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  • Users: dwyn127
  • Content: Threads
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  1. dwyn127

    Adults for sale! Must act now!!

    These guys will only be available until Tuesday at which time they become part of a group sale. NON-PROVEN 1.0 Lava Stripe (in blue, no pic) - $175.00 THE FOLLOWING ARE ALL PROVEN 2011 1.0 Okeetee - $70.00 2011 1.0 Opal Stripe het Lava - $175.00 2011 1.0 Lava Bloodred het Anery - $150.00 2011...
  2. dwyn127

    What morph is my new snake??

    Any guesses as to what I've got here??
  3. dwyn127

    2013 1.0 Lava het Opal Sunkissed Stripe

    I've have a previously suspected female that recently popped a pair of hemipenes so I now have a lone male available. 1.0 Lava het Amel Lavender Sunkissed Stripe $125.00 + shipping
  4. dwyn127

    2012 Lava Vanishing Stripe

    Here's a nice addition to the Lava Stripe morph. All his siblings had a stripe that went all the way to the tail so I decided to keep him around for a while. Glad I did..! :cool:
  5. dwyn127

    1st Eggs of 2013

    1.0 Opal Stripe het/homo Lava X 0.1 RC Sunkissed Lava. Hope to prove the Opal to be homo Lava.
  6. dwyn127

    20% OFF! Lava Stripes/Lava Okeetee/Extreme Okeetee

    20% OFF thru Sunday on Lava Okeetee and Lava Stripes! 2009 1.0 Lava Okeetee poss het Opal Stripe, unproven but brumated and ready to go. $250.00 shipped. ...add the 2011 0.1 Extreme Okeetee (in blue) for $25.00 and she rides free! 2012 1.0 Normal het Lava Terrazzo Sunkissed - $75.00 2012 1.1...
  7. dwyn127

    Lava Stripes ONLY 1.1 LEFT!!!

    Pretty sure these are being made available for the first time anywhere, These 3.3 Lava Stripes have eaten 3 consecutive f/t meals with no refusals. And while the parents did not prove out this year, these animals are still possible het Opal. $350.00 shipped or $450.00 for a pair. 2.2 SOLD...
  8. dwyn127

    2012 Lava Stripes

    Had two successful clutches this year for Lava Stripes: 1) Stripe het Lava ph Opal X same and 2) Lava het Opal Stripe X Stripe het Lava ph Opal. While I wouldn't have minded seeing Lavender in the mix I was glad to see no pink eyes. Here's some pics from pair #1.
  9. dwyn127

    Eggs good or bad?

    These eggs are looking pretty hateful!! What do you think? Would I be wasting valuable incubator space??? :shrugs:
  10. dwyn127

    2010 Lava Okeetee

    Updated pics of my 0.1 Lava Okeetee ph Opal Stripe. Thanx for looking...:wavey:
  11. dwyn127

    2010 Redcoat Sunkissed Lava

    Feeding day, thought some update pics were appropriate. Thanx for looking! :wavey:
  12. dwyn127

    Happy Birthday Drizzt80

    Happy Hatchday Brent! :cheers:
  13. dwyn127

    Happy Birthday stephen!

    Happy Hatchday stephen!:cheers:
  14. dwyn127

    Happy Birthday MegF!

    Hope you've been having a Happy Hatchday! :cheers:
  15. dwyn127

    Happy Birthday crackerhead!!!

    Happy Hatchday to one of my VERY FAVORITE people! :cheers:
  16. dwyn127

    Adults a King and a Yearling

    Adults Corns 1.2 Stripes het Lava ph opal. The females will be laying their eggs in about a week or two. They'll be available to ship after a couple meals. 1.2 - $350.00 $300.00 1.1 - $250.00 $225.00 0.1 - $150.00 $125.00 1.0 Hypo Upper Keys Bloodred - $190.00 $175.00 Adult Kingsnake 0.1...
  17. dwyn127

    Happy B-day RavenSpirit360

    How were you overlooked all day!? Happy Hatchday Steph! :cheers:
  18. dwyn127

    Some 2012 Breedings

    1st - Lava het Opal Stripe X 0.1 Lava Okeetee ph Opal Stripe. This is a daughter back to his dad in hopes of thicker borders. 2nd - Terrazzo X Redcoat Lava Sunkissed :bowdown:
  19. dwyn127

    0.1 Vietnamese (Rhino) Ratsnake

    I've got a breedable male but the female died. Looking for female for sale or breeding loan to put with him this year.
  20. dwyn127

    2011 Lava Bloodred het PS

    This pair was produced by Alain, I'm just lucky enough to possess them! Male and Female respectively.