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  • Users: Rachel
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Rachel

    I'm back

    Hey everyone, I haven't been on the site for ages but have been really busy with work, the snakes, the dogs and my new business! Anyhoo, are any of the 'old gang' still on the site? Rach x
  2. Rachel

    Calling all computer brains...need help!

    Hey people, I'm having a hair tearing out time trying to set up by website :dunce: I really need some help here...does anyone know how (and can explain to me in very simple terms!) how to do this: basically i want to have a diagram of a horses muscular system and for the viewer to be able to...
  3. Rachel

    Sigh...snakes together!

    Sigh....doing a vet nursing shift at Glasgow Vet School just now and went over to the exotic house only to find the 'expert' keeping 3 corns together, iggys in pretty small vivs and not having the first clue in general. When asked if she kept reptiles herself, she said 'no and I don't understand...
  4. Rachel

    I'm back!

    Hey everyone, Haven't been on the forum for a while because I've been busy with my vet nursing course and because I set up my own business! :crazy02: So I am now a fully certified equine massage therapist (for you guys from Montana, I qualified with Coreen Kelly from Corvallis (sp?))...
  5. Rachel

    Picture permission

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask if anyone would mind me using pictures of their snakes for a seminar I'm giving next month? It will be a powerpoint presentation on proper cornsnake husbadry and I thought it would be nice if I could 'colour' it up a bit with some nice pics of people's snakes...
  6. Rachel

    Locked forums?

    Hi Rich, I pm'd you the other day about all the forums being locked when I logged in. It's ok now but I still seem to be locked out of corns for sale and corns wanted threads. Not that it really bothers me, as most of these threads are for US based folks but I'm just wondering what's going on...
  7. Rachel

    Furry poo

    I know this is just because Pretzel is eating big mice now (with 'proper' fur) but I noticed last night when I was cleaning his viv that there was a very dry 'poo shaped' fiece of fur. He only ate yesterday (and had refused food for the past 3-4 weeks). Does fur really stay in the digestive...
  8. Rachel

    Bloodred fertility??

    I just emailed a UK based breeder enquiring about any Bloodred stock he might have. I got an email back saying that he didn't stock them due to them being 'virtually infertile'. Is this true? I mean they can't be all that bad if people are producing them :confused: Maybe it's the UK strain of...
  9. Rachel

    anery het pewter

    Ok so most of you will know that I'm getting my new snake soon (wedensday!!) :D I have tried to find out a bit more about its genetics but have come up with nothing. I know that it will have the basic anery genotype but how would you write it's full genetic make up so that I can go figure out...
  10. Rachel

    New snake!!!!

    Yay, getting an anery het pewter this week (depending on the weather). Can't wait!! Feel like a kid again :D Can't wait to get him and post some pics. Rach x
  11. Rachel

    amel stripe x anery stripe

    *sigh* This isn't good, I have ONE more exam to go and guess what...it's genetics and I can't even figure this one out! I think I'm studying too hard (yeah right) and am making things more complicated than they are. So if I get an anery stripe male to breed with my amel stripe female, what...
  12. Rachel


    I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in Misc issues but I suppose it's a behavioural thing... I'm looking after my mum's snake Sid (Viscious!) just now and last night he bit me!! It's the first time he has bitten me 'properly', not just a strike, and he even managed to draw blood (albeit...
  13. Rachel

    Warm rooms?

    Hey, Just wondering if anyone that keeps their snakes in a 'warm room' could give me some tips on how I would go about setting one up myself? I take it that it would have to be a room with no/small windows to prevent heat loss (it gets v cold where I live) but decent circulation? What...
  14. Rachel

    heat mats

    Hey, After reading quite a few posts on heat mats it has led me to believe that the pads you get in the US are different to the ones we get in the UK. I'm not entirely sure what the differences are, just that it seems that you guys from the US have rheostats (sp?) and never place your mats...
  15. Rachel

    Breeding size/age

    Hey everyone, Well we've given up hope of finding Macy (and obviously breeding this season). So the spotlight is now on Noodle who will hopefully be breedable by next season. The thing is is that she doesn't seem to be growing as fast as the other snakes, but is healthy and eating well etc...
  16. Rachel

    Hemp substrate

    I just got some hemp substrate for my snakes. I've been told its quite good by a few people over here but have never heard it mentioned on this forum. Has anyone here used it/heard of it? So far so good, the snakes seem to love it, they can burrow well and it spreads out nicely (much better than...
  17. Rachel

    Smelly mouse??

    Hey everyone, I just stocked up on mice yesterday and have moved my older two up a size. So now my male is on one small adult mouse and the female on 2 fuzzies (the youngest is still on pinkies). Anyway, I noticed when I took out the adult mouse to defrost that it smelt of urine. I have...
  18. Rachel

    and another....

    This is my (sorry my Mum's ;) ) female ghost, Macy.
  19. Rachel

    What? Who? Why?

    AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I'm getting quite annoyed, I took my snakes into the shop I bought them from for a check over and to get a definate sex for my young male (?). Anyway, I have just found out that the male (?) which was sold to me as an aney type a is actually a ghost corn. I didn't realise at...
  20. Rachel


    Just wondering if anyone has experienced this with their snakes?? My female (1.5 yrs old) was acting very strange which I put down to breeding behaviour. But last night I noticed that she was very active, slithering all over her tank and when she went over her mossy bit of cork wood, she lifted...