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Search results for query: *

  • Users: rich333
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. rich333

    Charcoal lavender tessera stripe babies!!!!

    Just kidding! But I made you look! :nyah:
  2. rich333

    Eggs. lava Stripes on the way.

    Stripe het lava ph opal X Same
  3. rich333

    Twix X Freckles: The Sequel...

    2/6/15 Didn't take 15 seconds....if that. :) Stripe Het Lava Ph Opal X Same.
  4. rich333

    NASA Rocket Launch!

    America..... Are you ready ? NASA to launch test flight tomorrow at 7:05 am Project Orion willl eventually take man to Mars !!! The shear size of this thing is mind boggling! It will rival the Saturn V in every respect! DlkjMnWNjic
  5. rich333

    Unacceptable Behavior.

    Ultramel Charcoal. Cute...right? Let me Zoom out...so you get the WHOLE picture......
  6. rich333

    Corn Creations: The Stripes

    Stripe Het Lava Ph Opal X Stripe Het lava Ph Opal. They've grown up a bit. :)
  7. rich333

    Blaze Phase Goini (Meansi)

    Newest Additions Male/Female Pair.
  8. rich333

    Twin Ultramel Aneries

    16 eggs laid..... 17 babies to feed. :) Here's My twins. Note the one is actually Two-toned (Not camera Flash). Both weigh EXACTLY 11grams today. Tiny at the Start...but they are gaining ground. :)
  9. rich333

    A Little Snake Shaming!

    So....This is what we have to deal with.... :)
  10. rich333

    Ultramel Anery

    One of the babies from the 2014 season.
  11. rich333

    Nanci and the water snake.

    https://vimeo.com/104822025 Her first water snake capture! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. rich333

    Sanibel Island 2014

    Just back from another awesome vacation On Sanibel Island. enjoy the Pics.
  13. rich333

    Eastern King X Florida King Intergrades

    Both are double Het for Hypo,Albino. Male is 580grams Female Is 610 Grams.
  14. rich333

    HYBRIDS!!! Speckled King X Yellow Rat

    Got this pair from Carol At low Belly Reptiles. A Very Personable pair. The female (Albino) Is such a sweetheart....Unless she's hungry... :)
  15. rich333

    Possible Pinstripe Motley Blizzard.....

    Seems Mom...Zena...Ultramel Charcoal 50% Motley 66% Anery proved out the long shot? I bred her to her son this year.....Got this.....You be the Judge.
  16. rich333

    Lavender Albino Florida King

    This Is Jericho/Jericha. 690grams. Picked up from Airenlow (Josh).
  17. rich333

    TapaTalk? ---- Nope

    Hate to be a stick in the mud....But...... Anyone else experiencing this?
  18. rich333

    cornsnakes.Com Survey??

    Got this piece of loveliness today. with sound even!! :) And here's the Link...if you're interested: http://lving.net/fbsurvey/index.php?keyword=cornsnakes.com+forums+cornsnakes.com+cornsnakes+corn+snakes&tracker=ron2ad2realall-63640-4300_1009_us
  19. rich333

    LAVA STRIPE ! (Not even Steve Roylance Has these!!!)

    Just Kidding....Actually i have no idea what Steve has, But I know for certain I have two of them! :)
  20. rich333

    Corn Creations '14 Pippie/Hatchling pics.

    Figured it would be easier to just put all the clutches in one thread. So....here ya go. 4/23/14 Zena X Dream Weaver Clutch: First 2 Pips of 5 eggs