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Search results for query: *

  • Users: LBoz
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. LBoz

    Happy Birthday, Pasodama!

    Happy Birthday, Deb! I hope it's an awesome year for you!!
  2. LBoz

    Rich - "ignore feature" request

    Hey Rich...is there any way the forum can be modified so that members can ignore someone (aside from forum staff)? I don't really need my own personal forum, but if there is no way that this can be easily corrected without one, I'll gladly pay the forum price for this feature. Thoughts?
  3. LBoz

    The Noblesville, IN Reptile show is awesome!

    Unfortunately, I am much too impulsive for my own good. Had a great time meeting Cynthia (maxfox) and her husband Jon again. I also got to meet Steph (groomingdiva) and her friend Erica. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a photo taker. I did snap a pic of Steph and her new purchase. She needs...
  4. LBoz

    ~~Week in Review~~ 1/24/10 - 1/30/10

    Welcome to all of our new and returning members. If this is your first time reading the WIR, note that all photo titles are links to the actual threads. Usually there are many more wonderful photos to be seen in the threads, so be sure to them them all out! And as usual, please wait until...
  5. LBoz

    Holy feline!

    There is the most gawdawful mewling sound outside. It's freaking my cat out and actually, me, too. I'm almost afraid to go out there in case it's being eaten by something. Wish me luck as I venture outside in my jammies to see what's going on.
  6. LBoz

    Maybe You Can Learn to Be Like Me, Mom!

    Who says apples don't fall far from the tree? **Warning** Proud mom alert!! My 2nd grader, in a school of over 400 students, has won the Compassion Award three times in the last 3 years. This week, he won a weekly award for Respect. I don't know where he gets it, but I think I could learn...
  7. LBoz

    For Lauren and Tara...

    I've been bad at keeping you updated on Princess Violet, but here she is in all her glory. She was sleeping peacefully with her best friend, the 120# beastie dog, but woke up grumpy as I was trying to get the shot. We love her to bits, guys, and we're so happy that we were able to take her in...
  8. LBoz


    Happy Birthday, Kelly! Life begins at 40!!
  9. LBoz

    Obama...Lie?? Say it ain't so, Joe!!

    Oh, wait. I can count at least Eight of them.
  10. LBoz

    WIR for December 29,'09 - January 2, '10

    As mentioned earlier, I lost the initial document, so I threw this one back together. It's a mosh pit of beautiful photos in no particular order. Enjoy. As always, please wait until it's completely posted before commenting. Thx! Robbie went on a photo spree last week, so we'll start with...
  11. LBoz

    This week's week in review....

    ....is coming, I promise. Always remember to save your documents in case your power cord comes loose, your pc is muted, and you can't hear the annoying buzz telling you that it's about to go dead. :awcrap:
  12. LBoz

    OSU wins the Rose Bowl!!!!!111!

    Repeat: OSU Wins The Rose Bowl!!! W00T!!!
  13. LBoz


    KILLFEST COUNTDOWN! 05 Hours, 13 Minutes, 44 Seconds. If you're on facebook and you don't (YET) play on the Darkside...PM me for a special invite to the killfest. Don't miss out. This isn't your lame Twilight twinkle-fest. Nothing sparkles in the dark...on the Darkside!
  14. LBoz

    Cravings! Anyone have a good spaetzle recipe?

    I've dusted off my spaetzle maker, but I've lost my favorite recipe. Anyone have a good one that's also easy??
  15. LBoz


    Happy Boxing Day to those who celebrate! :cheers:
  16. LBoz


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURA!!!! I hope you're having a most fabulous day!!
  17. LBoz

    WIR - Nov 29 - Dec 5, 2009

    Let's start off by welcoming our new members for the week. Glad to have you with us! :wavey: bcwillin Feuerhak JakeMiller13 SexyMexy Porro And right to the photos! If you're not familiar with the WIR, the titles of each are links to the actual thread. I just show a sample of each topic...
  18. LBoz

    Happy Birthday, Asbit!!!

    Happy Happy Birthday, Tisha!! I hope it's an awesome day for you! Now just stop at this one, and all will be well in your world! ;) Have a great day, my friend! :cheers:
  19. LBoz

    Happy Birthday, V_Various!!!

    Hope it's the best one yet!! :cheers:
  20. LBoz


    Hope all your wishes come true!!! :cheers: