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  • Users: ratsncorns
  • Content: Threads
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  1. ratsncorns

    Reptile Super Show, San Diego

    Its this weekend, the 12-13th. Anyone going?? I need to get some feeders so I will be there!
  2. ratsncorns

    Some bird banding pics

    Just some pictures from my summer banding job with the government. Townsend's Warbler Lazuli Bunting MacGillivray's Warbler Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (one of my favorites!) Phainopepla Least Bell's Vireo Bird Torture :) Fox Sparrow Common...
  3. ratsncorns

    Kidon, my IJ Carpet Python

    I cannot even begin to explain how cool this snake is. He might start an addiction to Carpet Pythons, no thanks to nwheather who got me hooked by posting all her pics of her IJ's. I took most of my snakes outside today and Kidon got to be outside the longest. He spent most of his time...
  4. ratsncorns

    Jax - 2009 Gray-banded Kingsnake

    Technically, this boy belongs to my boyfriend, but I couldn't help but post pictures of this very handsome snake. We got him at Tinley from nwheather. He's so cool and laid back, such an awesome snake. I got most of the snakes outside today and this boy just loved it! He's very photogenic :)...
  5. ratsncorns

    2013 male hypo pied bloodred het anery

    He is a medium-high expression pied male that came from a dual loan between myself and Nate (fyrefocks). The mother was a pied ghost bloodred and the father was a hypo pied bloodred het anery. He has had a few sheds and many meals. Weighs in at 32g already and eats like a pig. Every shed it...
  6. ratsncorns

    Our NARBC pick-ups - Kingsnakes :)

    The bf and I attended Tinley this weekend and had a blast hanging out with everyone and meeting new people! Randy (the bf) told me NO snakes. Within an hour of arriving at the show, he bought a very handsome Grey-banded Kingsnake from Heather (nwheather). By the last hour of the show today...
  7. ratsncorns

    Adult Female Anery

    I got this girl as a rescue earlier this year, and she is ready for a new home. She was a bit on the skinny side when I got her but his now doing great! I'm not sure how old she is, and I just probed her female but she is not proven and unsure of her genetics. She is a very mellow snake that...
  8. ratsncorns

    0.1 2012 Caramel motley

    This is the last available hatchling from my breeding between Aslan (caramel pinstripe motley het amel ph dilute anery) and Carmen (caramel motley het amel). I was holding her back since she was the last but IMO was one of the nicer motley's in that clutch. She hatched out looking like an anery...
  9. ratsncorns

    Adult Bairds Female

    I got this girl for my male but Ive decided not to breed her. My male has some issues that I dont want to continue on. They are not related so no worries there! This girl is probably about 5ft and I last weighed her on 8/26/12 and she was 598g. She will eat anything you give her. Mice...
  10. ratsncorns

    Normal, red factor, strawberry, what the??

    Several weeks ago I found a strange looking "normal" at petco. I snatched her up because she had a lot of funky colors going on, mostly pastels and an interesting light brown saddle color. I thought she might be a kastanie but after this last shed, I dont think she is that, nor is she "just" a...
  11. ratsncorns

    2012 Daytona Pick-ups

    Autumn (BloodyBaroness) and I had a blast this year! Autumn needed a road-trip buddy to go with her to Daytona and so I flew from California to her and we drove down for the show. We got to see a bunch of familiar and new faces this year and had a blast hanging out with everyone! I think the...
  12. ratsncorns

    Daytona 2012 Roll-call!!

    Okay, it would be nice to get a count on who is going, so please post here if you are going, if you are bringing anyone and if you plan on going to the cornsnake dinner or raffle! I will be there!! Hosting the official party room with Autumn (BloodyBaroness)!! At the Daytona Residence Inn...
  13. ratsncorns

    For Nate... caramel mots/trundlefart things :)

    Here are your little ones!! :) Male Female
  14. ratsncorns

    First hookup for the year! Caramel Motley's!

    I am very excited for this clutch! Carmen is here on loan from Beth (Starsevol), she is a caramel motley het amel. I have coveted this girl for years, and I am so very excited to have her as part of my breeders this year. Aslan is a caramel pinstripe motley ph amel who is very special...
  15. ratsncorns

    Icarus, 2011 Lava

    I got this guy from Danny Wynne at RyLi Corns last year at Tinley. I couldnt be happier with him! Danny is a great guy and has amazing animals! This is going to be Icarus' progression thread :) Icarus came to me on October 8, 2011 weighing in at 14g. Unfortunately, Danny did not warn...
  16. ratsncorns

    For those who know about guns...

    As some of you know, I do a fair bit of traveling. Usually alone. I have been contemplating this for a while but I would really like to find a small gun for personal protection while I travel. Something that will also fit in a lockbox under the seat of my truck since I do a lot of cross...
  17. ratsncorns

    Lump on my Bairds ratsnake *updated with surgery pictures!*

    I noticed this the other day but didnt think much of it as sometimes he gets an enlarged throat area prior to shedding. But today I got a much better look at it. Its very hard and moveable but attached. I looked in his mouth and you can see the lump pushing into his throat. I dont think...
  18. ratsncorns

    My Tinley Additions

    Ive lived in IL most of my life and this was the first year I got to experience Tinley! I was missing out! There were so many tables, too many ball pythons, but some great things to see. I went there also to pick up my bairds from a breeding loan and to get a lava okeetee from Danny Wynne at...
  19. ratsncorns

    Gypsy, Granite Spotted Python

    I got this girl in 2010 at Daytona, I think from the Bell table. No clue how old she is, but she was nearly adult sized when I got her. Im not sure how fast pythons grow, but she was around 400g. Either way, I just love this girl! She is so calm, easy to handle, and a very solid snake. And...
  20. ratsncorns

    Pandora, 2010 White-sided GBR

    This girl comes from John at Colorado Corns and I couldn't be happier with her! She just shed the other day and since it was a gorgeous 80* out this morning it was perfect for a photoshoot. Her amazing white sides Dorsal shot A close up! You can really see her pink tones in this...