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Search results for query: *

  1. R

    How to travel with snake?

    My mom is a preschool teacher and she has told the children in her class about my snake before and she would like me to bring him in. I would just hold him and tell the kids about him and maybe let them do that two finger pet on his tail or back or something. He's a really relaxed snake, never...
  2. R

    Funny mouse buying experience

    I wanted to tell this to someone that might find it as hilarious as I did. So, I figured you guys would be my best bet. The last time I went to my local pet store to buy a frozen mouse, the guy I usually buy it from was busy, so one of the women went and got it for me. She asked about the price...
  3. R

    Coco Soft? Can I use this as substrate?

    At a reptile expo I recently went too, I was talking to one of the vendors and when I said I have my corn on aspen, he gave me a brick of Coco Soft and told me to try it instead. They were a small family business, and I think it's made locally? On the packaging, it says it was made in Florida...
  4. R

    Pet ideas for twenty gallon?

    I've recently decided I'm going to upgrade Strider to a forty gallon tank and that means I'll have a spare twenty gallon long with a uth and everything. Are there any reptiles you guys can recommend for a twenty gallon? Preferably one that needs a uth on one side similar to a corn snake? I've...
  5. R

    First shed in my care, some questions.

    Hello! My six month old Blizzard is currently in blue. This is going to be the first time he sheds for me. The humidity and everything seems fine in my room. I live in Florida, so I tend to have high humidity. I'm not anticipating any problems with his shed. How long does it usually take for...
  6. R

    Pet ideas for spare 10 gallon?

    I currently have a spare ten gallon and I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for a pet to keep in it. I'm looking for something not too expensive and easy to care for. I'd also prefer if it could stay in the ten gallon it's whole life. Also, no bugs, fish, and mammals. I'm really just...
  7. R

    Should I be feeding him more and more often?

    Strider is five months old and I've been feeding him one pinkie once a week, because that's what the breeders were feeding him. I've just got my scale in the mail and I was able to weigh him for the first time. He weighs 16g. According to the Munson plan, I should be feeding him two pinkies...
  8. R

    Blizzard questions

    I asked this in my progression thread, but I though I'd try here as well. Does anyone know how to tell if a Blizzard will have lots of yellow and extremely visible patterns? I've seen some Blizzard progression photos where you can clearly see the pattern on the hatchling, and those tend to look...
  9. R

    Pinkie size?

    Hello! I posted these pictures in my progression thread too, but I wanted to have a separate thread so it'll be faster for my questions to be answered. These are two bad quality pictures of the first time I fed Strider. Do you think the pinkie size is okay? Could he eat larger? Or is smaller...
  10. R

    Strider - '12 Blizzard Progression Thread

    Hello all! Since I've had Strider for a bit over a week, I thought I'd start a progression thread for him. He's a 2012 Blizzard that was hatched on July 24th. ^That was the day I got him. The 15th of December. ^This was a day or so after. It was the first time I saw him in his hide...
  11. R

    How to lower humidity?

    Hello all! I was wondering if anyone knows a cheap and easy way to lower humidity? I live in an extremely humid part of Florida, and it seems that my hygrometer is on the high end more often than what you guys call the normal range for corns. I was also wondering if it might just be the...
  12. R

    My first corn!

    Hello all! I just got back from Repticon Orlando with my first corn snake! He was hatched on July 24, 2012. He is a Blizzard. And his name is Strider. :) I was originally going to look for a yearling, but they didn't have very many corns that weren't hatchlings. Also, I fell in love with...
  13. R

    Finished setting up tank. Opinions?

    Hello all! Since I will be getting my snake on Saturday, I went ahead and set everything up. I have a twenty gallon long with five hides, a water dish, a hammock, a uth, a thermostat, a digital thermometer, a regular thermometer, and a hygrometer. I am using aspen as the bedding. I have the...
  14. R

    Water dish questions

    I just recently ordered the last of what I need for my snake on Amazon. It came in today, and the water dish I ordered is way smaller than I thought it was. This one is only about 4x5inches. I'm looking to get a snake that's about a year old or a little younger. Would a water dish that size be...
  15. R

    Orlando Repticon

    Hello! I couldn't find a thread for it, so I thought I'd make one. Is anyone from this website going to the Orlando Repticon that's in a couple weeks? Are any corn snake breeders here going there to sell? This will be my first Repticon and I'm hoping to buy my first corn snake there. :D
  16. R

    Is an 8 quart bag of aspen enough for a twenty gallon long?

    How many quarts of aspen would I need to fill my twenty gallon long? I was planning on buying the least amount I could at the moment and seeing if they had any cheap aspen for sale at Repticon. Would an eight quart bag be enough? I asked this in my other thread, but it hasn't been answered...
  17. R

    Would this be an okay hide?

    Hello all! I happen to have one of those Iron Man masks from the toy department in Walmart. The one in the middle: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=20750555&findingMethod=rr The only holes in it besides the open back, are the two eye holes and the thin line for the mouth. I...
  18. R

    Some random questions from a newbie

    I am planning on getting my first cornsnake at the Repticon in Orlando which is in a little over more than a month. I'm been acquiring some of the stuff I need since September. Right now, I have a twenty gallon long tank with a sliding lid, two paper towels rolls to use as hides, and a cardboard...
  19. R

    What kind of lid/tank do you recommend?

    I am hoping to get my first corn at Repticon in Orlando this December. Since I've finally gotten 100% permission from my mom, I can start buying the things I'll need. I'm planning on buying the tank first. I want a hatching, but I'm going to go ahead and start off with a 20L. I'll make sure to...
  20. R

    Want to be new owner, has some questions

    Hello, everyone! My name is Kayla and I have a lot of questions. There's also a lot of text so I'm going to bold the questions and make it easier to see them. Haha First off, I'd like to say that I've loved reptiles pretty much my whole life and it's always been a dream of mine to have a snake...