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Search results for query: *

  1. luckycharm318

    A few new photos of Fidel

    I made the mistake of poking Mr. Crabby-Pants here after this picture. Apparently, if I wake him up for pictures before dinner and then poke him to get him to strike a new pose, Fidel tries to eat me/the camera. It's too bad I didn't catch him mid-strike. "I'm hungry! Feed me devil...
  2. luckycharm318

    Why is grammar so important to people? (Read for a giggle!)

    There have been several members of this site that have been asked to use spell check and/or punctuation in their posts. I am here to tell you why you should listen to this advice! Grammar not only makes things easier for people to read, but it also helps you to get your message across they way...
  3. luckycharm318

    Two Gray Treefrogs (Hyla versicolor)

    According to my mother, these two live in the potted fern on the porch. It's been pretty cold this week, so I was surprised to see them last night, but then I remembered that they produce their own "antifreeze" for the winter. I think the color range in these guys is pretty neat.
  4. luckycharm318

    Experimenting with my new Nikon D5000...

    First, a few of Bijou... Perhaps I should have taken the jar outside so the flash wouldn't go off... Learning as I go! :dunce: Hmm, a bit dark, but I still like it. (Though I would like it better if it weren't, and if I hadn't cut part of her off.) Ah finally, a camera that can capture true...
  5. luckycharm318

    A method to catch an escapee. (mouse)

    Among other methods you may have used in the past, here is a link to another: http://lifehacker.com/5451065/make-a-diy-no%20kill-mousetrap-with-a-toilet-paper-roll And, if you lack a counter, here is an alternative: The only thing is, you will either be putting the mouse back where it...
  6. luckycharm318

    What is this?

    Bijou has had this odd lump for about a month now, and I'm not sure what it is or what it's from. It's not a feeding lump as she hasn't been fed for 13 days and has defecated since being fed. (Haven't fed her to see if the lump will go away or not.) It isn't hard, or very solid feeling it's...
  7. luckycharm318

    Who says BP's don't like f/t? :P (Video)

    I took video tonight when I fed Fidel, though I missed him trying to strike through one of the holes in the top of the lid while I was thawing his dinner. Scared the crap out of me! I think I let out a bit of a yelp acutally, lol. I'm quite proud of his feeding response though, so I thought I'd...
  8. luckycharm318

    Freshly Shed Bijou Outdoors

    Well, concrete isn't the most interesting background, but it was a little chilly out today, I didn't want to play "Oh crap, there she goes, up in the tree, juuuuust out of my reach, and here comes a bird!" and there's lots of dog poop in the grass. :nope: "Ahh the great outdoors, smells good!"...
  9. luckycharm318

    Two year old addicted to cigarettes in Indonesia

    Another story from my Facebook newsfeed... This is crazy! :nope: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/31/indonesia.smoking.baby/index.html
  10. luckycharm318

    Fidel took f/t!

    Yay first try! I didn't have anything bigger than medium adult mice, so I gave him two and he took both! :dancer: I will be going to Petsmart (boo) to get some small rats for him, though I'm wary because I think he's was fed only mice by his previous owner. He seemed ready to eat though...
  11. luckycharm318

    Does anyone here use iHerp to track feedings consistently?

    I'm interested because I want to make a guess at how long Bijou will be eating fuzzies, hoppers, weanlings, etc. by looking at someone else's records. I know that snakes vary, a lot, but just making an educated guess based on someone else's records will be a good start for me. I've already...
  12. luckycharm318

    "Federal ban on gay men's blood donation to be reconsidered." It's about time!

    "Federal ban on gay men's blood donation to be reconsidered." It's about time! I just caught this story on my Facebook news feed. This is just a snippet, click the link to read the full story. Yay for change! Where's Obama on this one? :roflmao: What strange logic some people have though. :nope:
  13. luckycharm318

    Anyone in Southeast MN...

    Northeast IA, Southwest WI, or MN in general willing to meet approximately halfway, interested in splitting an order of frozen mice? Or are there any feeder breeders in the area? I'll be needing some fuzzies, hoppers, and adults and it would be nice to split an order with someone!
  14. luckycharm318

    Who's got balls?

    :p I just acquired a BP from a friend's boyfriend who was talking about letting him go because he didn't have time for him anymore. I said no no let me take him don't send him to his doom! And so now I have Fidel the BP, pictures to follow when he's settled in a bit. Anywho, I haven't been able...
  15. luckycharm318

    Wondering if I am understanding this correctly

    So I've been looking at Ian's Viv trying to better understand the different morphs and how they are created. So far, I have interpreted for example, that a Ghost is created by breeding a homozygous Anerythristic A to a homozygous Hypomelanistic. Is this correct? Because when I put Anery and...
  16. luckycharm318

    Ducklings anyone?

    My friend and I were surprised with the gift of two baby ducks a few days ago by her boyfriend and his friend. They went to live on a farm with lots of other ducklings yesterday, but I got a few pictures before they left and thought I'd share because most people here like baby animals. Enjoy...
  17. luckycharm318

    Billy The Exterminator...

    Turned on my TV to the show, Billy The Exterminator. These two guys are slightly ridiculous in my opinion. They went to a couple's house to catch an armadillo, but found a snake instead. Billy shouts, "OH GOD IT'S A COPPERHEAD" and they cut to a shot of the snake. I was thinking *Hmm that looks...
  18. luckycharm318

    Me thinks that cup is too small for you...

    But you'll hide under there anyway huh? Made me laugh anyway, thanks for looking! :wavey:
  19. luckycharm318


    My new Anery Motley is out cruising his/her tub for the first time... And it's staring at me. I can just hear it saying, "Play with me, Shelby! Play with meeee!" But in reality, he/she is probably saying, "Feed meeee you strange large being! I know you have food!" :-poke: How do you guys...
  20. luckycharm318

    New Snake, but What is it?

    This was the darker morph Petsmart snake that I have talked about in the past. He/she had been moved to the back room because he/she had been there for so long. :( After I put him/her away, he/she made himself/herself at home, and promptly defecated. Then I knocked over the water dish, a...