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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Samjs5
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Non mated female laying dud/slug eggs

    I recently posted a picture of what seemed to be an egg fron my female It turns out to be an dud/slug egg. She's laid four so far. What I want to know is how long/ many will she likely lay? She's 5yrs old & never done this before. the eggs were laid over a four day period. 1 the 1st day 2 the...
  2. S

    dud egg or not???

    What is this? My shed her skin last night & I found this, this morning.
  3. S


    Hi I got a corn yesterday & it's very overweight. 1084g!! What would be the best way for him.to lose it?? His previous owner was feeding 1 large mouse every 3 days, the mice he gave me look really fat. Should I feed him every 14 days on 1 large mouse or once a week on a smaller mouse?? All...
  4. S


    What are your snake(s) personallities like? My corn seems to only like me, it's like he's possessive! When he is on me if anyone else tries to touch him he doesn't like it. Can they be like that? Thanks in advance.
  5. S


    Hi all I've been a lurker for some time now & i like all the advice given. So i decided to join :-) My name is Sam & i own a cornsnake, some goldfish, 2 apple snails & 5 cats!!