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Search results for query: *

  1. cornbreadandmilk

    rocket city reptiles lost phone number

    Hey guys Bart of rocket city reptiles gave me his card and I lost it can someone pm me his nnumber
  2. cornbreadandmilk

    going to a show to sell out tommrow. looking for price points

    If you could give me a price point for each snake been uninterested for years now don't know the prices. Jmg salmon snow possibly het motley. 4 years old proven female Jmg salmon snow. 4 years old. Male Fire 5 years old . Large snake. Male Carmel bloodred , het hypo. Female 2 years old Carmel...
  3. cornbreadandmilk

    classic conditioning a corn snake using vibration?

    So I was thinking of an experiment. Snakes have no ears but can detect vibrations. Would it be possible to play music before you feed a snake and have the snake key off of the vibrations? what if you changed songs would the snake be able to recognize a different vibration pattern? I would...
  4. cornbreadandmilk

    I am now snake food (ADVICE FOR CALMING SNAKE?)

    So, recently a yearling of mine has decided to be very very nasty. Besides aggressively coming out of her box at me, she has now decided I taste good too. What I mean is this,usually they strike at me they bite or miss and its over once I hold them. This one actually thinks I am food...
  5. cornbreadandmilk

    fear mongering and lies from NBC NEWS!

    Anyone happen to see the piece today about the snake black market! how cobras are legal to own, but the online sellingl is a black market. it even showed shots of king snake classifieds! they talked and talked about how scarey snakes were about how deadly they were while showing shots of corn...
  6. cornbreadandmilk

    Let's Play- "Would You rather"

    After 3 people have responded to the previous "Would you rather", The first person to respond posts his or her "Would you rather".-- Keep it semi-clean. win would you rather goes a little "off" 1. Would you rather- Own a small sweat shop in China and live with guilt because you know people...
  7. cornbreadandmilk

    girls burn a tortoise UPDATE: ARRESTED!!!

    http://www.news4jax.com/news/girls-post-video-of-them-abusing-killing-gopher-tortoise/26984654 I checked to see if this had been posted yet, but found no evidence that it had been. take it down if its a thread already. UPDATE 07/25/2014: 2 teens arrested for torturing a gopher tortoise...
  8. cornbreadandmilk

    Any one doing daylilies?

    My grandfather has bred them for years i have always found them interesting myself, but never bought any. Alas now i am bitten with what he calls the bug... So, now i am having to learn about tetraploids and diploids. Its all very exciting and new. And unlike my snakes the generations will...
  9. cornbreadandmilk

    Eastern Worm Snake find with burrowing video and pics

    Grandpaw had another snake find waiting for me today so I thought I would share it with you all. Ive actually never seen one before. Its skull shape reminds me of a sand boa. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYdpH6LSetc
  10. cornbreadandmilk

    any gunsmiths? have you ever attempt to cut a custom stock

    Just a idea I have been thinking about. Most of the time these are done with cnc machines. But is it possible to build one my hand?
  11. cornbreadandmilk

    Any one keeping imperial pueblans? show them off

    I have been very interested in imperial pueblans. ? What are their personalities like? Are they fertile? What has your experience keeping them been like? Any general thoughts on the subject? Please share some pics.
  12. cornbreadandmilk

    Giant snake skin in laundry room! and an invert hunt with large red centipede!

    I have been gathering a few centipede for the last month trying to understand just what lives around here. .... NOT MUCH. but I did find two large red centipedes! any one know the Latin for this guy? Also we have found a huge snake skin in my laundry room! this is only part of it of course...
  13. cornbreadandmilk

    first snake find of the year!

    So for what ever reason, I had a feeling I would find a snake while at my grandfathers yesterday. so, I started lifting large patio rocks. well, actually he or she was under the first rock I picked up! very tame little thing at first. Once she found out she was caught she went into flight mode...
  14. cornbreadandmilk

    Graduation and Making an Alabma Public Television documentary

    So, I was just linked a Job opportunity by a friend for a position as a Documentary Production Specialist. I graduate Saturday with a BS in Mass Communication with a specialization in Journalism. I do have some experience in video Journalism and have created many projects But it was not...
  15. cornbreadandmilk

    what happend to rock music?

    Where has it gone it and alternative have been dead for awhile now. but what killed it? It seems most music the days is pop or rap ?:awcrap: I had a music professor that suggested that music styles go in cycles and that we will eventually run back into rock. will it happen?
  16. cornbreadandmilk

    any money in milking snakes?

    any money in milking snakes? any permits?
  17. cornbreadandmilk

    Alabama centipede (unknown species)

    This is for all of my bug and Alabama herping friends. Today I found a massive centipede. MUCH larger than the usual stone centipedes we get around here. it was probably 2.5 inches long or bigger. It was a VERY PALE red and white like it had recently shed. whats strange is this . its...
  18. cornbreadandmilk

    Fire, and salmon pair update!

    Posted here are Prometheus 1.0 Spock 1.0 Fuchsia 0.1...
  19. cornbreadandmilk

    new pet Lithobius forficatus

    So my fiance bought a versicolor (pinktoe tarrantula) the other day... makinG me very jealous. Before I got into corns I was heavily involved with scorpions and t's I had always wanted a centipede though so yesterday I found a stone centipede. I think i may try collect a few,breeding them...