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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Sindrik8x
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Sindrik8x

    New Bloodred Cornsnake (100% Het Lavender, 50% Hypo)

    So this is the cup my snake arrived in (labeled on the post-it) from VMS Herps. Never been an expert. But, initially was excited to have a Bloodred snake. But, am I to assume instead of the deep red that I would expect, that this snake will exhibit visual and physical characteristics of a...
  2. Sindrik8x

    I'm Back (Been a Long While)

    Not sure how many old timers would remember myself and Cruella and/or Leoric from back in 2012 - 2014, but I used to be a regular here. It's kind of cool coming back and seeing names I recall and snakes I remember seeing as well. Feels like home :) . Long story short, my ex-wife and I...
  3. Sindrik8x

    Cornsnake Trade for Children's Python?

    Anyone know any regional vendors to the tri-state/metro area (D.C., VA, MD) that would likely do a heads up trade of a roughly 2 year old Golddust Bloodred Cornsnake, for a Children's Python (juvenile or hatchling - proven feeder)? I have a corn I am willing to part with to diversify my...
  4. Sindrik8x

    BTS Custom Enclosure (WIP)

    Hey all, Well after speaking with the family, it looks like the next reptile pet is going to be our display pet for the living room area of my house. As such, my father and I are looking at creating a unique, custom made enclosure beginning this summer. We will be doing a lot of research...
  5. Sindrik8x

    Cage/Vivarium Custom Vendors

    Do any of you know any decent custom vivarium/cage vendors that build heating into the actual set up? Not looking at a cornsnake set-up here, but maybe a blue tongued skink. My kid and I were looking at pictures last night, read a care sheet or two and were curious after seeing all the neat...
  6. Sindrik8x

    Trying a Light Box

    http://www.neverhomemaker.com/2010/11/how-to-build-light-box-photography.html Looks easy enough. Our Walmart is borderline super Walmart and has all sorts of fabrics I could find for backgrounds and figure you could use fancy place mats and such for the bottom (like this bamboo mat he uses)...
  7. Sindrik8x

    Identity Crisises (Name changes coming...)

    Just as the title states, after living with the names for a year, I've never quite been content with the conventions and styles I used to name my snakes when starting out the hobby. Over the last week I've been pondering what I want to do moving forward. After a lot of consideration, I am...
  8. Sindrik8x

    Breeders I should look for?

    Looking for folks possibly selling, or that have hatched out 14's (or will) of said morphs/traits: -Selectively bred Miami Phase types (Already know of Nanci, Walter's and Heather's projects) -High White Reverse Okeetee -Amel Stripe or Sunglow Stripe -Any Zig Zag (outside of normals, ie: Amel...
  9. Sindrik8x

    Reptile Expo Get Together?

    To all my regional Virginians. I am attending either the All Maryland Reptile Show or the Richmond Reptile Expo on July 12th or July 19th respectively. I will be going to look for feeders (F/T) in bulk, and possible cage solutions to upgrade Cruella and Leoric to later next year as they get...
  10. Sindrik8x

    Sexing Cruella Request

    Now that I have your attention... lol So, I'm looking to get an affirmative on my first snake's gender. I believe I posted long ago about this one, but when I bought my first snake, it didn't seem like we had a definitive sex. The place I bought him from told me as I was leaving he was pretty...
  11. Sindrik8x

    Dwarf Boa and Children

    Limited research out there. Risk factor with a five year old in the house? -If the snake is purchased as a hatchling. -Not power fed (maybe every 10 days, avg meal size -The snake is a male (most stay under 5 ft. from what I found) Let's assume the snake did get out, and somehow in a year...
  12. Sindrik8x

    Breeding Plans - Miami Tesseras?

    Does anyone here on CS.com have any plans as far as breeding Miami Tesseras this spring/summer? I am in the market for one as of late spring (April/May time frame) and am curious as to who, if anyone may have some available at the time. I have been wanting one of these in my collection since...
  13. Sindrik8x

    Update (Been a while)

    Below are my two babies. Cruella is approximately 9 months right now and was purchased back in July of 13' from Vinny Ferraiolo, of Off the Ark Reptiles in Midlothian, Va. She hatched out sometime back in April of 13'. She is a simple Anery. Just starting to show the yellow coloration behind...
  14. Sindrik8x

    Long shed cycle - Normal?

    Cruella last shed on 9/20/2013. Since, Leoric has shed twice. Given, he is much younger (by about three months). Cruella is now roughly 9 months old. So her last shed was at about 6 months or so. Just gauging whether or not this is a usual thing since she's getting older now, or if that...
  15. Sindrik8x

    Market Difference (cost)?

    Between a Hypo Lavender cornsnake and an Orchid cornsnake. If both did not carry any hets that would drive up pricing. Just looking for avg market estimates and also availability for this upcoming year (any sellers on here).
  16. Sindrik8x

    Havre De Grace tomorrow (Sat, Jan 11)

    Anyone know if tomorrow's show in Maryland is worth going to for a family? Enough to do and see? I know it's early in the year so I'm not expecting much. My thing is it's about a 2 to 2 and a half hour drive from me and I want to be sure if we go, that it will be worth the gas and time. We...
  17. Sindrik8x

    Anery to Golddust pairing (Bred back in)

    All, Hi. It's been a while, likely a couple months since you've seen posts from me. I've been busy with life in general and then had some video game releases and MMO's keep me away for a while. But, I am beginning to start researching for breeding late fall 2014, early spring 2015 pending...
  18. Sindrik8x

    Capturing shots with younger corns

    Just looking to see if anyone has any insight on how to capture shots outside of those that show your fingernails and hand all blown up with these younger corns. I'm seeing no versatility in the photos I've taken over recent months and get tired of seeing more hand than snake... as do my...
  19. Sindrik8x

    Anyone in Northern Virginia?

    That you all know of that has the skills/tools to sex a cornsnake? I am curious because I just recently went back through some old email correspondence from July (with the seller I bought Cruella from) and in that chain I realized a few days before I bought her that he said he only had, "two...
  20. Sindrik8x

    For added exposure

    http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133236 Reposting my one thread here to get more views and comments. Not trying to spam or anything, just think I posted in the wrong area and people don't check it as often. Mod's can feel free to move it here if they wish. You will not...