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  • Users: 4riscorn
  • Content: Threads
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  1. 4riscorn

    Anyone have a clue as to what she is?

    This is the only one that turned out like this. She is from an Anery Motley/Stripe het Amel, Hypo, Lavender X Hypo het Lavender, Motley The belly shots are from the top and bottom areas. There were 8 in the clutch and she is the only one like this. Her coloring changes a little with each shed...
  2. 4riscorn

    going crazy over here!!!!!

    I am having major feeding issues this season. I had a few that didn't eat last year and nothing I did, including force feeding worked. That was only a hand full of hatchlings though and some eventually ate, some didn't and died. This yr however I am very concerned. I have 57 hatchlings and out...
  3. 4riscorn

    Show display cases

    We started doing shows about a yr ago. We use deli cups to put our animals on the tables for sale. We have a very neat display but want to step it up to the display cases we see on a lot of tables. I've been looking online but wanted some opinions on what to get and where to get them. I sell...
  4. 4riscorn

    How to tell if your male is too old

    I have a 2004 Male that has been bred twice by me and unknown amount of times by the previous owner. For the last two years he has not wasted any time starting the courtship ritual. I have bred him with 3 different females and this past year was very excited by the outcome. He is hypo and I...
  5. 4riscorn

    Helix dbs 1000 problems

    I have 2 helix dbs 1000 on two different rack systems. I have colubrids on an 8 shelf unit and ball pythons on a 10 shelf system. Both have belly heat flexwatt. I am having problems with regulating the heat. I know each shelf is supposed to vary somewhat. But mine is major. I have one set at 85...
  6. 4riscorn

    My new love..Balls

    Ok..Ball Pythons that is lol Here are 3 I got from Heather Wong..Heather's Herps.. 2011 het TSK Axanthic, het Albino Godric Luna Sookie This next group I got from Rachel Hysell..Dixie Serpent Den Axl 2012 Enchi Cassie 2012 Cinnamon Cira 2012 het albino (in blue) Ciro 2012 het albino...
  7. 4riscorn

    starting mice colony

    We got our 1 male 4 female group today. Right now we have them in a 20 gallon tank with water bottle, rodent food and aspen. I did some research a few months back but then decided to wait to do the breeding afterall. But Mike decided today to get it started. So since there are so many...
  8. 4riscorn


    These are from Molly (Hypo Motley, het Amel, Anery) to Rio (Hypo Het Amel, Anery, Motley)..there are 18 total..here are a few pics at hatch time..so exciting to prove out these hets!!!
  9. 4riscorn

    starting mouse colony

    We are going to be starting a mice colony for feeder (f/t) mice. We are interested in black, brown and gray mice. Does anyone know where we can get the "parent" mice to get the colony started? Now that we are up to 70 snakes and have 6 pairs who we hope will breed, though they are being stubborn...
  10. 4riscorn


    We have been putting pairs together for a couple of weeks now and none have had any interest. We did find out that our female was a male and the male a female. But even so they still won't hook up. He is interested she is not. And when I used the same male with another female...the same thing...
  11. 4riscorn

    Look what came today!

    These are my newest babies that came today from Justin (SickPyth7). I finally got my dream Caramel Stripe!! She is actually a Caramel Motley Pinstripe I named her Fantasia. Link Amber Motley...love his pattern! and Ambris Amber Motley Pinstripe Thanks Justin for my awesome new...
  12. 4riscorn

    2012 non corn pairs

    These are the breeding pairs planned for this season Cruella to Luchin..Whitesided Black Rats Bertie to Mungo...Texas Rats Shy to Tron...Desert Kings
  13. 4riscorn

    2012 breeding plans

    Here are my 2012 breeding plans Eve: Anery Hurricane Motley X Ezra: Anery Motley/Stripe het Amel Ginger: Sunglow Motley het Anery (need to get pic..she is in blue)to Ezra also Tori: het Amel, Motley, Hypo X Ledger: het hypo Molly: Motley X Rio: Hypo het motley, amel Mercy: Snow to...
  14. 4riscorn


    In less than 2 weeks we'll be happy homeowners here in Lake Holiday just 4 houses up from where we live now :). We are up to 67 snakes so the move should be interesting. Good thing we are moving so close. At the new house we have an unfinished portion of the basement that mike is turning into...
  15. 4riscorn

    The following is for sale

    We are changing our line up a bit and have the following for sale...you can also view them on my site www.nevaehreptiles.com 14 hatchlings..3 hypo het motley, PH amel, 13 hypo het amel, PH motley. $25 each Theo 09 Ghost stripe male $40 Celia 07 Butter het anery proven female $70 Jitters 09...
  16. 4riscorn

    help son has school project

    My 12 yr old just informed me he has a project due tomorrow!! He has to discuss the corn snake population over a 5 yr period in hot warm and cold climates. He said it has to be actual numbers and I told him that is almost impossible to pinpoint so I asked if he could just give areas of...
  17. 4riscorn

    More body art!

    I am in the process of yet another body adornment! I got the outlining done on the 18th. I went this past Friday and got some more done on it. I go back on Dec 15th to hopefully finish it up. He has to add color to the gown and ribbon and finish up the face and hands detail as well as do some...
  18. 4riscorn

    newest arrivals

    We got these beauties from Tiffany and Jason at SinisterSerpents a couple weeks ago. Ginger...Sunglow Motley het hypo, amel Rocco..66% het Terrazzo We also got our first king snake from them at the same time and rather than start another thread over in the general chit-chat area I thought...
  19. 4riscorn

    just a couple pics of a couple of the hatchlings progress

    Here is a couple pics I have taken recently of the hatchlings I need to get some more pics..seems like I always forget to take my camera to the reptile room downstairs when I get them out. These were from my cell.
  20. 4riscorn

    Haven't been on for a while...

    Hey guys..haven't been on here for a while. Just wanted to check in to let everyone know I am still around :) We had an interesting breeding year here at NevaeH Reptiles. We had 2 females lay and 2 who didn't. Our one hypo het amel girl double clutched for a total of 38 eggs! But only 16 eggs...