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Search results for query: *

  1. StrangeCargo

    CB'13 SCALELESS Texas Ratsnakes--- AWESOME Prices

    Good Afternoon, We have a handful of SCALELESS Texas Ratsnakes currently for sale. These are always a hit at the shows (amazing how sooo many people don't even realize they exist). Even though they are "scaleless" they have full belly scales and varying amounts of dorsal scales--- they look...
  2. StrangeCargo

    WANTED: Adult or sub Leucistic Tx Ratsnake FEMALE

    Looking for a large subadult to adult FEMALE leucistic texas ratsnake(s). No bug-eyed individuals. Must have shipping experience. If you have a gal or two for sale, shoot me an email or a pm. Have corn morphs & '13 scaleless Texas Rats I could use for trade OR I can outright purchase the...
  3. StrangeCargo

    Zag-Tec Corns

    Here's another project that is coming to fruition this season. the old school KJUN Zag-Tecs (Named because they are kinda inbetween Aztecs & Zig Zags). He have a 1.2 trio that'll be producing for the first time this season. They have disapeared from the hobby almost entirely. KJUN Snakehaven...
  4. StrangeCargo


    Hey Guys, It's Graham. I've been MIA for a while but decided (after answering another thread), I might as well post some fresh pics (taken by my friend Jason Sells and his awesome camera--lol, and not my $20 eBay crappy camera). We've downsized some animals/projects this past season to work...
  5. StrangeCargo


    Our 2012 season is well kicked off. We've had some great clutches hatched out so far and a bunch more cool stuff to come. Stuff isn't ready YET, but please email me at [email protected] if you'd like to get on one of our waiting lists. I'll fill the waiting lists before offering animals to...
  6. StrangeCargo

    2 Wild Florida corns

    Just got back from Florida and had a chance to herp around Miami & the Everglades. First pic: In-situ juvie corn we found around 1am in a waist high bush eating an anole. It was my first time ever finding a corn eating in the wild. Second Pic: A screamer thick bordered corn. Found him in...
  7. StrangeCargo

    AWESOME Custom Hooks!!!

    I do alot of field herping and really abuse my snakehooks. Recently I was told about Georgia Herp Supply- John Zegel. John custom makes hooks to your specific needs... He's worked at the Atlanta Zoo's herp dept. and really knows what makes a good hook. He does everything from field hooks -...
  8. StrangeCargo

    Hatchling Okeetee Tesseras!

    The Okeetee Tesseras began hatching yesterday- this morning I had a nice little pile of babies. There are 5 Okeetee Tesseras in all and should be awesome looking once their colors develope! Enjoy.
  9. StrangeCargo

    Yearling VS. Hatchling Extreme Okeetees

    Just a quick pic showing a Yearling vs. freash hatched Extreme Okeetee a year apart. Amazing how much they grow and how the colors develope!
  10. StrangeCargo

    Scaleless Texas Ratsnakes Hatching!!!!!

    I have been anticipating this clutch for a while. Laid 5-11-11 Hatching today 7-14-11. 5 are out so far. From a scaleless x scaleless breeding!
  11. StrangeCargo

    Tessera Corns- UPDATE

    Last year my friend Don Shores of Shores Enuff Snakes ( http://www.shoresenuffsnakes.com/ ) got my Striped Tessera (I'll attach some younger pics of him)... Don just called me withs ome exciting news... He posted on another forum and wasn't sure if he was a cs.com member or not ... anyways...
  12. StrangeCargo

    BIG Kistachie Cornsnake tonight

    Took a cruise down the road I live on and found a BIG Kistachie Cornsnake tonight (6-9-11 Grimes Co., TX). Many of the Kistachie Corns from our area are a nice chestnut/magahogny color. As you get closer & into Louisiana, they tend to get darker... enjoy. It'll be released tomorrow- just...
  13. StrangeCargo

    Broadbanded Copperhead MORPHS

    Here are some quick pics of Broadbanded Copperheads. I recently caught a normal/average Broadband Copperhead so I could do some comparison photos. The Hypo/Super Hypo has been proven genetic by Robert Edwards. I'm very excited to be working with this project.
  14. StrangeCargo


    Looking to put together a few small groups of select garter snakes. Looking for Eastern Blackneck Gartersnakes (Hill country/Central Texas), VERY Colorful/high-red Oregon Red Spoted Garters, and some of the rare/colorful/cool California T. sirtalis sp. garters. Email me with info... I would...
  15. StrangeCargo

    Eastern Hognose found yesterday...

    Here's a few pics of an Eastern Hognose that was out on the road yesterday... Sometimes they have alot more orange...this guy wasn't too bad lookin'. Wish they'd eat mice--I don't hastle with keeping them since they USUALLY prefer toads/frogs... They're just fun to find & look at! Glad it's...
  16. StrangeCargo

    Gilas Breeding!

    Always cool to walk into your herp building and see some gilas locked up. These guys are young...around two years. The youngest I've heard of them successfully breeding was 2.5 years. I'd been keeping them together because of limited cage space- I doubt I'll get anything from this BUT at...
  17. StrangeCargo

    Amazing lion video

    http://www.godvine.com/The-Unbelievable-Story-of-Christian-the-Lion-42.html What an amazing & cool story about Christian the lion. Our world and the animals upon it are so amazing. This just shows how animals really do have feelings---real feelings and not just instincts---I'm sure everyones...
  18. StrangeCargo

    NARBC Photos...

    I posted a handful of photos from the Arlington TX NARBC show this past weekend on my forum: http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1267853#post1267853 It was a good expo...
  19. StrangeCargo

    2010 PINK snow

    I picked up a group of 8 "PINK" snows & snow motleys from Don Soderberg (SMR) the other day... This little boy is defiently gonna be a keeper... he's really showing some color. There's a few nice looking gals in the group that have the pink background with green saddles... should grow into...
  20. StrangeCargo

    CB'09 Rosy Bloodreds

    Here's pics of some 2009 Rosy Bloodreds... still developing their adult coloration... haven't decided if I'm gonna keep these or not...I have a trio- just don't know if I need another project! Cheers, Graham