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Search results for query: *

  1. R

    foggy eyes

    Hi, Ralph had a fantastic two piece shed last week. I did have to take a tiny bit off of his tail. I looked at the skin, his entire face came off. A week later, this blood red corn snake looks beautiful and seems to be enjoying his new life:) His eyes are still blue though, any thoughts? RTCS
  2. R


    Do snakes get constipated? Have had a 10+yo corn for 2 weeks and still no scat after two feedings, first I small mouse on 3/10, 2 small mice on 3/17. Another thing, his eyes have been cloudy for over three weeks. Had him put on 3/17 before feeding, he was very personable:). Thoughts?
  3. R

    not shedding

    Hi, Just brought home a new pet for my snake loving 4yo and I. A 10-15 yo corn snake that has been handled a lot. Our first snake. He’s in a 40 GA Viv and has been active all day. Will wait a week to handle him. He’s had one other owner who bought him for his toddler that is now gone to college...