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  • Users: Bug22baby
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Bug22baby

    Not Brumating Questions!!!

    So with recent moving and other things happening right now. I decided that I will not have a sufficient time to put my breeders into brumation. Right now I have been on the go so much that Im only there 2-3 days a week and will be there less over the holiday. My heat is turned down to 50...
  2. Bug22baby

    Shipping Questions

    Few Questions on Shipping: Can snakes be shipped in December as long as they have heat packs and there isnt any sort of massive cold wave/snow storm going on?? Im only planning to ship one time so I dont want to go online and order materials to ship them properly, is there a proper way of...
  3. Bug22baby

    Eggs Not Hatching

    Well I thought they would be done and hatched by now. Its been 78 days and nothing except now I believe another one just hit the hay cause its all deformed looking. To make it worse my roomate is trying sabatoge me and keeps messing with my thrmostat when Im gone so I think they died or arent...
  4. Bug22baby

    Eggs Due! Wont Be here HELP!

    Well guys I have a big question, because this is my first time handeling eggs Im not sure on what to do in this situation so here it goes. Well I been super sick with Mono to the point that now I have liver complications and such and may have to me admitted into the hospital. Well it just so...
  5. Bug22baby

    Problem with Eggs

    Ok so I had 4 eggs, then one molded and got really nasty and so I removed it and tossed it. Well now I have another looking the same way and one with green growing on it. What should I do? They are expected to hatch the end of this month. I would like to save atleast one egg, this is my...
  6. Bug22baby

    Sleeping with my snake!!

    Well It finally happened, I always read the stories of when people loose thier snakes. So I have two hatchlings on top my rack right now with tops clipped down. Well I must not have clipped it right for 5am dismorning I woke up feeling something touching my leg. So I grabbed it and it was my...
  7. Bug22baby

    Egg Questions

    On august 25th I was doing routine cleaning when I came across 7 eggs layed by my recently acquired hypo motley girl. 3 were slugs and 4 looked decent. I have since had them in pearlite in a incubator at around 80 degrees give or take 2 degrees depending on the weather (Michigan). They have...
  8. Bug22baby

    Question about Hybrid

    So a college friend of mine, his mother breeds snakes. So she brought me two of her hatchlings last weekend. They are from a snow male and I cant figure out what she said the female was. She has a accent and I couldnt understand exactly what she said they were. Is there some kind of snake...
  9. Bug22baby

    Help!!! Unexpected Eggs!!!

    So ya I was going to clean my snakes tubs and feed. Well one of my snakes that Ive had for 2 months laid eggs about 8 of them and some look like possible slugs and the rest look good. Well now what this was so unexpected I dont know where to start. I put them in a tubberware with moist...
  10. Bug22baby

    Paper Shreds for Substrate

    I was curious, with all the shredders on the market today, would using the shreds for substrate be a good idea??? I was thinking about getting a shredder and was wondering if I could use the shredding for substrate for my corns??? Do you think it could be too dusty?? Anyone ever try this, let...
  11. Bug22baby

    Experience Help Needed!

    I posted the other night how I thought my Ball Python may have Mites. Well I checked tonight and after looking him over I found nothing. Well I went to clean out his tub and there were def. MITES. I found them in the waterdish dead and very tiny ones crawling on the tub. When I squished...
  12. Bug22baby

    Bug Help Needed!!

    Ok so I had my ball python out (yes I know this is a CORN site) , but as I was doing a routine handling a small black bug like flea size was crawling along his back. I wiped it off immediatly and checked him over and saw nothing else. He just shed this week and no problems. He had a live...
  13. Bug22baby

    Normal Prices

    Well I been doing some thinking, and I have a pair of normals. I have no plans in breeding them at the time being and I been thinking about possibly selling them locally. Snakes go fast around here surprisingly every snake for sale I call on has been sold within hrs. So I was wondering what...
  14. Bug22baby

    LIVE: In Viv or Seprate Container??

    I normally feed frozen thawed but, having a feeding problem with my 2yr old male whos been off food for 7 weeks now. So Im gonna try feeding a live hopper mouse to him tonight. Should I put the mouse in his regular tub. Or should I put him in a seperate feeding container with the live mouse...
  15. Bug22baby

    To late to breed?

    When is it tooo late in the season to breed? I know alot of people use brumation as a trigger to get breeding season on its way, but if the snake wasnt brumated can she still be bred this late in the year?? Im wondering cause I have a male who has refused to eat for going on 2 months now, he...
  16. Bug22baby

    Adult Still Refusing to Eat....HELP!!

    Ok So I have posted before how I could not get my recently purchased male candy cane to eat. Well he still refuses to eat, its now been 6weeks since he last ate at the previous owners place. I have had him for one month and can not get him to eat. The previous owner (breeder) told me that he...
  17. Bug22baby

    Burmate or Not?

    This spring will be my first time breeding. I will have 3 females that are more than big enough for breeding and two males. Im trying to decide wether to burmate or not. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any insight on burmating. I was thinking of burmating my snakes. I thought...
  18. Bug22baby

    Adult Refusing to eat?

    If your Adult Snake refuses to eat how long is it before you have to find some way to get it to eat? Guess thats not a good question, but I cant think of another way to word it. Question is, my male 2002 candy cane finally did shed after 3+ weeks of being in shed. I just got him July 2 at...
  19. Bug22baby

    Smokey Smell

    Ok so I got a group of corns recently (July 2nd) and I have them all in tubs of thier own and everything. But the two females have this disgusting smell to them. Smells like smokey poop? thats the best description I can give of the smell. I spot clean daily, and have since cleaned it out...
  20. Bug22baby

    Bulk Aspen??

    I was just wondering if anyone knows a place where you can purchase Bulk amounts of Aspen. Currently I get two of the largest bags from the local pet store which covers one cleaning. Which cost around 15 dollars. I prefer aspen because much easier to spot clean then to clean entire thing when...