diffused) paired to Char (charcoal motley...
  13. Shiari

    Hypo truly is a four letter word

    Some history: Years ago, I bred a very large anery to a ghost het for amel. I hatched out 19 eggs. All the babies were typical aneries. Nothing hypo looking at all. No snows. And I decided to keep back a single female to breed back to the father. I expected to get all aneries from the...
  14. Shiari

    Pard- Anery Leopard Motley

    Pard's original owner is moving out of the country and so couldn't take his snake with him. Thus, I have ended up with what I can only imagine to be an anery leopard motley. No belly checkers are all. Sweet snake, has definitely been overweight at one point as he's pudgy near the tail.
  15. Shiari

    Sex-linked pattern aberrancies?

    Has anyone else had something like this happen? The male is my Bansidhe, and this is his first proper sired clutch. The female is Torandre, my ghost girl who has given me numerous babies and never showed anything like this before. It'll be super interesting to see if this pops up next year too...
  16. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2020 breedings

    Finally a year again with multiple clutches, what a fantastic change! Raka (sunkissed charcoal het diffused) x Gallium (pewter)- 13 eggs laid, but they weren't together and were laid in the aspen. They all got turned when she panicked while I was retrieving them. 3 eggs show strong veins...
  17. Shiari

    iliruel- Neon x Champagne snow stripe

    Got this boyo from Carol and now I, too, get to experience the joy that is attempting to get accurate color photos. My actual camera is actually doing a fairly decent job. He will be paired to Athael, my ultra/ultramel charcoal motley het/homo anery.
  18. Shiari

    Ultramel charcoal(carbon?) motley

    Picked up this little girl at the expo today because charcoal is my favorite gene ever.... and I have always adored the unusual motley pattern where it forms little squares, and haven't seen it in person before. Snake has ultramel anery siblings, so it might be ultramel carbon motley rather than...
  19. Shiari

    It's nice to finally have eggs again.

    After three extremely disappointing years, it sure is nice to have a clutch of 12 eggs from my snakes. Pairing was my odd, possibly dilute, pewter male with unknown hets to one of Lacy's daughters, a charcoal het diffused 50% hypo, amel. Here's hoping for some nice dark pewter babies.
  20. Shiari

    Only took 3 years to figure out when she's receptive

    A few years ago I purchased a truly stunning proven sunkissed charcoal from gazer-free lines. The last 2 seasons I tried pairing her at the same time as all my other girls and she just wouldn't accept any of the males I tried on her. She shed last week so I decided to try throwing in my little...