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  • Users: Aehill
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Aehill

    Breeding weight question

    I'm hoping to breed this season for my first time ever. I have a female palmetto and a male classic 100% het palmetto. My female is 3 years old and currently at 323 grams. Is that a good weight for a first-time breeding female? I've read that the bare minimum weight for a female is 300 grams...
  2. Aehill

    Feeding Question

    More of a question than a problem, really. Is it ok to feed a young, growing corn snake rat pups? If not, why not? I have a roughly 16 month old female palmetto who's around two feet long (+/-). The rat pups are between 1 and 3 days old and aren't too big for her (less than 1 1/2 times her...
  3. Aehill

    One of my other hobbies...

    Just thought I'd share one of the other hobbies I've enjoyed for a number of years. This is the only hobby I've ever had that has actually payed for itself and then some. I thoroughly enjoy doing small woodworking projects, wood turning, to be more specific. I love turning writing pens, bowls...
  4. Aehill

    Gender Determination Question

    I'm trying to determine whether or not the butter motley we got a couple weeks ago is a male or female. I think (hope might be a better word) it's a female, but I'm not certain. I candled her as best I could, and couldn't see any sign of hemipenes. I've read that the number of scales on the...
  5. Aehill

    Good idea or no?

    During the day, Fred likes to hide next to his water dish between the dish and the fake rock on the cool side of the tank. It doesn't get him completely out of sight or in the dark. So I thought I'd place is water dish on four 1 1/2" square x 2" pieces of canary wood to raise it up off the floor...
  6. Aehill

    How long to wait

    I have a male sulphur that I got from a breeder 2 weeks ago on Sunday. The breeder's feeding chart for this guy said that he'd eaten f/t's at 3 consecutive feedings. After giving him some time to get used to his new surroundings, I attempted to feed him a f/t last night. I placed him in a small...
  7. Aehill

    Good news/Bad news

    Bad news first... Long story short(ish), my wife got my son an amel from PetSmart that had never eaten for them. I tried several different tricks to get it to eat, but the only thing that worked was a live pinkie. She ate the live pinkie immediately, but then regurged a few days later. Waited...
  8. Aehill

    Pretty bummed...

    My wife and I bought a female amel from PetSmart for our 6 year-old son a few weeks ago. I was actually out of town when she picked it up, but I'd shown her some pics of what I wanted and they had one. So they gave her a feeding chart at the time of purchase that showed that they had had the...
  9. Aehill

    She let me get one too!

    And this is my new little guy, Freddy. He's a little sulphur.
  10. Aehill

    My 6 year-old's first snake

    My son, Lincoln, absolutely LOVES reptiles. So, after much convincing, my wife gave me the green light to get him a corn snake. And VERY shortly after that, I convinced her to let me share this experience with our son by getting one for myself as well. She's never been a big fan of snakes, but...
  11. Aehill

    Take #2 on intros...

    Resized a few pics of Lizzy and one of Fred so I could get them both in here. Again, Fred is a male sulphur and Lizzy is a female (I hope) amel. The first pic is Fred (I got two pics of Fred posted yesterday, so didn't see any reason to repost those) and the other 3 are Lizzy.
  12. Aehill

    F/T Pinkie Question

    Is it ok to leave a f/t pinkie in my snakes viv overnight?
  13. Aehill

    The new guys!

    Just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and my and my son's new snakes, but apparently all of the current pics of our female, Lizzy are too. So I'll have to add one of her later. My name is Andrew. We have one male sulphur (pictured and used for profile pic) named Fred and, as...