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Search results for query: *

  1. TripleMoonsExotic

    WANTED: 200g+ Female Charcoal Stripe or Stripe het Charcoal

    Looking for a pretty lady to pair with my Blizzard Stripe male. :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. TripleMoonsExotic

    OOE Cornsnake Wholesale Lot

    Group has had their first meal and this offer is no longer available. We will be likely not update our website until after the October Repticon show. Out of Egg Wholesale Lot of Normal & Anery Cornsnakes $70 plus Shipping Three males, Four females (1.1 Normal, 2.3 Anery) From Snow Stripe x...
  3. TripleMoonsExotic

    2010 Keepers & New Acquisitions

    Submitting the 2010 ACR registrations and of course had to do photos, thought I'd share... Firstly, the beautiful 2010 group I had the privilege of getting from Brent (Dakota Corns). 1.0 Stripe possible het Charcoal, Lavender 0.1 Vanishing Stripe possible het Charcoal, Lavender 1.0...
  4. TripleMoonsExotic

    Bell Stripes! Get your Gecko on!

    2010 babies are becoming available now! Visit us on Facebook for updates on what’s happening at TME! Also be sure to subscribe to our eNewsletter to have updates and specials directly sent to your inbox! Bell Stripes Probable Female $75 Probable Female $75 SOLD Shipping TME ships FedEx...
  5. TripleMoonsExotic

    Blood Stripe Project Hatchling

    2010 babies are becoming available now! Visit us on Facebook for updates on what’s happening at TME! Also be sure to subscribe to our eNewsletter to have updates and specials directly sent to your inbox! Ghost Stripe x Granite het Stripe Purchase the trio for $200 + Shipping! 0.1 Anery Cube...
  6. TripleMoonsExotic

    ReptilesEXPRESS Launched!

    I had hinted around a few weeks ago about this new UPS reptile shipping service and it's now been made live! While they won't require package testing, they will call to verify the account and that the new member knows how to ship properly. Some key features not offered by some other...
  7. TripleMoonsExotic

    OOE Special on Snow Blood Stripe Project

    Out of egg special for Cornsnakes.com members... 2.3 Stripe het Amelanistic, Anerythristic, Bloodred 0.1 Normal het Amelanistic, Anerythristic, Bloodred, Stripe $400/shipped FedEx overnight or 1.2 Stripe het Amelanistic, Anerythristic, Bloodred $195 + Shipping or 1.1 Stripe het Amelanistic...
  8. TripleMoonsExotic

    WANTED: Stripes!

    I'm looking for Stripes that are homozygous or heterozygous Blood, but not carrying or expressing Anery. All of my Bloodred Stripe project corns have Anery in one form or another and I don't want to particularly mix that into Charcoal. :) Also looking for Caramel Stripes, Butter Stripes and...
  9. TripleMoonsExotic

    Last Cornsnake Pips for us...

    Lots more pippies to come (Ball Pythons & Leopards), but this is the last Cornsnake clutch for us this year. Only bred two females (though Jeff has two other project females of ours he's working with, fingers are crossed for those!). Snow Stripe x Bloodred het Stripe Normal het Amelanistic...
  10. TripleMoonsExotic


    You don't often see Leopard's pipping, so I thought it would be something nice to share. I got lucky and caught two different hatchling pipping so far this year. Super Snow Super Snow & Enigma Sibling Bell Stripe
  11. TripleMoonsExotic

    OOE Special on Hypo Granite Stripe Project

    Out of egg special for Cornsnakes.com members... 1.0 Anery Cube Stripe het Hypo Blood possible het Amel 0.6 Anery het Hypo Blood Stripe possible het Amel $330/shipped FedEx overnight This offer will be withdrawn once I start feeding them next weekend and price will go up. Because this group...
  12. TripleMoonsExotic

    First clutch just about out...

    I've got 1 more hatchling to come out and 4 more eggs to pip, but I thought I'd share anyway. Lighting's bad in the reptile room, so pardon that as well. Ghost Stripe het Amel x Granite het Stripe Anery het Bloodred, Hypomelanistic, Stripe possible het Amelanistic Anery Stripe het Bloodred...
  13. TripleMoonsExotic

    If you had to choose a slogan for Cornsnake merchandise...

    Which would you pick? I'm working on new t-shirts for shows (maybe online sales, I dunno) and wanted to do something a bit different then I usually do. I choose a Candycane for this draft, but I'll probably offer several morphs. Just wanted to know thoughts on what I came up with. Full size...
  14. TripleMoonsExotic

    April Special! Logo & Business Cards!

    Get a custom logo & business card design plus 1,000 cards printed & shipped for only $300! This special expires April 30th, so act now! 2010 is here and why not promote your business by having professional, custom graphics? There is more to creating amazing graphics than opening a computer...
  15. TripleMoonsExotic

    CornsnakeMorphGallery.com - Updates and NEW FEATURE!

    Couple announcements! We're averaging 2,500 cornsnake enthusiasts visiting CornsnakeMorphGallery.com a month. I've removed the header advertising banner section because I need more room for the new stuff I'm adding to the website! Advertising space is at a premium, so get yours in now before...
  16. TripleMoonsExotic

    Professional Logo Design!

    2010 is here and why not promote your reptiles by having a professional, custom logo? There is more to creating an amazing logo than opening a graphics program, inserting text and pictures on a page, and calling it a day. Show off what you worked hard to build with a logo as high quality as the...
  17. TripleMoonsExotic

    Pennsylvania Snow

    Thought I'd share some pics of Corbin out in the massive amount of snow we got these last two weeks. It's taller then he is! My husband tells me that it's the most snow we've had since the 80's! My husbands been working on a igloo for the past two days. :rolleyes: When he gets it done I'll...
  18. TripleMoonsExotic

    Lenses pulling in red in photo?

    Generally photography and me get a long just fine. I decided in December to treat myself and purchased a set of close-up and macro lenses to fiddle around with. Recently I've been having problems where photos are seem to be pulling a red hue. Never really had this issue until I started using the...
  19. TripleMoonsExotic

    Granites possible het Stripe - Reverse Trio

    3.1 Granites possible het Stripe Male #1 $60 SOLD Male #2 $60 SALE $50 Male #3 $60 SALE $50 Female #1 $65 SOLD Note: Having issues with my new camera lenses...Male #2 is an accurate representation of the color on these four. Picture of Dam: (so you can get an idea how these guys will...