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Search results for query: *

  • Users: schnebbles
  • Content: Threads
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  1. schnebbles

    Frozen Mouse order Late ??

    I ordered from Layne and they have 2 day shipping on their mice which I'm sure is fine since they are packed so well. This morning I got notification that the 2 day shipping has been delayed and it will be 3 days. 3 entire days. I'm going to call Layne, but do you think they will be ok? It's...
  2. schnebbles

    Fed Ex shipping ?

    Can I ship a snake Fed Ex or do I have to be certified? I used shipyourreptiles once and it was way more than regular FedEx would have been.\ Thanks!
  3. schnebbles

    Male Salmon Snow Yearling

    I got this beautiful guy from Kevin S. Current circumstances are forcing me to cut back on some of my new snakes. He will be $175 plus shipping - a year old. Eats well and is friendly.
  4. schnebbles

    How do You All Think of Your Clever Names?

    I suck at naming animals. I have new babies and no clue what to name them. I'll take suggestions :) Salmon snow - male - Strawberry anery - female More coming tomorrow but I want to get names for these first! I am so lame with names. Right now the salmon is Salmon and the strawberry...
  5. schnebbles

    Iherp is Giving me Trouble!

    I have been unable to upload a new avatar for a week now. I use jpeg and it just doesn't seem to accept it. Anyone else having trouble with it?
  6. schnebbles

    Picture Day

    I finally got my little ones outside today! It is hard getting pure sunlight b/c my patio is screened and the wood posts make lots of shadows but I tried. Taylor - pewter Khloe - normal Ghostie - coral ghost, strawberry anery, a little of Khloe coral ghost new salmon snow Khol - anery
  7. schnebbles

    Ultramel Gene

    I have a friend locally who breeds corns. She told me that very recently the ultra gene is considered a "mutt" sort of gene b/c it came from a ratsnake. I know there are morphs who are mixed with rats so I guess those would fall into the "mutt" category as well? I know many of them are...
  8. schnebbles

    Sani-Chips vs Shredded Aspen

    Do the sani-chips get stuck to carpet and things like shredded aspen? Looking to order and I wondered if I should try them. It seems they might be a little "flighty" if that makes sense? I've not seen them in person. Easier to clean or anything? I know they are a little more expensive...
  9. schnebbles

    Corncalc - het albino

    Hi - Can anyone help me find the albino on corncalc? I don't see it. I have 2 snakes who are het albino and I wanted to calc them. Thanks!
  10. schnebbles

    Salmon Ghost

    I suppose these aren't easy to come by! I'd love to have one.
  11. schnebbles

    Snake Stuff to sell...vines, branches, bowls, hide

    If anyone is near me, (I'm in Russells Point, OH now) - or even Ft. Wayne - I have 4 nice reptavines, different colors (6' long), 4 large grapevine branches, 1 very large zoomed water bowl, a heavy weight large water bowl, 1 med kidney water bowl, 1 large hide (fits adult corn). All like new...
  12. schnebbles

    Ultramel Charcoal - on the Rare Side or not?

    Hi - I got an ultramel char from David D and I'm trying to find out (I'm sure he told me or he will answer) but are they kind of rare? I'm in a big dilemna about selling/keeping some snakes. sigh.... If she is rare (she has pretty colors and shows pinkish) I should keep her and the char boy I...
  13. schnebbles

    QUICK QUESTION - for Shippers

    I just sent a grown snake back to it's original owner. I realized when I got home - the heat pack is a uni-heat 40 hour and I accidentally put the RED strip up taped to the styrofoam top in the box. Will he be ok? I have newspaper in between. Will it get too hot? If I get an answer I might...
  14. schnebbles

    Tape - Had an Emergency Today b/c of it

    I know I've read not to tape down thermostat probes & stuff in the viv. I used aquarium sealer to hold all of that stuff down I have a small snake I had in a kritter keeper that I had taped the top so she couldn't get out. The kritter keeper was sitting in the viv with another small snake...
  15. schnebbles

    Temps - Warm b/c of Fireplace

    I was just running my fireplace and got warm so I turned it off, happened over to the snakes and noticed their thermometers were reading 91. So, of course this is only temporary and they will go back down. Will this cause a problem? The thermostat is set for 85 but of course it can't regulate...
  16. schnebbles

    grrrrr, Now I See Why Breeders Give Non-feeders Away!

    Wow! I had no idea they could be so stubborn! As most of you know, I have 4 of them who belong to a friend and I have more time on my hands (which is a good thing with these naughties!). I was able to force feed a small pink to 2 of them, one ate on it's own after the slap method. One, I...
  17. schnebbles

    Another Corncalc Question

    I go mess around on corncalc sometimes and something someone told me about p/hets made me think I'm doing it wrong. You would not put p/hets in would you? Or would you do it with and without just to see more of what you could end up with?
  18. schnebbles

    Back to Tails! or Live?

    I think me trying to work with that ferret food is stressing me more than the poor snakes! I tried a tea-strainer but then I'm only left with liquid? Would that be smart? I know I can get them to take tails. It's not that I can't get the tube down, it's that food keeps messing me up and...
  19. schnebbles

    Anyone use BAH-1000DC Thermostat?

    I had one of these before with my beardie (probably wasn't the DC model back then). Never had an issue. Got a new one early October for my 10gl with the heat pad and by mid-Nov, it freaked out and went up well over 90. I unplugged it and sent it back, they returned it and I believe they put a...
  20. schnebbles

    Nutribac - How Often?

    I got my Nutribac from Kathy and she had said to get 2 doses down him before I feed. I forgot to ask her how long in between doses. Does anyone know? then can I feed him say the next day or 2? Thanks in advance. I will be giving him her recommended dose tomorrow for the first time. This is...